Studiometry 10 Feature Spotlight: Invoice Item Display Improvements

One of the most important correspondences that you have with clients is your invoices. They need to present vital information in a way that is both inviting and informative. Studiometry already has very powerful, completely customizable invoice templates that let you design and brand your invoices to exact specifications. Studiometry 10 adds several powerful features to help organize and present the work and expenses within your invoices.

Merge Items on your Invoices

New to Studiometry 10 is the ability to merge items on your invoices. Now, when creating your invoices, you can easily select two or more work/expense items and click the Merge button to have the items appear on the invoice as one combined item. Studiometry will calculate the total hours, quantity, and amount for you, and simply display one line item on the generated invoice.

The merged items can be ordered, split, and organized however you’d like, giving you total flexibility with exactly how your items appear on the invoice.

Here’s an example of an invoice with non-merged work items. As you can see, there are two entries for mileage, and three separate entries for design work.

Non-merged Work List

On an invoice, this will be presented showing every single line, which can be confusing for your clients to see multiple separate lines for similar items.

Non-merged Generated Invoice

But with the new merging features, you can choose to combine specific items when creating the invoice. The items will still remain separate in your Studiometry database, and be exactly the same as before, but on the invoice itself they will appear merged. Here’s a quick example of a merged item list:

Merged Work List

As you can see, the mileage entries have been merged together, with the combined subtotal shown. The same is true for the selected Design Work entries. When the invoice is generated, you can see a much clearer and simpler idea of what is included in the invoice:

Merged Generated Invoice

This lets you present a simpler and easier to understand invoice, while maintaining the integrity of your data within Studiometry.

Control Your Display Defaults for Category Types

Merging items is a great new feature, but what if there’s a category type that you want to always show as a combined amount? What if you always want your hourly work types to be shown as a combined subtotals, but you want your expenses to be listed out individually? Manually merging items on every invoice could become tedious very quickly.

That’s why we’ve added very powerful new controls to Studiometry 10 that let you set the display mode for each Debt Category type on a per-template basis. In Studiometry’s visual template editor Template Info window, you can now choose the display mode for every work type within your Studiometry database:

As you can see above, for each Debt Category you have the option to include it in the “Debt Rows”, and a separate option to include it in your “Category rows”.  A quick reminder: your Debt Rows will show the work/expense items on the invoice, while the Category Rows will show combined amounts for each category type on the invoice.

So if you want your hourly work types to be subtotaled without showing their individual work items, just uncheck the “Include in Debt Rows”, and be sure to check “Include in Category Rows”.

You can design both your Debt Rows and your Category Rows to display however you’d like, and using the new Combo Data Rows feature, you can even have them display in-line with each other.

These two new features can even be used together. All of your merged work items will appear in the Debt Rows, so you can merge certain items within your Debt Rows and automatically combine certain categories within the Category Rows.


Studiometry 10 will be released in September 2012. Discounted upgrades will be available from all previous versions, new licenses start at $199.95 USD.

Buy Studiometry (free upgrade to 10.x for purchases after July 1st):