
Studiometry and Accounted on macOS 10.15 Catalina

The newest version of macOS was released today and with it comes some new requirements for apps. First and foremost, it will ONLY run apps that are 64-bit. This means older, 32-bit apps will not run on Catalina.

Replica Watches: A Closer Look at Craftsmanship and Controversies

Replica watches have become a notable part of the watch market, captivating enthusiasts with their allure of affordability and resemblance to high-end timepieces. Understanding the intricacies behind these replicas unveils a complex industry filled with craftsmanship, legal complexities, and ethical considerations.

What are Replica Watches?
Replica watches are imitations of high-end timepieces produced by renowned brands. Crafted to resemble their authentic counterparts, these replicas are often more accessible in terms of price, making luxury aesthetics attainable to a wider audience.

A Glimpse into History
The concept of replica watches traces back to the desire for luxury within reach. As watchmaking evolved, so did the replication of iconic designs, allowing individuals to embrace elegance without the exorbitant cost.

Quality and Craftsmanship
Distinguishing between a replica and an authentic watch lies in craftsmanship. While replicas may mirror the external appearance, variations in materials and internal mechanisms impact quality and durability significantly.

Crafting the Difference
Authentic watches boast superior craftsmanship, employing high-grade materials and intricate engineering. Replicas, however, often compromise on materials and precision, affecting the longevity and overall quality.

Legal and Ethical Quandaries
The ownership and trade of replica watches raise legal concerns. In many regions, the sale and possession of replicas infringe upon intellectual property rights, sparking debates regarding legality and ethicality.

Navigating Legal Complexities
The replica watch industry exists in a legal gray area, blurring lines between homage and counterfeit. Understanding the legal ramifications is essential for potential buyers and sellers.

Buying a Replica Watch
For those considering a replica purchase, several factors demand attention. Researching sellers, examining quality indicators, and understanding the risks involved are pivotal before making a choice.

Finding Credible Sources
Identifying reputable sellers ensures better quality and reduces the risk of scams or poor imitations. Prioritizing reliability and transparency is crucial in this pursuit.

The Collector’s View
Within the watch collecting community, opinions regarding replicas vary. Some view them as affordable alternatives, while others emphasize authenticity and craftsmanship, distancing themselves from replicas.

Collector’s Conundrum
Replica watches present a divisive topic among collectors, fueling discussions on authenticity, value, and appreciation within the watch community.

The next requirement is called Notarization. This is a method that Apple is using that will hopefully help make Macs more secure and prevent viruses or malware. It basically means that each app is cleared by Apple before you download it, and then each time you launch it Apple will clear it again. Due to the amount of work necessary for developers to comply with Apple’s notarization process, the requirement for Notarization doesn’t go into effect until January 2020. If you need free antivirus for your pc then adaware antivirus download is the best option for you.

So the big question, do Studiometry and Accounted work in macOS Catalina? The answer is yes, as long as you have a semi recent version of each.


Yes, fully Catalina compatible (version 14.0 and newer)

Studiometry 14.0 (released 2017) and newer are 100% Catalina compatible. As long as you have Studiometry 14, Studiometry 15, or a Studiometry Cloud account (which gives you access to the current version of Studiometry), you’re good to go.

If you’re on Studiometry 13 or older, you will have to upgrade to a recent version of Studiometry, or sign up for Studiometry Cloud to gain access to current versions. We have discounted upgrades available for users of older versions, so please open a support ticket with your current registration information so we can let you know your upgrade options.

Studiometry Express

Not yet Catalina compatible, expected early 2020.

Currently Studiometry Express has not been updated in some time due to Mac App Store restrictions. Because of this, it is not 64-bit and will not run on Catalina. We hope to update Studiometry Express to include 64-bit capabilities as well as many of the other features recently included in the non-App-Store version of the app, but as of right now we don’t have an estimated date of completion for this. If you’re using Studiometry Express, we have upgrade options available to move from Express to the full version of Studiometry. Please open a support ticket and we can send over details.


Yes, fully Catalina compatible (version 4.1 and newer)

Accounted 4.x (first released in 2015) users have access to 64-bit as long as you update to version 4.1 or newer. If you own an Accounted 4.x license you’re good to go. If you’re on an older version of Accounted (2.x or 3.x) you’ll have to purchase an upgrade license to 4.x to get Catalina compatibility.

