Version 16.2.3 (10/18/2024)

  • Fixed an issue for some databases where the Status Item and Dock menu creation would slow the app down drastically
  • Fixed an issue where some sub-projects would remain marked as live when their parent project is marked as non-live, which would then prevent the Client from being marked as non-live
  • Updated the knowledge base and movie links throughout the app that were broken due to changes in Zendesk URL composition
  • Added new option for Status Item menu to show neither clients nor projects
  • Changed the default setting for Show Status Item Menu in Dock to false and reset settings for all users. You can reenable this setting in the Preferences Window > Status Item & Dock section

Version 16.2.2 (10/17/2024)

  • Fixes an issue some users were encountering where the app would hang on launch if a certain combination of settings were enabled

Version 16.2.1 (10/16/2024)

  • Can now edit Extra Info notes for each week day in the Weekly Time Sheet. The app will consolidate for editing, and then intelligently split back up the details for each day's work items.
  • Several updates to macOS Status Item and Dock menu
  • Can now Add Note to Running Timers directly from the status item menubar menu.
  • Can now select Add Note as the default action when selecting a timer in the status item via Preferences Window > Status Item
  • Moved macOS dock preferences to Preferences > Status Item & Dock
  • Can now have the Status Item menu included in Studiometry's macOS dock menu via a new setting in Preferences > Status Item & Dock
  • Made the running timer Add Note window a global floating window so it can appear above other apps when being accessed from the status item or the dock
  • New Global Hotkeys section in Preferences Window
  • Can set up Global Hotkeys to trigger various Studiometry actions even when Studiometry is in the background
  • New Global Hotkey action: Create New To Do
  • New Global Hotkey action: Add Note to Current Running Timer
  • New Global Hotkey action: Open Running Timers Window

Version 16.2 (9/25/2024)

  • Updated for full compatibility with macOS Sequoia
  • Contact Roles: Contacts assigned to Projects can now have designated roles
  • Can edit a list of default, commonly used Contact Roles that appear in the list when assigning Contact Roles
  • New built-in report: Projects and Subprojects. Will better display and total information about projects and their nested subprojects
  • The Project Quoted vs Actual built-in summary can now have Projects nested by Client and/or Parent Project
  • Project Quoted vs Actual summary can show more fields, and subtotals for nested groupings
  • Can now edit the default file name generating format for Invoice and Report PDF exports in the Preferences Window > ID Numbering section
  • Can use Invoice and Report template variables within the file name format for Invoice and Report PDF exports
  • The setting for PDF export names will sync across Studiometry networks and Studiometry Cloud
  • Can now filter the Schedule Work window by groups and smart groups
  • Can right-click Groups and Smart-Groups in the main list to open a combined Gantt chart for all matching clients/projects
  • Can right-click Groups and Smart-Groups in the main list to open a filtered Schedule Window view showing all unassigned work
  • Can right-click Groups and Smart-Groups in the main list to open a filtered Schedule Window view showing all unassigned work and assigned work
  • Can right-click Clients and Projects in the main list to open a filtered Schedule Window view showing all unassigned work
  • Can right-click Clients and Projects in the main list to open a filtered Schedule Window view showing all unassigned work and assigned work
  • Can mark To Dos to be sub-tasks in Project Templates by prepending [sub] to the To Do's name
  • Improvements to including Work item Ran Time information on Invoice and Report templates within Data Rows
  • Fixed issue with running timer window filter for only current employee not working properly in all situation
  • Fixed issue with running timer window settings not properly loading on first launch if window remained open when quitting
  • Fixed issues with Studiometry Cloud file sharing and syncing not working properly in certain situations
  • Updated wording in several parts of the app
  • New menu item in Client menu to Edit Default Contact Roles
  • Studiometry Cloud employees can be marked for web-only login capabilities
  • Can display project purchase order number on summaries
  • Fixed issue with Mail Grabber linking emails by mailbox name not working properly on some setups
  • Drag and drop for todos in project view shouldn't be disabled if there's a filter text in search field

Version 16.1.2 (11/11/2021)

  • Mass email window can be filtered by custom groups and smart groups
  • ProjectEstimatedMinusBillableTotal invoice and report template variable added
  • ProjectEstimatedMinusBillableHours invoice and report template variable added
  • ProjectEstimatedMinusBillableHoursFormatted invoice and report template variable added
  • ProjectBillableTotal invoice and report template variable added
  • Will now automatically attempt to log in on launch if you have your employee and password saved
  • Will indicate in Edit Picture button if a picture is already attached to a work item in the work editing window
  • Fixed issue on Mac with default invoice save location on external hard drives
  • Improved pathing in general to local files to use more updated and reliable system methods
  • When editing a timer, if you change the rate and then attempt to stop or pause the timer before saving, the window warn you and prevent the action to ensure there isn't a miscalculation

Version 16.1.1 (9/17/2021)

  • Updated app icon to match new Apple standards
  • Added a new window to easily view all of a Contact's assigned Projects. Accessible by right-clicking on a Contact and selecting View Assigned Projects
  • Changing project's Live status in overview will now immediately save changes to database
  • Template Editor: Can now click the Font label next to font dropdowns to open a larger, searchable font window
  • Smaller titlebar for main Studiometry window
  • Unbilled Amounts for Projects can now be shown as a field in the Projects Quoted vs Actual built-in summary
  • Fixed issue with not being able to click scrollbar in leftmost pane in main window

Version 16.1 (6/6/2021)

  • Added option in the Employee editing window that allows each employee to default to Non-Billable when entering time, overriding the project's settings
  • Added filtering option for Project statuses. You can now hide projects of a specific status from certain selection lists. So if want to filter out On Hold projects, for example, they appear in the selectable lists when creating new timers or time sheets
  • Added project start and deadline columns to Client's Projects list view
  • Will check and warn if attempting to switch a project to live when it is not possible via the Project Overview
  • Will now ask to automatically change parent/sub projects to live or non-live if necessary when attempting to change a project's live status
  • Custom summaries will now include Debt/Credit extra info line when exporting to delimited text
  • Changed behavior of ItemInfoUnitPriceOrRate to include currency symbols
  • Added ItemInfoUnitPriceOrRateNoCur template variable to show unit price or rate without currency

Version 16.0.6 (3/1/2021)

  • Added ProjectHourlyTotalForInvoice and ProjectNonHourlyTotalForInvoice variables
  • Fixed an issue on Windows where the main window would sometimes take focus away from other windows periodically
  • Fixed issue with template editor not showing placeholder items for data row areas on
  • Can now change work/expense recurring amount in the Group Edit part of the search window

Version 16.0.5 (1/14/2021)

  • Fixed issue with Create Payment button in Invoice Editing window overlapping with Cloud Upload icon
  • Fixed an issue with the correct currency being selected for new Debt/Credit items in some situations on setups with three or more currencies
  • Fixed an issue with the correct currency being selected for new Reports in some situations on setups with three or more currencies
  • Fixed issue with default currency not properly saving/loading from Studiometry Cloud on some setups
  • Fixed issue with colors not immediately updating display when selecting in certain dialogs
  • Added ability to right-click on Invoices or Projects in the main Search to have all of their associated Debt/Credit items update their exchange rates to the current exchange rate

Version 16.0.4 (1/7/2021)

  • Fixed a vital performance issue related to syncing with Studiometry Cloud. Studiometry Cloud users must update to Studiometry 16.0.4 to connect and sync.

