Tips and Tricks

Power User Tip: Abbreviations with Category Linking

Here’s a great tip for power users. Studiometry has had a feature called Abbreviations for years now. Abbreviations let you type in just a few characters, and it will automatically replace what you typed with a longer, expanded description. Abbreviations can be used when editing your To Do and Work & Expense item descriptions and notes, and can be set up in the Preferences Window > Autocomplete section. 

Risks Associated with Buying Replica Watches

Replica watches, often touted as affordable alternatives to luxury timepieces, present a tempting proposition for many consumers. However, beneath the allure of owning a high-end watch at a fraction of the cost lie numerous risks and drawbacks that buyers should be aware of.

Introduction to Replica Watches
Replica watches are counterfeit versions of prestigious timepieces, designed to mimic the appearance and functionality of authentic models. They have gained popularity due to their lower price tags compared to genuine luxury watches, attracting consumers seeking a similar aesthetic without the hefty price.

Quality Concerns
One of the primary risks associated with replica watches is the compromised quality compared to their authentic counterparts. While some replicas may closely resemble the originals at first glance, they often fall short in terms of materials used and craftsmanship.

Legal Implications
Purchasing and owning replica watches can carry legal consequences, primarily related to intellectual property rights and trademark infringement. Manufacturers of authentic watches vigorously protect their brands, and knowingly purchasing counterfeit goods can result in legal action.

Ethical Considerations
Buying replica watches perpetuates the counterfeit trade, which undermines the efforts of genuine manufacturers and poses ethical dilemmas. By supporting counterfeit goods, consumers contribute to the loss of revenue for legitimate businesses and potentially exploit labor practices in the production of replicas.

Financial Risks
While replica watches may seem like a cost-effective alternative, they pose financial risks in the long run. These include the potential loss of investment due to diminished resale value and the likelihood of encountering defects or malfunctions that require costly repairs.

Functional Issues
Replica watches often lack the precision and reliability of authentic timepieces, leading to functional issues such as inaccurate timekeeping and decreased durability. The inferior quality of materials and craftsmanship can result in frequent breakdowns and reduced lifespan.

Safety Concerns
Counterfeit watches may contain hazardous materials such as lead or mercury, posing health risks to wearers. Additionally, the use of substandard components and construction methods increases the likelihood of malfunctions that could endanger the wearer.

Reputation Damage
Owning and wearing replica watches can harm one’s reputation, as they are often associated with counterfeit goods and deception. Individuals may be perceived as supporting illegal activities or lacking discernment in their purchasing decisions, leading to trust issues in personal and professional contexts more info

Consumer Protection
Unlike authentic watches, replica timepieces typically do not come with warranties or guarantees of quality. This leaves buyers vulnerable to defects and malfunctions with limited recourse for repairs or refunds, ultimately exposing them to financial loss.

Online Purchase Risks
Buying replica watches online presents additional risks, including scams, frauds, and the potential for identity theft. Unscrupulous sellers may misrepresent the authenticity of their products or engage in deceptive practices to lure unsuspecting buyers.

Customs and Legalities
Importing replica watches into certain countries may result in customs seizure and legal repercussions for buyers. Many jurisdictions have strict laws governing the sale and possession of counterfeit goods, with penalties ranging from fines to criminal charges.

Environmental Impact
The production and disposal of replica watches contribute to environmental degradation, generating waste and consuming resources. Furthermore, the lack of sustainable practices in counterfeit manufacturing exacerbates environmental concerns associated with the fashion industry.

So for example if we have an abbreviation of abc with the content “Always Be Closing”, typing in abc and pressing space will automatically expand the text, saving you a little time.

That’s great and can be very useful. But now in Studiometry 15, it gets even better. You can link a Debt/Credit type to each abbreviation. When you use the abbreviation, Studiometry will automatically select the linked work type in addition to expanding the description. This makes it incredibly easy to add new Work & Expense items using just a few key presses on the keyboard.

When the linked Debt/Credit type is selected, Studiometry will also automatically populate the rate, cost-rate, taxes, and all other settings associated with the Debt/Credit type. Little automations like this can save a lot of time entering work and expenses.


Get the most out of your invoice templates by dynamically showing and hiding elements

Studiometry has a very powerful invoice and report template engine that gives you complete control over the content and branding of your invoices and estimates. One of the more powerful features is the ability to dynamically show or hide elements within your templates based on conditions. Some examples of how this can be used are:

  • Have a “Paid” watermark automatically appear whenever you send out a paid invoice.
  • Have an overdue warning appear when sending overdue invoices
  • Use the same template to display client retainer information for clients with retainers, but hide all of the retainer fields for clients without retainers. This helps to declutter invoices.
  • Hide entire blocks of text if the associated fields are empty. You can use this to hide a label if the associated variable has no content.