Accounted via the Mac App Store

Not yet Catalina compatible, expected late 2019.

Currently the version of Accounted available on the Mac App Store is 4.0.4. We added 64-bit capabilities in 4.1. We hope to update Accounted for the Mac App Store before the end of the year with these capabilities to get it ready for Catalina. If you’re on the App Store version and want to transition to the non-App Store version, please open a support ticket and we can help you with the transition.


Studiometry 15.0.4 Released

We’ve release a new version with various features and enhancements added to the recent Studiometry 15 release. Here’s what’s new:

  • Can filter File menu > View All GANTT Charts window by employee
  • Organized the Advanced Billing window settings to allow for more advanced settings to fit in there!
  • Fixed issue with contextual menu Paste option not working for To Dos in certain situation
  • Will now once again display version build number in About window
  • Will now warn more vigorously when using the Cut command on To Dos
  • Can no longer click headers in the To Do suites window
  • Using the Export button in the To Do suites window will export the current list of pending suites instead of the saved list
  • Fixed a few potential crashes
  • Updated macOS SDK used to build app to 10.14

Benefits of Purchasing Kratom Capsules

Convenience: Kratom capsules provide a convenient way to incorporate kratom into your daily routine. Unlike traditional methods of consumption such as brewing tea or chewing leaves, capsules offer a hassle-free option for on-the-go usage.

Precise Dosage: Each capsule contains a measured amount of kratom powder, allowing users to accurately control their dosage. This is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking consistent effects or those new to kratom who are unsure about appropriate dosing.

Discreetness: Kratom capsules offer discreetness, allowing users to consume kratom without drawing attention. The small, portable nature of capsules makes them easy to carry and consume discreetly, whether at home or in public settings.

Types of Kratom Capsules

Strain Varieties: Kratom capsules are available in a variety of strains, each with its unique effects and characteristics. Common strains include Red Vein, Green Vein, and White Vein, each offering distinct benefits ranging from relaxation to stimulation.

Quality Grading: When purchasing kratom capsules, it’s essential to consider the quality grading of the product. Higher-quality capsules are typically made from premium kratom leaves and undergo rigorous processing and testing to ensure purity and potency.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing Kratom Capsules

Reputation of the Vendor: Before making a purchase, research the reputation of the vendor. Choose reputable suppliers known for their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Reading reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the reliability of the vendor.

Quality Assurance: Ensure that the kratom capsules undergo rigorous quality assurance processes, including lab testing for purity and potency. Quality assurance measures help guarantee the safety and efficacy of the product.

Price and Value: While price is a consideration, prioritize value over cost when purchasing kratom capsules. Opt for suppliers offering competitive prices without compromising on quality. Investing in high-quality capsules ensures a better experience and reduces the risk of adverse effects.

Popular Kratom Capsule Brands

Brand Comparison: Several brands offer kratom capsules, each with its unique offerings and reputation. Compare different brands based on factors such as product quality, customer service, and pricing to determine the best option for your needs.

Customer Reviews: Reading customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and quality of kratom capsules. Look for reviews from verified purchasers to ensure authenticity and reliability.

Safety Precautions and Regulations

Legal Status: Check the legal status of kratom in your area before purchasing capsules. While kratom is legal in many regions, some countries and states have restrictions or outright bans on its sale and use.

Potential Side Effects: Despite its potential benefits, kratom may cause side effects in some individuals, including nausea, dizziness, and constipation. It’s essential to be aware of these potential side effects and use kratom capsules responsibly.

Usage Guidelines: Follow recommended usage guidelines when consuming kratom capsules. Start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed, taking breaks to prevent tolerance buildup and minimize the risk of adverse effects.

Tips for Buying Kratom Capsules Online

Research: Take the time to research different vendors and products before making a purchase. Look for suppliers with a proven track record of quality and reliability.

Read Reviews: Reading reviews from other users can provide valuable insights into the quality and effectiveness of kratom capsules. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to make an informed decision.

Check for Lab Testing: Ensure that the kratom capsules undergo third-party lab testing for purity and potency. Lab-tested products are more likely to be safe and effective, providing peace of mind to consumers.