Version 16.0.3 (1/5/21)

  • Fixed issue introduced in 16.0.2 with URLConnection causing error for some Studiometry Cloud users when trying to send a request if it's already in use
  • Smart groups that have rules matching both clients and projects will now show projects nested beneath their associated client, and any project that doesn't have their associated client matching group rules will appear at the top of the list

Version 16.0.2 (12/11/2020)

  • Fixed issue with some Studiometry Cloud users not being able to log in
  • Will now automatically choose your default currency if your database doesn't have one or if the selected default currency is missing
  • Fixed display issue of item positioning in Time Sheet and Weekly Time Sheet windows when there were enough rows to cause the window to scroll

Version 16.0.1 (11/30/2020)

  • Fixed issue with Studiometry Cloud information window causing error on Windows
  • Updated distribution certificate for MacOS
  • Fixed issue with glyphs sometimes not exporting properly to PDF
  • Can now add a custom variables to report templates in the format vendor-Nickname, for example, to add custom fields from the vendor contact
  • Will now include all non-live data in the totals in the Accounting Window > Business History section

Version 16.0.0 (11/9/20)

  • Fully compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Can now upload invoices to Studiometry Cloud for your clients to view and pay directly
  • Integrates with Stripe, an industry leader in secure payments, to accept payments that are deposited directly to your bank account
  • Payments and invoices are automatically synced back to your local copy of Studiometry
  • Report Approvals on Studiometry Cloud can now accept a drawn signature, entered using the mouse or a finger on touch screens
  • Can add Report Approval Signature to report via new Image tag
  • Can view Report Approval Signature in the Report approval window
  • Reports will track when they have been viewed by the client on Studiometry Cloud and add it to the Approval Status log
  • Invoices and reports will now track which employee they were created by
  • New invoice and report template variables: InvoiceCreatedByEmployee, ReportCreatedByEmployee
  • New Categories > Debts data row type can show each work/expense category grouped together along with totals
  • Can now create a custom contact label format in Preferences > Billing > Advances Billing Settings
  • New invoice/report template variable MyCustomFormattedAddress template for showing your address using custom format
  • New invoice/report template variable ClientCustomFormattedAddress for showing the client's address using custom format
  • New invoice/report template variable VendorCustomFormattedAddress for showing the vendor's address using custom format
  • Can copy new address format from Contact lists by right-clicking and selecting Copy Custom Address Label
  • Can now right-click on contacts in the client overview to access contextual menu actions
  • Can now display tags on invoice/reports templates
  • New invoice/report template variable ItemTags
  • New invoice/report template variable ProjectTags
  • New invoice/report template variable InvoiceTags
  • New invoice/report template variable ReportTags
  • New invoice/report template variable ClientTags
  • New invoice/report template variable ClientContactTags
  • Scheduled work hours will now appear in the Work Week window directly above the actual hours
  • Weekly Time Sheet > Smart Populate can now populate from scheduled work types and projects
  • Can now use invoice/report template variables in To Do suites
  • Can now use invoice/report template variables in Stage templates
  • Custom Summaries: Can now apply filters to base items in summaries
  • Custom Summaries: Can now filter Work and Expense items by Category
  • Custom Summaries: Can now filter Work and Expense items by Tags
  • Custom Summaries: Can now filter Invoice items by Tags
  • Custom Summaries: Can now filter Report items by Tags
  • Custom Summaries: Can now filter Payment items by Tags
  • Can now restrict access to individual Tags for specific employees
  • Fixed an issue with using certain AppleScripts to send mail on Mojave
  • Can now choose to include or exclude default CC and BCC addresses from mailed invoices and reports in Preferences Window > Mail section
  • Can now import Client default address information when importing delimited text
  • Can now import contact notes, work extension, and various other fields via delimited text
  • Contacts can be imported as delimited text without being attached to anything
  • Can now specify a column to determine if a client import row is a vendor or a client
  • Fixed a few bugs in the delimited import window
  • Will hopefully do a better job of selecting and embedding fonts in PDF exports
  • Fixed issue where the Edit Other Employees Timers option would not work properly
  • Added employee permission to create new tags or edit existing tags
  • Inactivity setting for Timers in Preferences > Billing can now go up to multiple hours
  • Timer view Group by selection will now be saved between launches of Studiometry
  • Added option to hide the Clients & Projects group in the main window
  • Catalina: Timer dock display setting fixed to properly work
  • Clicking on Client or Project links in Today View will now automatically select the Clients & Project group first and then show the clicked item
  • Setting a parent-Project to non live from the overview will check and warn if it has live sub projects
  • Data Management > Merge Clients window now sorted/displayed same as main list of clients
  • Added pagination to the Project Quoted vs Actual summary to allow for reports on database with a large number of projects
  • Added pagination to the Invoiced Work Types summary to allow for reports on database with a large number of projects
  • Fixed issue with work items with no date sometimes appearing in the View Timesheet window when filtered by specific dates
  • Fixed issue with contact logs displaying incorrectly if the subject line contains line breaks
  • Fixed issue with deleted local project files still appearing in overviews
  • Fixed issue with Business Expense recurring items not properly recurring and saving for some Studiometry Cloud users
  • Made several tweaks and improvements to the Accounting window > Business Expenses section
  • Added InvoiceLastPaymentDate variable to show most recent date of a payment associated with current invoice (if any)
  • New ability to customize email subject and content defaults automatically generated for uploaded invoices on Studiometry Cloud
  • Can now add your cloud company ID to email templates to make it easier for clients to log in to their cloud access pages
  • Fixed bug when drag-reordering Client or Project specs might sometimes cause spec names to be swapped
  • Added new options in Cloud Settings window to automatically upload invoices and to automatically start new emails to clients when an invoice is uploaded
  • New notification settings for being alerted when a Payment is received via Studiometry Cloud
  • Will now send an invoice alert notification based on employee settings when invoices are automatically marked as paid due to incoming payments on Studiometry Cloud
  • Studiometry Cloud: Will no longer send a trial notice upon login once your payment information has been entered
  • When sending a code-based invoice or report template via email that has a .txt extension, Studiometry will include the text in the content of the email

Version 15.0.6 (8/26/2020)

  • Fixed issue with repeating items sometimes appearing on incorrect dates in week/day view
  • More updates to try to get macOS Catalina to play nicely with system integrations and AppleScript
  • Other small bug fixes and improvements

Version 15.0.5 (5/11/2020)

  • Updated various parts of the app to work better with macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • PDF exporting and font selection updates
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

Version 15.0.4 (4/5/2019)

  • Can filter File menu > View All GANTT Charts window by employee
  • Organized the Advanced Billing window settings to allow for more advanced settings to fit in there!
  • Fixed issue with contextual menu Paste option not working for To Dos in certain situation
  • Will now once again display version build number in About window
  • Will now warn more vigorously when using the Cut command on To Dos
  • Can no longer click headers in the To Do suites window
  • Using the Export button in the To Do suites window will export the current list of pending suites instead of the saved list
  • Fixed a few potential crashes
  • Updated macOS SDK used to build app to 10.14

Version 15.0.3 (3/4/2019)

  • New built-in Summary available in Summaries menu: Employees Assigned Clients. Create a customizable report of each employee with all of their assigned clients listed below
  • Added hours (hh:mm:ss) option as field for Debt/Credit items in custom summaries
  • Fixed issue with Total Hours field in Debt/Credit window rounding to three digits instead of four
  • Fixed issue where Client/Project filters weren't working in the Running Timers window
  • Fixed issue with Employee Permission to hide others Debt/Credits sometimes not working properly in Project overview
  • To Dos that are assigned to All Employees will now appear in the Today View for every employee
  • Tweaked calculations for certain scenarios where numbers could be rounded incorrectly

Version 15.0.2 (2/10/2019)

  • Rate/Default Amount customizations per Client/Project/Employee can now be modified for non-hourly debt/credit types as well
  • Updated support for rate customizations in Studiometry Cloud
  • Preferences Window > Billing Settings > Advanced > Calculate Basic Equations will now function properly on 64-bit builds
  • If a work item does not have a set date, it will show all of its hours on today's date in the View Timesheet window
  • Additional checks for Time Sheet window to ensure that a date will be set for each item even if the field is left blank
  • Can now import Client specs when importing delimited text using the Other Spec option as a column type

Version 15.0.1 (12/20/2018)

  • New option in Preferences Window > Billing Settings > Advanced to choose if copied/duplicated Debts will use their original date or today's date
  • Timers: Can now use return key open the note entry window in running timer lists
  • Fixed issue with tax editing window not properly displaying selected Onto setting for Canadian tax types
  • Updated interface in Ran Time editing window to fit larger date/time formats

Version 15.0 (12/11/2018)