There are many other uses, and we’ve detailed what they are and how to do them in a KB article: Show/Hide Items Dynamically on Invoice/Report Templates


Studiometry welcomes iBiz users

Our friends over at IGG Software, makers of the popular personal-finance app iBank, have announced that they are discontinuing development of iBiz, their longstanding time-tracking and client management tool.

Studiometry has had importing capabilities for iBiz data ever since they called it iWork, years ago before IGG Software gave the name to Apple. Yes, that Apple. But with the recent news of iBiz being discontinued, we’ve had several people contacting us asking about updating importing capabilities.

In an effort to ease the transition of any iBiz refugees, we’ve updated Studiometry’s iBiz importing functions to be much more robust and complete. Studiometry 11.0.2 and newer can now import:

  • Clients
  • Contacts
  • Projects
  • Work/Expense Items
  • Work/Expense discounts as separate line items
  • Work/Expense taxes as separate line items
  • Invoices
  • Payments
  • Custom Job Events as Categories & Rates

We have a full KB article about the import process and options available here:

We’re sad to see iBiz go, as it started out around the same time as Studiometry. We wish IGG Software the best and recommend checking out iBank if you’re looking for a great personal finance management app!


Studiometry 9 Feature Spotlight: Logs & Email Integration

Studiometry 9 has a plethora of new CRM features that help you track and organize your emails, phone calls, and correspondences. At the heart of these new capabilities are the new Log item type in Studiometry, as well as new Email Integration features.

Logs help you save and organize any emails, phone calls, or correspondences related to your clients and projects. The great part about logs is that they can be linked to nearly anything in Studiometry, such as projects or employees. You can later reference and filter the logs based on their links to focus on correspondences for individual items. Having the ability to quickly view and filter a list of all emails and phone calls related to a specific project can be a powerful tool, and will easily increase your organization and ability to reference client requests.

Email Integration
One of our most frequently requested features ever has been the ability to integrate with, and grab emails from certain mail programs. Great news! Studiometry 9 can integrate with several desktop mail applications (Apple Mail, Microsoft Entourage & Outlook for Mac) and we will be adding support for many others in the future.

How does this actually help? Once you turn on mail integration, whenever you receive a relevant email Studiometry will automatically import it as a log and link it to your clients and projects. It will even make a link back to open the original email in Apple Mail. Having all of this pertinent information inside of Studiometry AND linked to your Studiometry data gives you unprecedented capabilities for following your project correspondences.

Without mail integration, an email would have to be pasted as text into the project notes, or searched for within your mail program whenever you wanted to reference it. Studiometry 9 has the built-in functionality to remove these cumbersome steps from your CRM workflow.

This is all included in the price of the program and does not require the purchase of any separate modules or plug-ins.

Better Email Controls
Studiometry 9 also has plenty of great new features for controlling your outgoing emails:

  • You can now setup an unlimited number of default Cc and Bcc addresses for any outgoing emails from the program.
  • You can also create and customize the formats for email subject and content when sending invoices and reports. Easily add your company name, the client’s name, due amounts, and several other variables directly to the text of the email automatically. This can even be used to set up direct payment links within the email.
  • Outgoing emails can be automatically captured as logs and linked to corresponding items. This is an incredibly useful too for referencing within Studiometry when invoices were actually sent, for example.
  • We’ve also strengthened the controls for selecting your outgoing email client. The setting is used throughout the program for all emails.
  • We’ve added the ability to send emails through Postbox, a popular email client.

Buy Studiometry 9.x:

Download Studiometry 9.x:

Full Version History:

Studiometry 9 is available immediately. Upgrades from 8.x are $59.95 USD per license, and new licenses are $199.95.


Studiometry 7.1.2 Now Available

We’ve released another free update for registered Studiometry 7.x users: Studiometry 7.1.2. This version has quite a few updates and enhancements that have been requested by our users. A couple of notable changes:

  • You can now have Studiometry automatically fix any duplicate client or project ID numbers. Previously, you would have to access the server and confirm that you wanted changes to be made. With the new setting, Studiometry can now immediately fix any updates it finds while periodically checking for duplicate ID numbers. To enable this setting, go to the Preferences Window > ID Numbering section and under Identical IDs select Automatically Fix.
  • You can now once again choose a specific project when applying payments. In recent versions, due to the new split-payment ability allowing you to apply payments to multiple invoices, Studiometry would automatically calculate the highest paid project and associate the payment with it. We’ve had several requests to give the power back to the user to manually choose an associated project, and we’re happy to say that ability is now in Studiometry 7.1.2.

There are also several other updates and fixes in this version. We have upgrades available from 6.x for $59.95 USD, and upgrades available from older versions for $99.95 USD.

Download Studiometry 7.1.2 | Buy Studiometry