Some useful links:


Power User Tip: Abbreviations with Category Linking

Here’s a great tip for power users. Studiometry has had a feature called Abbreviations for years now. Abbreviations let you type in just a few characters, and it will automatically replace what you typed with a longer, expanded description. Abbreviations can be used when editing your To Do and Work & Expense item descriptions and notes, and can be set up in the Preferences Window > Autocomplete section. 

Risks Associated with Buying Replica Watches

Replica watches, often touted as affordable alternatives to luxury timepieces, present a tempting proposition for many consumers. However, beneath the allure of owning a high-end watch at a fraction of the cost lie numerous risks and drawbacks that buyers should be aware of.

Introduction to Replica Watches
Replica watches are counterfeit versions of prestigious timepieces, designed to mimic the appearance and functionality of authentic models. They have gained popularity due to their lower price tags compared to genuine luxury watches, attracting consumers seeking a similar aesthetic without the hefty price.

Quality Concerns
One of the primary risks associated with replica watches is the compromised quality compared to their authentic counterparts. While some replicas may closely resemble the originals at first glance, they often fall short in terms of materials used and craftsmanship.

Legal Implications
Purchasing and owning replica watches can carry legal consequences, primarily related to intellectual property rights and trademark infringement. Manufacturers of authentic watches vigorously protect their brands, and knowingly purchasing counterfeit goods can result in legal action.

Ethical Considerations
Buying replica watches perpetuates the counterfeit trade, which undermines the efforts of genuine manufacturers and poses ethical dilemmas. By supporting counterfeit goods, consumers contribute to the loss of revenue for legitimate businesses and potentially exploit labor practices in the production of replicas.

Financial Risks
While replica watches may seem like a cost-effective alternative, they pose financial risks in the long run. These include the potential loss of investment due to diminished resale value and the likelihood of encountering defects or malfunctions that require costly repairs.

Functional Issues
Replica watches often lack the precision and reliability of authentic timepieces, leading to functional issues such as inaccurate timekeeping and decreased durability. The inferior quality of materials and craftsmanship can result in frequent breakdowns and reduced lifespan.

Safety Concerns
Counterfeit watches may contain hazardous materials such as lead or mercury, posing health risks to wearers. Additionally, the use of substandard components and construction methods increases the likelihood of malfunctions that could endanger the wearer.

Reputation Damage
Owning and wearing replica watches can harm one’s reputation, as they are often associated with counterfeit goods and deception. Individuals may be perceived as supporting illegal activities or lacking discernment in their purchasing decisions, leading to trust issues in personal and professional contexts more info

Consumer Protection
Unlike authentic watches, replica timepieces typically do not come with warranties or guarantees of quality. This leaves buyers vulnerable to defects and malfunctions with limited recourse for repairs or refunds, ultimately exposing them to financial loss.

Online Purchase Risks
Buying replica watches online presents additional risks, including scams, frauds, and the potential for identity theft. Unscrupulous sellers may misrepresent the authenticity of their products or engage in deceptive practices to lure unsuspecting buyers.

Customs and Legalities
Importing replica watches into certain countries may result in customs seizure and legal repercussions for buyers. Many jurisdictions have strict laws governing the sale and possession of counterfeit goods, with penalties ranging from fines to criminal charges.

Environmental Impact
The production and disposal of replica watches contribute to environmental degradation, generating waste and consuming resources. Furthermore, the lack of sustainable practices in counterfeit manufacturing exacerbates environmental concerns associated with the fashion industry.

So for example if we have an abbreviation of abc with the content “Always Be Closing”, typing in abc and pressing space will automatically expand the text, saving you a little time.

That’s great and can be very useful. But now in Studiometry 15, it gets even better. You can link a Debt/Credit type to each abbreviation. When you use the abbreviation, Studiometry will automatically select the linked work type in addition to expanding the description. This makes it incredibly easy to add new Work & Expense items using just a few key presses on the keyboard.

When the linked Debt/Credit type is selected, Studiometry will also automatically populate the rate, cost-rate, taxes, and all other settings associated with the Debt/Credit type. Little automations like this can save a lot of time entering work and expenses.


Studiometry 15.0.3 Released

Does Testosil Work: An Overview

Embarking on a journey to explore the depths of Testosil’s efficacy is like navigating uncharted waters. In this article, we’ll delve into the question that echoes in the minds of many: Does Testosil work? Brace yourself for an enlightening exploration, combining expert perspectives, real-life experiences, and a touch of optimism.