  • Studiometry Cloud: Web-based features are now accessible on mobile phones at! This means you can access parts of your Studiometry data from any phone, including iOS and Android phones and tablets. This is a brand new way to access your data on mobile devices, and works in conjunction with the Studiometry app on Mac/Windows as well as Studiometry Touch on iOS.
  • Studiometry Cloud: To Dos can now be viewed, created, and modified on mobile devices via the web app
  • Studiometry Cloud: Timers can now be viewed, created, and modified on mobile devices via the web app
  • Studiometry Cloud: Time Sheets can now be entered on mobile devices via the web app
  • Studiometry Cloud: If an employee password is changed on the Cloud while you're not connected, the system will check your password agains the Cloud if it doesn't match the locally saved password
  • Studiometry Cloud: Improved downloading process of databases for initial sync to be more reliable and faster
  • Studiometry Cloud: Database downloads will now show progress and update what's happening better
  • Studiometry Cloud: Greatly improved behavior when syncing a large amount of items from the Cloud. It will now split up the sync into multiple requests, and show progress during the download. This will happen if more than a few hundred items have been changed on your account since your last Cloud sync.
  • Studiometry Cloud: Changed when the server checks for company notifications to improve performance during the login process
  • Studiometry Cloud: Fixed issue in Cloud login window where the Save Password checkbox might not work for companies that require a connection to Studiometry Cloud for data access
  • Studiometry Cloud: Can now download a copy of your database directly from the Admin page
  • Studiometry Cloud: Some automated system emails will now include links to knowledge base articles with further details
  • Zapier Integration: Will now send over To Do due and end time information when syncing to Zapier
  • Performance: Greatly improved speed of selecting clients and projects in databases with a large number of Logs
  • Performance: Will now cache many calculated invoice amounts, making several lists and Client/Project selections load much faster on larger databases
  • Performance: Optimized loading time for Clients & Projects list
  • Performance: Optimized loading time for Clients view when selecting a client to expand
  • Performance: Improved scroll speed and smoothness in main list of Clients/Projects for users with large databases
  • Performance: Reduced slowdown in interface updating caused by enabling viewing option to show a Project's number of incomplete To Dos or Invoices in the main project list on large databases
  • Performance: Greatly improved performance calculating invoice amounts received, making loading various parts of the app much quicker on databases with a large amount of payments
  • Performance: Optimized loading of work list in Project Overview
  • Performance: Optimized loading time of work items in Search Window
  • Custom Summaries: Reports can now be added to Custom Summaries (filtered by All, Approved, Rejected, Awaiting Approval)
  • Custom Summaries: Purchase Orders will now only appear on custom summaries if they have a specified Vendor To
  • Custom Summaries: Can now show column labels footer at the bottom of each tier. Useful if you have a large summary and want to know what the column totals are for at the end
  • Invoices: Can now split invoice due amounts into multiple parts, called Split Stages. These can be set up to be a fixed amount, percent of the invoice total, or the remainder amount after all other Split Stages.
  • Added several new invoice template variables to work with Invoice Split Stages: InvoiceSplitStageCurrentAmount, InvoiceSplitStageCurrentNumber, InvoiceSplitStageCurrentDueDate, InvoiceSplitStageMaxNumber, InvoiceSplitStageNumberOfMax, InvoiceSplitStageList
  • Invoices: Can now exclude specific invoices from the Overdue Invoices lists, great for keeping unsightly unpaid invoices out of mind
  • Timer features have been improved throughout the app
  • Timers: Can now write notes on timers for individual ran time intervals. So each time you start and stop the timer, you can write what you were doing for that specific period of time.
  • Timers: When using the Timer's Add Note features throughout the app, you'll now be asked if you want to add it to the current ran time or the timer's main notes field
  • Timers: Added new template variable: ItemRanTimeInfoWithNotes. Will list all ran times for a timer and include the timer's ran time notes as well
  • Timers: Added new template variable: ItemRanTimeNotes. A combined list of all ran time notes.
  • Timers: Added new template variable: ItemAllNotes. A combination of the Extra Info field and the ran time notes.
  • Timers: New Condensed View available in Timer lists. Takes up less vertical space per timer. Fits more timers. Use right-click to pause/start/stop timers in this view.
  • Timers: Can now use space bar to pause/start timers in running timer lists
  • Timers: Can now create smart groups of Timers. These groups can have rules based on a Timer's description, tags, status, category, project, and employee.
  • Timers: Can now group the timers list by employee, category, project, or client
  • Timers: Running timers window can now be filtered by employee and by new Timer Smart Groups
  • There are now separate selectable employee permissions to create and delete Clients
  • There are now separate selectable employee permissions to create and delete Projects
  • Can set default invoice templates per Client in the Client Info window
  • Can set default invoice templates per Project in the Project Info window
  • Automated invoices will now use the Project or Client setting for default invoice templates if set
  • Can set now set the default contact to be selected on new invoices per Client, set via the Client Info window
  • Can set now set the default contact to be selected on new invoices per Project, set via the Project Info window
  • Tags are now shown in the work/expense list in the Invoice editing window
  • Tags are now shown in the work/expense list in the Report editing window
  • Specs names or contents are links or email addresses can now be clicked to go to the associated URL in the overview and in the specs lists
  • Will now show project start date and deadline in the Project Summary tab
  • Improved various other aspects to display of items on Project Summary tab
  • Exporting a log to text will now include information about linked items
  • Can print Logs directly from the log editing window
  • Can print one or more selected logs from the lists of Logs
  • Searching for Clients will now also look through their default Address and Phone info
  • Can now enable a Client's retainer from within the Payment editing window
  • Abbreviations can now have Debt/Credit types associated with them that will automatically be selected if using the abbreviation in a Debt/Credit description field
  • Duplicating Debt/Credits will clear the Has Been Paid status
  • Duplicated Debt/Credits will have their date set to today instead of the original item's date
  • Will now display the selected Default phone number in the Client overview for a contact instead of the Work phone number
  • Will now better fit the invoice attachment information into the Debt/Credit window when using different localizations
  • Updated various parts of the interface to work more consistently with newer versions of Mac and Windows operating system canvas controls
  • Archiving Projects will now also archive its To Dos. If a Project has already been archived, you can simply unarchive it and rearchive it to archive the associated To Dos
  • Fixed a but related to editing information for ran times on a Debt/Credit that has not yet been saved

Version 14.0.6 (10/9/2018)

  • Fixed issue with the OK and Cancel buttons not being clickable in the To Do window on some Windows setups
  • Fixed issue with deleting parent tags not being possible on Windows because the confirmation dialogs cause issues
  • Fixed focus issues with the tag list editing window on Windows
  • Fixed a few minor spelling/grammatical errors

Version 14.0.5 (9/11/2018)

  • Can now show Invoice information as a column for Debt Credits in custom summaries
  • Logs will now show more of their content in lists when there is no subject entered for the log
  • To Do groups will now select the Outstanding filter by default when first selected
  • Smart To Do Groups with employee filters set will automatically filter out unassociated employees from second pane in main window
  • Will now show Linked Item link in notification window when viewing a notification sent from a specific employee regarding an item within Studiometry
  • Fixed various minor display glitches in main window
  • The Logs section in the client overview will now include items attached to associated items, such as Contacts, to match the client's logs list
  • Will now include separate columns for Client and Project ID information when exporting the list of invoices

Version 14.0.4 (5/9/2018)

  • Can now show Project Notes and Text Logs in the Employee Assigned Projects summary
  • Can now create Custom Summaries of Overdue Invoices
  • Will now show Client information and group by client in the Today view Schedule Work Hours section
  • If a To Do isn't attached to anything, clicking the Attached To display will bring up the selection window
  • Selection attachment window will remember last filter setting
  • Can now view debts that have no associated project in the search section
  • Fixed issue with recurring-type blueprints creating orphaned debts
  • Fixed issue with using the Date Project Template Items backwards from Deadline checkbox reversing the stages and or items within a stage
  • Will now include contacts that are not attached to a vendor or client in the Export Contact List features

Version 14.0.3 (2/20/2018)

  • New option in Cloud menu > Check sync Integrity. This will manually verify that you local data matches the data on the Cloud, and sync any missing items to/from the Cloud
  • Will now include Contact title information when exporting Contact lists via Export > Contact List
  • Will now include Client information when exporting Contact list via Export > Lists
  • Studiometry Cloud: Will now send certain fields (to do suites, spec suites, general prefs, etc) as POST instead of GET to improve syncing reliability
  • Can now show Invoice Contact information in custom summaries
  • Can now sort invoices by Contact in custom summaries
  • Schedule window helper windows will no longer automatically close when they deactivate on machines with multiple monitors
  • Will now show any previous retainer activity in Client's retainer view even if they have Use Retainer disabled

Version 14.0.2 (11/28/2017)

  • Drastically improved performance in large databases when opening new invoice window and various other places when loading a list of Client's Work & Expenses
  • Added option to Data columns to repeat data. This will show the same data on every page. Useful for showing things repeatedly like taxes, etc.
  • General improvements to the Today View display layout when drawing into smaller window sizes
  • Fixed issue where invoice running/paused timer warning would display incorrectly
  • Fixed issue where invoice window would erroneously show a warning that not all work items could be shown due to permissions
  • Fixed issue with dragging items on Windows in template editor
  • Fixed issue with printing code based invoice and report templates on Mac in 64-bit

Version 14.0.1 (11/20/2017)

  • Fixed issue with Status Item not working properly on 64-bit builds
  • Fixed issue with double-clicking on unscheduled items in new Scheduling Window giving an error
  • Fixed an issue with invoice and report templates not properly showing items after page one in data rows
  • Fixed issue with PDF backdrops not working properly when exporting to file

Version 14.0 (11/20/2017)

