Studiometry Touch 1.0.1 approved by Apple

Studiometry Touch 1.0.1 is now live in the App Store. You can download it for free (but a Touch license that enables syncing with Studiometry is $39.95 USD/year) at:

Here is the official change log:

  • iOS 4.0 Compatability
  • Can now assign employees to To Dos on Stage templates (requires sync with Studiometry 8.0 and later)
  • Compatible with new split permissions to view or edit reports and invoices (requires sync with Studiometry 8.0)
  • Tweaked several small issues related to Employee permissions
  • Fixed an issue causing a crash on setups that color Projects based on their Clients color

This is a small update containing a few fixes, and we will have another one out soon with more of the features that are coming in Studiometry 8.0, such as Blueprints and Project stage improvements. These feature upgrades will happen continuously with Studiometry Touch to go along with the new features we add into Studiometry upgrades.

Purchase Studiometry Touch


Hack your hunger: How to plan, prepare and eat healthy food

We don’t have complete control over our weight. But making small changes to how we interact with our immediate environment can still make an impact. From planning healthy meals to staying on our feet, we’ve put together a list of life tricks that you may find helpful. Read more about alpilean.

6 min. read

Food is everywhere. Tasty treats stare at you through shop windows. Soda adverts fill advertising billboards. And the local takeaway pumps air from the kitchen out onto the street – the smell of instant satisfaction.

We try to eat healthy food and we try to eat in moderation. But these triggers in our environment activate our desire to eat energy-rich food. So even though we’re not hungry, we get into the habit of picking up that extra soda or bagel.

We can’t always avoid these triggers in our wider environment. Instead, take a look at your immediate environment, such as your home or office. Research shows that even small changes can make a big difference and make weight management easier for you. Check the latest alpilean reviews.

Below, we’ve put together a list with some great tips and tricks:

Plan and shop for healthy meals that fill you up

  • Try not to go shopping for food when you’re hungry.
  • Try to buy more food that’s low in calories but high in protein and fibre. For example, try fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, yoghurt, fresh meat, whole grains, beans, or lentils.
  • Keep your belly and wallet happy by buying vegetables that are in season – they are cheaper and also taste great.
  • If it’s not at home, you can’t eat it. So be mindful of what you put in your shopping trolley.

Make it harder to find, prepare and eat tempting food at home

  • Try to keep food out of eyesight at home. And if you do buy high-calorie foods, put them at the back of the fridge or buried away at the back of the pantry. This is how ikaria lean belly juice works.
  • Buy food that makes you work to eat it. For example, oranges that you first have to peel, or nuts that have to be cracked open one at a time.
  • The strictest approach is to only keep food at home that has to be cooked or heated before it can be eaten. This reduces the chance of snacking between meals.
  • Are there foods that you find especially rewarding to eat? Make a habit of only eating them occasionally, but not every day.
  • It can be hard to find the energy to cook at the end of a long day. So how about using some hours over the weekend to cook some meals you love and store them in your fridge or freezer?
Two Overweight Women On Diet Eating Healthy Meal In Kitchen

How to feel comfortable eating out or joining a social gathering

  • Call the restaurant or host ahead of time to get the menu, or look online. That way you can comfortably plan what you will eat.
  • If you’re heading to a social event, how about offering to bring a dish or food course? That way you can share your healthy dishes with others.
  • Try to drink still or mineral water instead of alcoholic drinks. If you drink alcohol to relax or celebrate, try to keep it to just one low-calorie drink a day, like a small glass of wine.
  • If anyone notices that you are avoiding certain foods and makes a comment, you can reply with something like: “I’m just trying to eat more healthily” or “I’m just watching what I eat”. You don’t have to explain any more than that.
  • Remember to be gentle on yourself. No matter what you eat when you are out, give yourself credit for trying, and see it as an opportunity for learning.
  • If you’re going out for dinner with friends and also want to enjoy eating and drinking, try and eat a little less during the day or do some extra physical activity. This can give you a buffer for these extra calories that we all tend to consume while we are in good company.

Find simple ways to stay active

  • Only a little extra physical activity can make a big difference. And the simplest way to be more active is to fit it into your existing routines. For example, instead of meeting in a café to catch up with friends, grab a coffee and go for a walk.
  • If possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • If you have to sit at a desk all day, set a reminder to stretch and move a little every thirty minutes. It doesn’t have to be much, just fetch a glass of water or go to the toilet. And instead of emailing or calling a colleague, walk over and have a chat instead.
  • Exercise and physical activity don’t have to be a drag. Find something you enjoy and that fits your schedule.