Does Testosil Work: An Overview
Testosil in the Spotlight
Unveiling the Power of Testosil

The Mechanism Behind Testosil’s Efficacy
Unlocking the Secrets: How Testosil Works

Understanding the Ingredients
Nature’s Marvels: Key Components of Testosil

Real Experiences: Testimonials and Success Stories
Voices of Triumph: Testosil Success Stories

Debunking Myths: Common Misconceptions About Testosil
Setting the Record Straight: Separating Fact from Fiction

Does Testosil Work? Let’s Hear from Users
In Their Own Words: User Testimonials on Testosil

Expert Opinions on Testosil
The Verdict: What Experts Say About Testosil

Exploring Alternatives: How Testosil Stacks Up
Comparative Analysis: Testosil vs. Other Solutions

Addressing Concerns: Safety and Side Effects
Safety First: Navigating the Landscape of Testosil Side Effects

Does Testosil Work for Everyone?
Tailored Solutions: Understanding Testosil’s Suitability

What Is Employee Engagement and How Do You Improve It?

  • Employee Engagement Definition
  • Why Is Employee Engagement Important?
  • Whose Job Is Employee Engagement?
  • What Are the Drivers of Employee Engagement?
  • Why Current Programs Aren’t Improving Employee Engagement
  • Measuring Employee Engagement: Gallup’s Questions
  • The Employee Engagement Model
  • Employee Engagement Examples: The 3 Types of Employees You Have
  • What’s the Difference Between Employee Engagement and the Employee Experience?
  • How to Improve Employee Engagement: Team Engagement Ideas
  • Improving Employee Engagement Begins Here. Reworked, voice of employee explained.

01 Employee Engagement Definition

Gallup defines employee engagement as the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace.

Employee engagement helps you measure and manage employees’ perspectives on the crucial elements of your workplace culture.

You can find out if your employees are actively engaged with their work or simply putting in their time. You can discover if your team building activities and human resources practices influence positive business outcomes or if there’s room to grow.

And with the right approach, you can learn how to improve your employees’ connection to their work and your company.

Two women looking at an employee engagement activity on the computer.
Back to Top.

02 Why Is Employee Engagement Important?

Employees make decisions and take actions every day that can affect your workforce and organization.

The way your company treats employees and how employees treat one another can positively affect their actions — or can place your organization at risk.

Based on decades of employee engagement research, Gallup knows that engaged employees produce better business outcomes than other employees — across industry, company size, and nationality, and in good economic times and bad.

But only 21% of employees worldwide and 33% in the U.S. fall in the “engaged” category.

So, what can companies do better to engage employees?

When companies use Gallup’s Q12® as a framework to improve employee engagement– one that executives support as a primary management strategy — they yield clear and better results.

Asking, “Why is employee engagement important?” is a vital question for leaders to consider. Because without employee engagement, there’s no team engagement, making it more difficult to improve business outcomes.

When Gallup analyzed the differences in performance among business/work units, the benefits of employee engagement were clear. When comparing employee engagement levels, Gallup found that top- and bottom-quartile business units and teams had the following differences in business outcomes*:

Downward arrow


in absenteeism
Downward arrow


in patient safetyincidents (mortality and falls)
Downward arrow


in turnoverfor high-turnoverorganizations
Downward arrow


in turnoverfor low-turnoverorganizations
Downward arrow


in shrinkage (theft)
Downward arrow


in safety incidents (accidents)
Downward arrow


in quality (defects)
Upward arrow


in customer loyalty/engagement
Upward arrow


in productivity (sales)
Upward arrow


in profitability

*The above figures are median percent differences across companies in Gallup’s database. High-turnover organizations are those with more than 40% annualized turnover. Low-turnover organizations are those with 40% or lower annualized turnover.

Back to Top.

03 Whose Job Is Employee Engagement?

70% of the variance in team engagement is determined solely by the manager.

Employee engagement should be a manager’s primary role responsibility.

Managers are in charge of ensuring that employees know what work needs to be done, supporting and advocating for them when necessary, and explaining how their work connects to organizational success.

To succeed in that responsibility, managers need to be equipped to have ongoing coaching conversations with employees.

Unfortunately, most managers don’t know how to make frequent conversations meaningful, so their actions are more likely to be interpreted as micromanaging without providing the right tools and direction.