  • ** 64 Bit
  • Studiometry is full 64 bit on macOS and Windows, greatly improving performance capabilities
  • ** Work scheduling features: You can now schedule estimated work on specific days for specific employees
  • Scheduling features are designed to work great for multiple-employee or single-user setups
  • Scheduling Window displays one or more work weeks, giving you a visual display of overbooked or free employees and days
  • Filter the scheduling window by specific employees, or teams of employees to easily assign work to a group
  • Schedule window will take into account your calendar settings for work hours and work days, and display overtime/overbooked information alerts
  • Estimated work items can be easily split and scheduled between multiple employees and days
  • Drag and drop unassigned work to assign it to an employee on a specific day
  • New employee permissions to Edit Own schedule and Edit Others Schedules
  • Can also edit schedule information directly within the Work editing window
  • Weekly Timesheet can now be used to enter Estimated, PO, and non-billable items
  • Timesheet menu > Estimating mode will cause Weekly Timesheet to enter as estimate
  • ** Today View: View all of today's calendar events, to dos, and scheduled work
  • Today View: Easily mark items as completed, postpone until tomorrow, start timers, and enter hours against scheduled work
  • ** Template Editor: Tons of improvements and enhancements
  • Template Editor: Items can now snap to edges of other items on the template when dragging
  • Template Editor: New Adjustable Grid with display options and snap settings
  • Template Editor: New Adjustable Margin around editing area with size and color options
  • Template Editor: Rulers!
  • Template Editor: Will now show outlines of all items when dragging, resizing, or drag selecting
  • Template Editor: Can now search through the available variables and their descriptions when selecting a variable type
  • Template Editor: Can rename combo data row custom areas
  • Template Editor: Can now see previews for items within data rows directly on the main template
  • Template Editor: Can now click on an individual row type's name within a data row to edit it directly
  • Template Editor: Editing a type of data row that has no content will now automatically add a couple of useful variables to the design
  • Template Editor: Fixed issue with blink/flashing when viewing/editing a template larger than the visible area when scrolled
  • Template Editor: Resizing a data row area will automatically adjust the width of all associated data row types' editors
  • Template Editor: Can now easily add inline variables to text objects using the new variable search window
  • Template Editor: Data row editor will now have a good amount of space around the row itself to make it easier to edit and modify items
  • Template Editor: Will create template previews for row types immediately when they are added to a new template
  • Template Editor: New option to show/hide data row outlines
  • Template Editor: Can now hold the Shift key to show the outlines of all items on the template
  • ** Files are now accessible in overview sections
  • Files: Can now view local files in Project and Client overviews
  • Files: Can now view Studiometry Cloud shared files in Project and Client overviews
  • ** Vendors & Purchase Orders: Big improvements for managing & reporting on Vendors and POs
  • Custom Summaries & Vendors: Can now create summaries of Vendored Items
  • Custom Summaries & Vendors: Can now create summaries of Purchase Orders
  • Custom Summaries & Vendors: New Vendor tier can be used to sort/filter/group summaries of Vendored items and POs
  • Custom Summaries & Vendors: Can now sort Debts & Vendored items by cost
  • Custom Summaries & Vendors: Can now sort Client, Project, Vendor, Employee, Type, and Date tiers by cost
  • Custom Summaries & Vendors: Can now show Vendor as field for Debts & Vendored items
  • Custom Summaries & Vendors: Can now show Vendor as field for Purchase Orders
  • Vendors: Can now filter vendored items list by dates
  • Vendors: Can now filter vendored items list by specific client or project
  • Vendors: Can now filter purchase order list by dates
  • Vendors: Can now filter purchase order list by specific client or project
  • Vendors: Can now export Purchase Orders list to a text file that can be easily used in Excel/Numbers/etc
  • Purchase Orders: Purchase Orders can now be marked as paid/unpaid
  • Purchase Orders: Can now track date paid for Purchase Orders
  • Purchase Orders: Can now see paid status of POs in list and export
  • Studiometry Cloud: Can now limit connections to your account based on IP address white list
  • Tags: Can now assign Tags to one or more To Do via contextual menu
  • Tags: Can now assign Tags to one or more Work/Expense item via contextual menu
  • Tags: Can now assign Tags to one or more Log via contextual menu
  • Can now filter Smart Groups of Clients by assigned employee
  • Custom Summary presets are now stored in the database, shared, and synced over your network or Studiometry Cloud
  • When creating a project with a template, you can now choose to have the items dated backwards from the deadline
  • Forms: New "Multiple Checkbox" field type available that allows for any number of checkboxes to answer one question
  • Forms: Will now automatically scroll to newest field when editing a form if that field is below the visible form area
  • Forms: Will now show sticky banner for adding fields if the banner is scrolled outside of the view
  • Can now have edit Work & Expense category default descriptions that will be used when starting timers or creating items
  • Timer descriptions will be used when starting a new running timer, using Timesheet or Weekly Timesheet windows, etc
  • Can now filter client and project invoice views by Paid/Unpaid/All Invoices
  • Studiometry Cloud: Will now use new timer description settings when starting new timers or entering time sheets via the web interface
  • Studiometry Cloud: Now supports Retina/Hi-DPI displays, updated various graphics throughout
  • Will now show a warning when you're creating an invoice for a project that has an actively running timer
  • Invoice window will no longer sometimes load unbillable items or running timers as potential items when viewing a saved invoice
  • Can now access Invoice contextual menu in Client and Project overviews
  • Can now right-click on an Invoice and select Export to Delimited Text/CSV
  • Can now use auto-complete for Project and Client Spec content entry
  • Can enable/disable Project and Client Spec auto-complete via Preferences Window > Autocomplete section
  • Several improvements to the Auto-Complete list window, including better keyboard support
  • Will now see totals for Due, Taxes, and Amount at the bottom of the Client's invoices view
  • Will now include taxes in the invoiced totals at the bottom of Project's invoices view
  • Will now immediately refresh list when deleting projects from Clients > Projects list
  • Will now sort Stage Templates list in alphabetical order
  • Can filter the To dos that sync to macOS Reminders/iCal/Calendar based on an employee
  • Can assign default taxes to Clients that will automatically be applied to all new Projects for that Client
  • Removed Show in Finder button from code templates list since they are now stored in the database
  • Several areas of the app that calculate hours worked for a specific day will now include the active time for a running timer
  • Can now see Company name in list of contacts when importing a contact from Address Book
  • Fixed issue in template preview box with blink/flashing when the area is scrolled to the right
  • Will now properly load available template variables when editing a custom data row within a Combo data row
  • Can now enter From email address in the Preferences Window > Emails section for use when sending emails via Apple Mail
  • Will now clear an existing file when exporting vendored items report
  • Will now immediately update cached estimated hours and estimated total on projects when using Timesheet or Weekly Timesheet window
  • Will now clear an existing file when exporting purchase orders list report
  • Fixed issue where dragging a spec while entering text will save incorrectly
  • Will now save the current edits to a spec when pressing Command-N to create a new spec
  • Fixed issue with Project Smart Groups having issues loading contact lists in certain databases
  • Made changes to how the Time sheet window will save and update items to prevent rare syncing issues
  • Can now press the escape key to clear several search fields, including in the main window
  • Will scroll groups list to previous position more accurately when reactivating the main window
  • Fixed an issue code-based template editor not correctly creating previews
  • Template editor variable indicator icon is now less ugly

Version 13.0.9 (8/23/2017)

  • Fixed issue with crash occurring when contacts are set to sync to/from Address Book but the system settings don't allow Studiometry access to Address Book contact information
  • Fixed issue that could cause duplicate email/phones to be created when syncing to Address Book in certain situations
  • Fixed issue with Control-C sometimes causing windows to close and save when used in large text fields
  • Can now select Default as the timer type for clients and projects in their respective editing windows

Version 13.0.8 (7/12/2017)

  • Will now always display a cloud icon when connected to Studiometry Cloud, even if nothing is being actively synced
  • Can now customize the number of lines displayed for Client notes/logs in the Client overview. Access the option via the gear icon > Customize Overview
  • Can now customize the number of lines displayed for Project notes/logs in the Project overview. Access the option via the gear icon > Customize Overview
  • Will now verify that default timer types for client/project/employee haven't been deleted when creating new timers
  • Fixed issue with duplicate tool tips in the Create Project window
  • Fixed issue with display of certain special characters in the overview and the location bar
  • Enter key will now save and close more windows when in multi-line text fields

Version 13.0.7 (6/14/2017)