Healthy Eating Planner

Small steps to build healthier habits

Explore the intersection between planning healthy eating and wellness.

What is healthy eating?


Healthy eating is a pattern of nutritious and wholesome food choices that you make over time. Nutritious foods are nutrient dense, full of vitamins and minerals. Eating foods from a variety of food groups is a good way to balance food choices. Try to include items from two food groups at every snack and from three to five food groups at every meal. Try out ikaria lean belly juice.

Click on each of the 5 food group links to learn more:

  • Dairy
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Grains
  • Protein

Fats and oils also contain nutrients that are an important part of a healthy eating pattern. Dietary fats are found in both plant and animal foods. They supply calories for energy and help with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Fats from food sources also protect organs, regulate body temperature and help produce hormones. Read more about alpine ice hack.

All the foods that you eat work together to impact health. Foods to build into daily choices for a healthy eating pattern include fruit, vegetables, milk, yogurt, cheese, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, fish, lean meat, poultry, eggs and healthy fats and oils.

What do food labels tell you?

Food labels are full of information to help you make decisions. Here are 3 tips for using a label:

  1. Check serving sizes. The top part of every label provides information about how many servings are in a package or container and what is considered a standard serving size. The nutrition information on the rest of the label is based on one serving (not the entire package). Serving information makes it easier to compare similar foods or products and recognize the portion or amount eaten at one time. This is how prodentim works.
  2. Be mindful of calories. Simply put, calories are the amount of energy in one serving size. A label might list 1 cup as having 280 calories; eating 2 cups, or two servings, would supply twice as many calories as shown on the label. Being aware of calories can help guide food choices.
  3. Focus on getting more fiber, vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium. Eating a variety of foods provides a broad range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Dietary fiber, vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium are included on the Nutrition Facts label because they are generally underconsumed by most Americans. Eating foods that are high in dietary fiber can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and maintain regular bowel movements. Getting enough vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium can reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, anemia and high blood pressure. Check out the latest ikaria lean belly juice reviews.

Choosing the right amount and the right balance of foods to feel full and satisfied is a skill that can be developed. Learning to read a food label and estimating portion sizes are two ways to practice this skill. Estimating portion sizes can also reduce food waste.

The Nutrition Facts label can be a great tool to inform healthy eating decisions, but it is important to look beyond the label as well. Since you eat different combinations of foods over time rather than nutrients in isolation, choosing a variety of nutritious foods is more important than focusing on a single substance such as a vitamin, calories or sugar.

What do healthy habits look like?

Habits take time to build. Practice making daily choices to move toward a healthier lifestyle.

HealthyEatingPlanner_TradeUpTry a few small steps to help achieve your health and nutrition goals. Here are some examples:

  • Choose healthy snacks. Carrots and hummus or fruit and low-fat yogurt are examples of smart combinations to satisfy hunger between meals.
  • Consider portion size. Increase portions of fruits, vegetables and dairy to meet daily recommendations while decreasing portions of highly processed foods that do not fall into food groups or are high in calories.
  • Move more. Walk for 30 to 60 minutes daily to reduce risk of disease and improve health.
  • Eat breakfast. Start the day with a boost of nutrition and energy. Aim for two to three food groups at breakfast when you can.
  • Prepare food at home. Home-cooked meals are often lower in calories and have more variety than restaurant meals.
    Healthy food choices do not have to be complicated. One-time food choices are less important than consistency and an overall eating pattern. Eating a piece of cake occasionally is different than eating a piece of cake every day. Read more about metaboost connection.

Are beverages part of a healthy eating pattern?

HealthyEatingPlanner_BeveragesBeverage choices matter. Beverages can be nourishing; however, be aware of empty-calorie beverage choices that contribute to total daily calories without a lot of nutrition.

Beverage choices are especially important for young children. Research shows that what children drink from birth through age 5 can have a significant impact on their health since beverages are a big part of what they consume during this critical life stage. New recommendations by health care professionals include plain water for hydration and plain pasteurized milk for nutrition. A limit on 100% juice consumption and limits or restrictions on added sugars in beverages are recommended.