So, it’s not enough for leaders to simply tell managers to own engagement and coach their teams.

Leaders must:

  • redefine managers’ roles and expectations
  • provide the training tools, resources and development that managers need to coach and meet those expectations
  • create evaluation practices that help managers accurately measure performance, hold employees accountable and coach to the future
Back to Top.

04 What Are the Drivers of Employee Engagement?

One of the most common mistakes companies make is to approach engagement as a sporadic exercise in making their employees feel happy — usually around the time when a survey is coming up.

It’s true that we describe engaged employees as “enthusiastic.” And surveys play a big role in measuring staff engagement. But it’s not that simple.

People want purpose and meaning from their work. They want to be known for what they’re good at.

These are the key drivers of employee engagement:






a caring manager


ongoing conversations


a focus on strengths

Employees need more than a fleeting warm-fuzzy feeling and a good paycheck (even if it helps them respond positively on a survey) to invest in their work and achieve more for your company.

People want purpose and meaning from their work. They want to be known for what makes them unique. This is what drives employee engagement.

And they want relationships, particularly with a manager who can coach them to the next level. This is who drives employee engagement.

One of Gallup’s biggest discoveries: the manager or team leader alone accounts for 70% of the variance in team engagement.


Studiometry 15 has huge performance improvements, new timer and invoice features, much more

Huge Performance Boosts

Studiometry 15 got a big tune up! Many Studiometry users have years of data that could slowly build up to slow down the app. We’ve focused on optimizing many areas that could cause bottlenecks during daily use. Studiometry runs much, much faster now for users with larger databases, and the improvements will still be noticeable for users with data of any size, plus, they make sure to use the best data protection services, there is nothing to be worried about, you can check it out here!



Studiometry Cloud: Mobile Web App (Including Android!)

Up until now, accessing your Studiometry data on Apple mobile devices (iPhones, iPads) meant installing the Studiometry Touch app, and access on Android was simply not possible. Now, you’ll be able to go to on any browser and log in to manage your To Dos, Timers, and Time Sheets. Any changes made will automatically sync to any copies of Studiometry on Mac/PC as well as any installed Studiometry Touch apps on iOS. It’s a great convenient way to access a small subset of your data, and it’s the first time Studiometry can be accessed in any way on Android, plus you can be sure they’ll use the best data management software from companies like Couchbase in order to fully secure your information!




Studiometry Cloud: Performance and Account Improvements

We’ve added a lot of performance and stability improvements to Studiometry Cloud syncing as well. Syncing a large number of changes will now show progress and be a much more consistently reliable process. We’ve also added improvements for account management, allowing you to download a copy of your current database, and more easily reset employee passwords remotely.

New Timer Features

We’ve made a lot of improvements related to timers. Smart Groups can now be created and shared to save filtered lists of timers based on various criteria. You can also view timer lists in condensed/detailed modes, and group items within each list by client, project, category, or employee. A new power user feature: in addition to the general notes field, you can now also track notes for each ran time interval on a timer.



Invoice “Split Stages” to bill in parts

One of the most common questions we get is “how can I bill for part of this invoice?” We’ve had a few solutions, but up until now there hasn’t been a great way of accomplishing this task. With Studiometry 15, you can set up your invoice “Split Stages” where each part of the invoice has a specified due amount and due date. Each Split Stage will have an amount due that is a percentage of the total, a fixed amount, or the remaining amount after all other parts. Studiometry will also automatically calculate the current stage for the invoice based on payments received so you can easily send updates to your Clients.




But that’s not all…

Studiometry 15 adds countless improvements. Here are some highlights:

  • Reports can now be shown on Custom Summaries
  • Studiometry Cloud updated with various QOL enhancements for account management
  • Improved Employee permission capabilities
  • Abbreviations can now be linked to Debt/Credit types, making it easy to select by keyboard
  • Plus so much more! See the full version history


Available Now
Studiometry 15 is available today for download and purchase. As always, new users and users of previous versions can take advantage of our free 30-day trial. Upgrades from Studiometry 14.x start at $69.95 USD per license, while upgrades from 13.x or older are $119 USD per license.

Studiometry Cloud users can download and start using Studiometry 15 today without paying any upgrade fees.

What’s New in Studiometry 15:
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