  • Can resize columns in work/expenses box in Report editing window
  • Summary Preset window can now handle multiple selections to simultaneously import, export, and delete items
  • Can now show tags for items in Custom Summaries via the Show Fields option
  • Can now right-click on a row in the Items Awaiting Invoice section to jump to associated client or project
  • Can now right-click on a row in the Items Awaiting Invoice section to mark all of the associated work items as non-billable
  • Fixed issue with filtering lists of logs by tags in Projects that have sub-Projects
  • Fixed several display glitches in the Gantt chart on Windows
  • Filtering the work/expenses section by a tag will now update the subcategory totals and totals bar
  • Can now hold Control key to delete debt/credit item from within the work editing window
  • Can now show/hide taxes in invoice totals in the All Invoices views via contextual menu or the Gear below the list
  • Drastically improved performance when loading custom summaries that filter tiers by Groups with multiple criteria
  • Events within Custom Calendars that are marked as completed will now show a slightly darker color to indicate status
  • Calendar will now properly determine text color for selected items in Custom Calendars that have dark colors
  • Added Clear All option for notifications window to easily remove ALL pending notifications for the current employee from the server
  • Improved performance when loading To Do groups in databases with a large amount of To Dos
  • Improved responsiveness of calendar when viewing Week View in database with large amount of To Dos/Events
  • Improved performance when syncing with Studiometry Cloud on accounts with a large number of notifications

Version 13.0.6 (4/26/2017)

  • Can now show Deadline, Start Date, Completed Date for Projects in Studiometry Cloud client interface
  • Viewing the To Do list of a parent project will now correctly update the Tags filter and allow for filtering the view by Tags
  • Improved the background checking for paid invoices when creating/editing payments so that it won't stall on databases with a large number of unpaid invoices
  • New option in Preferences Window > Billing > Advanced Billing > Ask to use Client Retainer funds when editing previously created unpaid Invoices
  • Fixed issue where sorting in Project's invoices screen doesn't always work
  • When syncing to Studiometry Cloud, there will now be a longer period of time that is allowed after the client a request for updates from the server initially
  • Will now load Clients much faster if they have a large amount of historical invoices
  • Selecting a resource in the calendars list will now correctly show that resource's events
  • Fixed issue with creating payment applied to multiple invoices where invoice paid date would not automatically populate to the correct date

Version 13.0.5 (2/24/2017)

  • Can change the item mode for Paid debt/credits via contextual menu from the Project's Work & Expenses section
  • Fixed issue with localizations not loading correctly
  • Fixed issue with Client Statement not display
  • Improved the methods for selecting the work item type when starting a timer from a To Do
  • Will now correctly show code-based invoices in template pickers if there are no visual templates
  • Fixed issue with multi-line text blocks in invoice/report templates on Windows
  • Fixed issues introduced in the previous update with several windows giving errors

Version 13.0.4 (2/21/2017)

  • Can now link Apple Mail emails to Projects or Clients based on the mailbox in which they reside
  • Clicking the money icon in the project's Billable vs Estimated chart will bring you to the Work & Expenses section
  • Can now save your Studiometry Cloud password even if your account is set to require cloud login for access
  • Added new data row type for Invoice and Report templates to show consolidated category information for any Hourly category types
  • Added new data row type for Invoice and Report templates to show consolidated category information for any Non-Hourly category types
  • Added new HourlyEstimatedTotal and NonHourlyEstimatedTotal variables to show total estimated amounts based on category types
  • Can now customize item mode for work items via group edit window
  • Client's invoices section will now include non-live Projects
  • Can now make clients Live/Non-Live in the Client Group Editing window
  • Fixed issue with Group Edit window reloading fields on second activate
  • Will now send notifications to Studiometry Cloud in smaller chunks when a very large number of items have been updated on your machine
  • Improved behavior for templates that have both data rows and data columns
  • Fixed issue with missing To field in date selector in Payment tracker and other windows
  • Fixed issue with printing To Dos overlapping with too large of extra notes
  • Previews of invoices and reports will now show up in retina in Project and Client overviews
  • Fixed issue where selecting Cloud menu > Enable Studiometry Cloud and attempting to connect to an existing account wouldn't work on Windows
  • Fixed issue with Work Week window not working properly if you have work items without specified dates in your database
  • Starting a new timer from a To Do will now use the correct rate type based on the associated project
  • Moved Studiometry self-updater code to Framework in accordance with Apple's packaging rules
  • Fixed an issue with custom calendars not properly filtering To Dos in certain situations

Version 13.0.3 (11/21/2016)

  • New custom Variable for Invoice and Report templates to show the employee name that matches a specific Role
  • Can enter decimals into quantity values in Blueprint entry window
  • Added fully retina controls, buttons, and text to the Edit Contact window
  • Can now use the Payments data row area in reports to show all payments for the associated project
  • Fixed more issues for computers with multiple displays mixed between retina and non-retina
  • Will no longer send notifications of a report being rejected when the status is manually changed to None or Awaiting Approval
  • Fixed an issue with the interface not allowing certain edits when creating Hourly blueprints
  • Fixed display issue with report approval status appearing with HTML tags in project overview
  • Fixed an issue updating databases from Studiometry 11.x or older directly to Studiometry 13.x related to importing images
  • Fixed issue displaying calendar selector window in certain situations
  • Fixed issue dragging items from the Project and Client overviews for use with Drag and Drop
  • Can now select Non-Live employees in the enter timesheet and weekly timesheet windows
  • Can now select Non-Live employees in the Employees contextual menu for Work Items and To Do items
  • Will no longer display subtotal hours for non-hourly work items in the work list when items are groups

Version 13.0.2 (10/26/2016)

  • New optional column in Work & Expenses section: Hours in HH:MM:SS format
  • Can now display hourly totals as bottom of Work & Expenses section as HH:MM:SS format
  • Fixed an issue where exporting certain invoice/report/payment templates to PDF on Windows wasn't working correctly
  • Will automatically select the most recently selected project when adding a new row in the Weekly Timesheet window
  • New button to easily add time stamp for Work & Expense extra info field
  • Can now filter Running Timers window by Client or Project
  • Clicking on a section header in the Project/Client overview will now always bring you to the associated section, regardless of any saved preference from previous versions of Studiometry
  • Cleaned up display of refresh button in Notifications window
  • Fixed issue calculating a project's invoiced total for non-live Projects
  • Fixed minor issues with the Training Videos link in the main window on Windows, as well display issues in the Training Videos window itself
  • Fixed issue with Training Video window not appearing in foreground when first opened on Windows
  • Fixed issue sorting ID numbers containing certain strings such as INF
  • Computers with multiple monitors mixed between non-retina and retina will now have more consistent display of certain controls

Version 13.0.1 (10/19/2016)

  • Will now display Project's stage information in Project Overview
  • Fixed an issue with crashing while printing Invoices and Reports in certain setups on macOS Sierra
  • Fixed issue with transparent images having a black background on PDF exports
  • Fixed issue exporting certain characters to PDFs
  • Fixed issue with filtering calendar by selected resources
  • Will now immediately display Resources list in To Do window when there are available resources in a single-employee setup

Version 13.0 (10/17/2016)

  • Updated interface. New icons. Refreshed views for Clients & Projects. Cleaner looks throughout the app.
  • Full Retina Support
  • macOS 10.12 Sierra Support
  • Integrate Studiometry with over 500 other apps and services such as Slack, Evernote, Gmail, Dropbox, Trello, Twitter, and more using Zapier (requires Studiometry Cloud)
  • Rate Customizations for Clients, Projects, and Employees: You can now setup automatic adjustments to your hourly rates based on the associated Client, Project, or Employee
  • Rates can be adjusted by a percentage, a dollar amount, or completely replaced with a new value based on the associated Client, Project, or Employee
  • Tags: You can now add Tags to your Clients, Vendors, Projects, Contacts, To Dos, Logs, Work & Expenses, Invoices, Reports, Payments, Employees.
  • Tags: Any tags you use will be added to your Tags List, and can then easily be added to other items, or used to organize and filter your data.
  • Smart groups can now be filtered by tags
  • Custom Summary tiers can now be filtered by tags
  • Tags are shown in many item lists to help tagged items stand out
  • Made several improvements to menus, including organization, icons, and naming of items
  • Will now show overages for estimated vs. actual hour & amount charts in Project and Client overviews
  • Can now view Billed vs Unbilled chart in Project Overview
  • Added contextual menu actions for To Dos in the project and client overviews
  • Can now collapse expanded sections in project and client overviews
  • Several improvements have been made to customizability of the display in the Work & Expenses section
  • Can now show or hide individual columns in the Project's Work & Expenses view. Just right-click the header to bring up the new menu to customize your visible columns.
  • Can now show Profit column in the Work & Expenses list
  • Can now show Cost column in the Work & Expenses list
  • Can customize the totals that appear below the Project's Work & Expenses view
  • Can now view Unbilled totals below Work & Expense List
  • Can now view Profit total below Work & Expense List
  • Can now view Cost total below Work & Expense List
  • Can now move a Project to a different Client by right-clicking on the Project and using the contextual menu
  • Can now duplicate a Project by right-clicking on the Project and using the contextual menu
  • Can now sync with multiple iCloud accounts when syncing your Invoices, Projects, To Dos, and Events to Calendar
  • Several improvements to the behaviors in the template editor
  • Clients now have a Text Logs field (just like the one Projects have)
  • Clients can now have Files attached to them, using either local links, uploading to your Studiometry server, or both
  • Studiometry Cloud users now have the option to link local files to Clients and Projects without uploading to Cloud File Sharing
  • Can now save Studiometry Cloud password to more easily login on launch
  • Can now adjust hourly rate amounts for work items in the Mass Edit window
  • Added ability to filter Apple Mail integration to only match with Live clients/projects/contacts
  • Any Notifications triggered while not connected to Studiometry Cloud will stored locally and sent on the next successful connection
  • Log links to web pages without a title will now show the URL
  • Will no longer show server project files option on non-networked computers
  • Will no longer ask to upload a dropped file to the server if networking is disabled
  • Can now resize spec editing window
  • Group edit will immediately refresh Project's Work & Expenses list on save
  • Fixed an issue displaying smart client groups when project sort order was set to Start Date
  • Setting project sort order to Deadline will now be respected in smart groups
  • Employee lists are now alphabetized when setting up smart groups
  • Will now automatically trim leading and following spaces when editing any field on a contact
  • Added Check/Uncheck all box to Bill for Estimated Items window
  • Fixed issue with payment tracker not exporting amounts column
  • Will now include associated invoices in payment tracker export

Version 12.6.1 (7/25/2016)

  • Improved various aspects of Studiometry's security in locally stored files, traditional networking, and Cloud networking
  • Improved syncing behavior when sending a very large number of updated items to Studiometry Cloud
  • Can now add optional field description text to Big Text fields on Forms
  • Added view setting to sort Projects in main list by Deadline
  • Smart groups can now have a Live/Non-Live selection in addition to Project or Client rules when Match is set to Any. This will allow the group to force showing only live or non-live items while still allowing the flexibility of setting up several rules using the Match Any method
  • New Reports will have Custom item set selected by default
  • When manually editing previously ran times for a timer, Studiometry will no longer automatically calculate the total hours if there is no start or stop time entered.
  • Will now ask for confirmation when deleting a Group using the contextual menu item
  • Fixed issue with importing special UTF8 characters using the Apple Mail integration features

Version 12.6 (7/11/2016)

  • File sharing and storage capabilities in-app with Studiometry Cloud. You can now easily upload and manage files associated with your Clients and Projects, and share with your team using Studiometry Cloud.
  • Forms can now accept attached files using the new file sharing capabilities.
  • Your clients can now upload files via Studiometry Cloud's web Form entry interface
  • Clients in Studiometry now have their own dedicated Files section. So, when using Studiometry Cloud, you can now view lists of associated files for your Projects and your Clients
  • Added new employee permission for deleting files shared on Studiometry Cloud
  • Non-billable work items will now always have their profit calculate to zero
  • Can now use HourlyTotal and NonHourlyTotal variables on report templates to show total amounts for hourly and expense items
  • Accounting window has Taxed column showing if an item has taxes applied
  • Added contextual menu item to Projects list to easily enter a new Form
  • Added contextual menu item to Clients list to easily enter a new Form
  • Can now initiate a Form Entry from the main plus button in the bottom-left of Studiometry
  • Will now ask for confirmation when clicking the Install & Relaunch button if you're attempting to install a version of Studiometry that requires a paid upgrade
  • Fixed an issue with daily calendars locking up the app if there are too many items being displayed
  • Fixed an issue with selecting projects when attempting to enter a form from the All Forms view
  • Fixed issue with New Contact contextual menu item not selecting the correct attached client

Version 12.5.6 (6/22/2016)

  • Added new PaymentInvoicesAppliedToIDs variable for invoice and receipt templates
  • Will now show the Invoice IDs that each payment has been applied to in the payment tracker
  • Added Non-Live filter for Projects Quoted vs. Actual built-in summary
  • Can change the Has Been Paid selection for blueprints
  • CLOUD: Improved the initial behavior of Studiometry when syncing with Studiometry Cloud
  • CLOUD: Fixed an issue initially connecting to databases on certain Studiometry Cloud accounts
  • CLOUD: Added Client ability & permission to view a project's assigned contacts
  • CLOUD: Added Client ability & permission to view and modify submitted forms that haven't yet been reviewed
  • Fixed issue with copy/paste not working in report editing window on Windows

Version 12.5.5 (6/8/2016)

  • Will now show more helpful error messages when attempting to load a database that may have become corrupt
  • Fixed display issue for calendar items with certain types of repeating options selected
  • Enter Timesheet window will now respect the current setting from Timesheet menu > Enable Estimating Mode
  • Add filter to View Timesheet window to include/exclude non-live items
  • Will no longer automatically split new payments added to multi-project invoices when a payment has already been added to the invoice
  • Fixed issue with adding a payment to a multi-project invoice not allowing the amount field to be modified
  • Will now have to type DELETE in to confirm that you understand that you're deleting a client or project
  • Optimized the calendar a bit for users with a very large number of active To Dos
  • Fixed permission inconsistencies related to employee restrictions

Version 12.5.4 (5/24/2016)

  • Can now select specific employees to assign items to when importing calendars from iCal/Calendars
  • New option in Report editing window that allows you to select specific Client or Project specs that appear within that report
  • Will attempt to disable App Nap on machines with networking enabled so that connections and syncing can persist
  • Fixed an issue exporting reports using code-based templates to specified locations
  • Manually adding a new ran time to a work item will fill out today's date instead of the item's date
  • Will now automatically enable Calculate Total when importing work items with quantity/unit price columns that are not empty

Version 12.5.3 (5/10/2016)

  • Added new Debug window that can be accessed on launch by holding the Control and Shift keys
  • Can now easily reveal Studiometry's data folder before launching via the Debug window
  • Can now reset window positions via the Debug window
  • Can now enable Debug mode via the Debug window
  • Fixed issue with Items Awaiting Invoice hours column not calculating correctly
  • Removed permissions requirement to view others debts for the Project Budget window
  • Will now properly use selected employee's "override default timer" setting in timesheet windows instead of the currently logged in employee
  • Changing selected employee in timesheet windows will update all rows with the appropriate default rate
  • Can now add spec data row types into a Combo data row setup
  • Project creation window now has field for Project Deadline
  • Changing the start date of a Gantt item that has linked To Dos will also update the due date of the associated To Dos
  • The main projects list will no longer periodically reset its scroll position when receiving updates over Studiometry Cloud or traditional networking
  • Will no longer lose expanded client selection in main window's Clients list when receiving networking updates
  • Fixed Add Form option from project/client overview plus button
  • Added popup menu to easily access your list of auto-saved descriptions in Work & Expense editing window on Windows.
  • Fixed issue with report field variables after the initial three not correctly appearing in variables list when editing a report template's data row area

Version 12.5.2 (4/25/2016)

  • Self-updating Mac App! Can now install new updates with the click of one "Install and Relaunch" button
  • Can now generate Reports for viewing on Studiometry Touch 2.1
  • Will now store report field content for visual templates in a separate field from the data to improve performance
  • Added Formatted Name & ID field for project tiers in custom summaries
  • Added Formatted Name & ID field for client tiers in custom summaries
  • CLOUD: Added View PDF button to report approval view in Client's Cloud interface, allowing easy access to the PDF file

Version 12.5.1 (4/18/2016)

  • Can now print entered forms (using action icon, or File menu > Print)
  • Can now email content from entered forms (using action icon)
  • Fixed an issue with invoices associated with non-live projects not correctly loading in client or project invoice views and overviews
  • Fixed issue where enabling calculation solving in fields would round/truncate values that may have more than two decimal spaces (such as unit price, or markup percent)
  • Fixed issue syncing larger deleted item lists with Studiometry Cloud

Version 12.5 (4/4/2016)

  • New Feature: Forms.  A form is a saved list of questions and fields that can be sent to your Client for a response, or entered locally in Studiometry.
  • Form responses can be used to automatically create Projects, To Dos, and Logs
  • Learn more about forms and watch the video:
  • CLOUD: Can now send forms to your Clients for entry on Studiometry Cloud. They'll receive a notification, and their responses will appear directly in your Studiometry data.
  • CLOUD: Can also set up individual Forms to always be available to Clients for entry 
  • Invoices can now be viewed on the Client level
  • Invoices will now appear in Client overview, aggregating all Invoices for the Client's Projects
  • New view, Client's Invoices, will show a grouped list of all of the Client's Invoices by Project
  • Can now set default invoice due-in days by Client and by Project
  • Can now quickly create an Invoice containing only the currently selected items via new contextual menu option in Project's Work & Expenses list
  • Can now Group Edit work items directly from a project's work list by right-clicking on multiple selected work items
  • Can now Stop all of a specific Project's Timers via new contextual menu option
  • New option to limit each employee to one active timer, automatically pausing all other timers when a timer is started
  • Added per-employee permissions to edit form templates and to enter forms
  • Added per-employee notification option to be alerted when a client submits a form on Studiometry Cloud
  • Fixed issue with changes to default report approval email not saving locally
  • Improved import of iBiz data, will now properly handle work item groups properly

Version 12.2.4 (3/9/2016)

  • Several improvements to both Cloud and non-Cloud syncing and networking
  • Now much better at receiving and sending a large number of changes to/from Studiometry Cloud
  • CLOUD: Improved various aspects to our company management system
  • CLOUD: Added new account preference to limit Last ID increments to 50 or less
  • CLOUD: Will now remove token notifications older than 4 days
  • CLOUD: Will now remove multi-login-notifications older than 4 days
  • CLOUD: Added project search window to Timesheet web interface
  • Employees assigned projects report will no longer include and combine sub-project amounts in the Employee Estimated Hours column
  • Added DebtCategoryEstimatedHours and DebtCategoryEstimatedTotal variables for templates
  • Added totals row for all number columns in project quoted vs actual report
  • Added option to import as Vendors in the Import Clients from Address Book window
  • Added Project Menu > Edit Project Estimate Settings...
  • Fixed issue with visual templates not being openable via drag-and-drop on OS X
  • Fixed issue with server not being able to use Quick Initial Sync with extremely large databases
  • Fixed issue with client machine crashing when receiving extremely large databases using Quick Initial Sync
  • Fixed memory leak related to sending large amounts of data through the server sockets
  • Fixed issue with image library and visual templates not correctly syncing over non-Cloud networks if the server machine hadn't recently viewed that item
  • Will now fit more information when printing All Invoices list

Version 12.2.3 (2/8/2016)

  • Will now make sure the default Receipt template isn't blank when attempting to edit it
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to edit blank Receipt templates
  • Fixed issue where Client/Project filter string would be applied to To Dos when loading a project's list of To Dos
  • Made a few tweaks regarding the employee login status for Cloud accounts

Version 12.2.2 (1/27/2016)

  • Can now export one or more Logs to text file by right-clicking and choosing new Export option
  • When adding a payment that fully pays an invoice, the invoice's date paid will now match the new payment's date
  • Fixed the tab order for controls in the Payment editing window
  • Added thin and wide variants for Client and Project name/id fields in custom summaries
  • Will now store all Accounting window work items directly to the database, and no longer store anything within the settings files
  • Resolved and error that could periodically occur when sending updates to Studiometry Cloud
  • Added new Quickbooks Export Name field for Debt/Credit types to allow consolidation of multiple work types when exporting to Quickbooks
  • Will now automatically open the reconnect window when Studiometry has disconnected from Studiometry Cloud

Version 12.2.1 (1/12/2016)

  • Can now filter Project Quoted vs Actual report by a specific client
  • Added employee column to Invoice editing window's work/expense list
  • Added Hours column to Items Awaiting Invoice section
  • Added ClientContactDepartment invoice/report template variable
  • Fixed an issue saving custom negative decimal values between 0 and -1 for entered ran times
  • Fixed an issue some users had syncing Studiometry Touch with direct sync
  • Improved launch performance on databases with several thousand invoices and reports
  • Will now more frequently check if disconnected from Studiometry Cloud and update the waring icon
  • Added Apply button to built-in summary field selector so the entire summary does not refresh with every single change

Version 12.2 (12/16/2015)

  • Added Studiometry Cloud access options for each Client via the Client Info window
  • Can now send out Estimates, Purchase Orders, and Reports for Client approval via Studiometry Cloud. Your estimates are hosted on Studiometry Cloud. Your client logs in and provides their feedback. Your Studiometry data is automatically updated and you receive a notification of the client's response. Cool stuff.
  • Can quickly edit and copy a client's Studiometry Cloud account data from the Client Overview via new menu
  • Added contextual menu option to quickly get to a Client's Cloud access options
  • Added new notification option to receive alerts when a report is approved or rejected by the client
  • Editing reports will now ask if you want to upload the updated version to Studiometry Cloud for approval - Optimized Employees' Assigned Projects summary for larger databases
  • Optimized various other parts of Studiometry when performing calculations on a large number of Debt/Credits
  • Can now select one or more employees to filter the Employees' Assigned Projects summary
  • Can now select one or more Project Statuses to filter the Employees' Assigned Projects summary
  • Can now enter default email subject and body for emailed payment receipts via Preferences Window > Emails section
  • Can now add several variables to the payment receipt emails by default
  • Added Days Past Due field that can be shown for invoices in custom summaries
  • Added Hours (hh:mm) field for displaying formatted hours in custom summaries
  • Payments can now have a selected Contact To for use when printing receipts
  • Payments have new Notes field
  • New Data Row types for invoices and reports: All Todos, All Incomplete Todos, All Completed Todos
  • Added new "Department" field to Contacts. Will display next to contact titles.
  • Added new template variable ItemRanTimeInfoStartDateB that formats ran times in a readable printout consolidated into one variable
  • Added new template variable PaymentNotes
  • Added ReportApprovalStatus template variable to show a text description of the current status in the client report approval process
  • The week selector for the Weekly Time Sheet will now go back 10 weeks
  • Can now use contextual menu for Reports directly from the Project Overview
  • New report contextual menu option to View Client Approval Status
  • Will now separate Expense and Hourly types in the Enter Time Sheet window's rate popup menu
  • Will no longer automatically draw a border around web links when exporting a template to PDF
  • Fixed issue with sorting reports by date in Project's reports list
  • Employee login window will now show Cloud logo for accounts using Studiometry Cloud
  • Will now show a window when performing the initial Studiometry Cloud syncing process upon app launch
  • Added Reconnect button to Studiometry Cloud status window to manually attempt a reconnect
  • Renamed Project's Planning section to Planning & Gantt - Optimized the mail importing logic to prevent hangups on databases with a large number of existing logs
  • Markup percent field can now have unlimited number of decimals in the expense editing window
  • Fixed an issue with synchronizing items to Studiometry Touch immediately after a change was made to the database
  • Fixed an issue with the display of client information in the duplicate ID warning window
  • Changing the selected template for an invoice or report will now immediately update the in program preview

Version 12.1 (11/18/2015)

  • Can now customize and brand receipts generated with Studiometry using the built-in invoice template editor
  • Auto-Emailed receipt feature now uses the customizable receipt template
  • Added several new variables for use with Payments in Invoice, Report, and Receipt templates
  • Improved built-in Project summaries by adding several fields to the Project Quoted vs. Actual Summary
  • Can now show project's total invoiced amount in Quoted vs. Actual Summary
  • Can now show project's total purchase order amount in Quoted vs. Actual Summary
  • Can now show project's total PO vs Invoiced total to see Operating Profit in Quoted vs. Actual Summary
  • Added Copy to Clipboard button in Program Memory > Auto-Complete List
  • New option to suppress vendors in new project and other drop down lists
  • Will now prevent the app from quitting if there are items in the Cloud send queue
  • Will no longer show deleted items in Watch List lists
  • Will now grab Company contact info from Studiometry Cloud when initially syncing
  • New buttons in Preferences Window > My Info to save and load company contact info to/from Studiometry Cloud
  • Can now initiate a clean sync from Studiometry Cloud by using Cloud Menu > Clean Sync from Cloud
  • Using the dock menu to quit Studiometry will now go through more checks before allowing a quit
  • Can now hold shift when saving a Debt or To Do to capture descriptions even when auto capture is disabled
  • Improved reliability of syncing items that are modified while not connected to Studiometry Cloud
  • Added more checks for various syncing methods to ensure data integrity in the event of network or server issues
  • Fixed issue with printing code-based templates on Mac in OS X 10.11 El Capitan

Version 12.0.2 (11/9/2015)

  • Can now filter smart groups by Project Stage name
  • Can now sort custom summaries by Project Stage name
  • Fixed crash caused by opening and shutting multiple windows while in full screen mode on OS X
  • Fixed an issue where Studiometry Cloud could give a multi-login error when a computer goes to sleep and wakes up with Studiometry open
  • Fixed an issue with the new version update notification window not appearing in some situations
  • Fixed an issue display default project's Stage name when one has not yet been explicitly selected for a project
  • Fixed an issue where the Client's Projects list might not populate all fields for every project
  • Will now longer open multiple editing windows if you attempt to edit a group while its editing window is currently open

Version 12.0.1 (10/27/2015)

  • Optimized loading for To Do lists, will see huge performance improvements when loading larger lists of To Dos
  • Will now show subtask information, sorting, and related parent tasks in the Project Planning section
  • Added new Estimating Mode option that will create all new Work items as Estimated and set Employee to None
  • Fixed an issue where some To Dos would not correctly appear in the main list if the database had a larger number of todos
  • Fixed issue with syncing contacts to Studiometry Touch 2 when filtering the data sent over
  • Fixed issue with syncing logs to Studiometry Touch 2 when filtering the data sent over
  • Improved various other syncing issues with Studiometry Touch 2
  • Will no longer give an error message about permission inconsistencies when saving edits to an employee that only has "Explicitly Allow access to Summaries" unchecked

Version 12.0 (10/19/2015)

  • New Work Week view shows all worked hours in a weekly calendar view, showing time worked for a specific employee by week, showing gaps in work time and allowing you to easily enter new items from the window
  • New quick work entry window lets you add work to a project and specify start and stop times along with description, rate, other fields
  • Organize your rates and work types
  • Can now create groups of nested work types and rates
  • All rate/work type menus throughout the app will display using your customized sorting and nesting
  • New Rates editing window now shows all rate and category information in a much more powerful and easier to use window
  • Can now access rate editing directly window via Time Sheet menu > Edit Rates
  • Can now delete multiple rate types simultaneously
  • Can now reorder multiple rate types simultaneously
  • New option to display hourly rate information directly within rate/work type menus - New option to display expense default amount information directly within rate/work type menus - New option to display type colors within rate/work type menus
  • Sub-tasks (sub todos)
  • Can drag and drop to do items to add them as subtasks of another to do
  • Can now manually reorder To Dos (as long as they are subtasks of the same To Do)
  • Can now view a To Do and its subtasks in a dedicated window
  • Added contextual menu to open dedicated To Do window from to do lists
  • Can now see subtask/parent information in the To Do editing window and click to access
  • Added several new fields to the Employee Assigned Projects built-in summary: employee estimated hours, employee actual hours, and employee hour comparison +/-
  • New Add Note contextual option for work items will help quickly append notes to an item, and also easily toggle timers
  • New Custom Summaries ability to split timers that span multiple days into separate items
  • Partial Retina support
  • Clean up your project's reports list: you can now hide reports by right-clicking and selecting Hide
  • Will show the total number of hidden reports and let you click to temporarily display them
  • Can now completely customize the output formats for date and number variables in invoice and report templates
  • Can now enter basic calculations into some amount fields and have them automatically resolved
  • New Option in Preferences Window > Billing Settings > Advanced Billing Settings to enable/disable basic calculation support
  • Can now access Automated Invoicing in main window under the Invoices group
  • Can now access Items Awaiting Invoice in main window under the invoices group
  • Can now access Invoice ID Management in the main window under the invoices group
  • Can now sort projects in the main window by date created
  • Can now print/export client retainer tab in client editing window
  • Can filter logs section by completed/incomplete
  • Can edit Live setting for clients and projects via a new popup directly in the overview screen
  • Added New Payment option to main window's bottom left plus menu
  • New InvoiceDaysUntilDue template variable
  • New InvoiceDaysOverdue template variable 
  • Fixed issue with changing color of vendors
  • New option to keep notifications window open when deactivated
  • Business History chart can now show invoices
  • New date filter for custom summaries: Previous 12 Months
  • Can now resize work/expense editing window
  • New employee permission to explicitly allow access to the Custom Summaries functions
  • Projects can no longer have "Default" as their timer rounding setting. They will always grab the current preference for timer rounding setting at the time of creation. Changing the global preference for timer rounding setting will have no effect on any existing projects
  • Will now save "Always Round Up" setting for timers on per project basis
  • Changing any rounding setting on a project will show a confirmation dialog before updating the rounded hours for attached items
  • Will now store code-based templates in the database
  • Will now store automated invoice schedules in the database and sync over the network
  • Networking Improvements: reworked how colors are calculated for clients a projects, having them done on the fly instead of cacheing so that changing category colors or program display options will not update all items
  • Will now recognize YYYYMMDD and YYYY-MM-DD formats when importing email logs
  • Will now also recognize HH:MM formats when importing email logs
  • Will now perform more checks that the main window opens onto a valid screen when launching Studiometry
  • Will now give a more serious message when attempting to delete employees, and also explain the function of marking an employee as non-live
  • Running timer inactivity warning window will now use new timer display interface
  • Blank IDs are no longer included in checks for duplicate IDs in clients and projects
  • Will now trim serial numbers when attempting to register Studiometry
  • Editing a custom retainer adjustment will now immediately update client retainer list
  • Fixed an issue with automated invoice schedules sometimes causing invoice numbers to get skipped when using by-project invoice number formats
  • Will now display all report/invoice templates in alphabetical order
  • Optimized switching between clients/projects in the overview with a large number of projects
  • Can now delete invoice schedules using the delete or backspace keys
  • Typing into date field in custom summary window will now immediately respond even if Custom date range isn't selected
  • Canceling the connection to a server that is available will no longer repeatedly bring up the login window when Auto Reconnect is enabled
  • When archiving projects, items archived on the current launch of Studiometry will no longer appear in the archivable list
  • Improved performance of routine used to retrieve list of archived items, making for quicker syncs on setups with many archived items
  • Printing listboxes throughout the app will now the correct column alignments
  • New employees will have improved default settings for client/project overviews
  • Fixed an issue with DebtCategoryDefaultAmountOrRate not properly formatting its output
  • Fixed various inconsistencies with the display of currencies in invoice and report template variables
  • Fixed a display issue with the Show Percent setting on template items when multiple items are selected
  • Fixed out of bounds error related to reloading data in To Do list
  • Will no longer repeatedly calculate a project's estimated totals while making changes in the debt credit editing window
  • Will now more immediately update the main window's title with networking or server information
  • Will now accept more file type drops on the app icon
  • Will now correctly display a consistent background color on many reports and built-in summaries
  • Will no longer update/save/send out currencies over a network when updating exchange rates unless the rate has actually changed
  • Updated and improved the logic behind limiting the size of backups in Studiometry's backup folder
  • Removed ugly 1980s-esque drop shadow from many reports

Version 11.2 (8/12/2014)

  • Calendars: can now create multiple custom calendars with colors, rules, and filters
  • Calendars: can now share calendars between employees in Studiometry
  • Calendars: can filter calendars by Groups and Smart Groups, item types, and assigned employees
  • Calendars: can now select multiple items (calendars, employees, or resources) to display simultaneously in the calendar view
  • Can now view and modify assigned employees for multiple To Dos simultaneously
  • Updated and cleaned up To Do contextual menus, adding employee assigning abilities and other functions
  • File Menu > Export > Project List now has selection for live/non-live
  • New View Option to include/exclude vendors in the Clients & Projects list
  • Can now set Studiometry to automatically reconnect if disconnected from a server
  • Can right-click a standard group to reorder items within the group
  • New option to View Contact when clicking a contact in a Project Overview
  • Can now change a Project’s Live setting in the Search Window’s Group Edit function
  • New employee permission to restrict access to viewing and editing logs
  • Clicking Apply in the view settings window will now close the window
  • When using combine quantities in blueprints, hourly type items will correctly combine their hours
  • Address Book Client Importing: Can choose to merge selected contacts with matching company names
  • Address Book Client Importing: Can import clients as non live
  • Address Book Client Importing: Can choose to not create a client for contacts imported that have no company name
  • Address Book Client Importing: Can enable/disable syncing options when importing
  • Deleting or merging clients or projects on a networked Studiometry environment will no longer cause connected machines to reset their selection in the main window
  • Can now hold option when right-clicking a client in the main clients list to access option to delete the client but leave all associated contacts in the Studiometry database untouched
  • Will now show option to Edit log types in menu even if all log types have been deleted
  • Redesigned view options window to fit more options
  • Can now remove employees from Work items via contextual menu

Version 11.1.2 (4/7/2014)

  • Can assign employees to clients
  • Can assign roles to employees for each client
  • New projects will automatically inherit assigned employees and roles unless a project template is used that specifies employees and roles
  • New EmployeeClientRole variable for invoice and report templates
  • Can filter the floating running timers window to show only the current employee’s timers
  • New calendar option to display associated item ID before event/to do descriptions
  • Will now show links for associated items in event/to do contextual menus in the calendar
  • Will now take employee timer settings into account when creating new work items manually and the advanced billing setting to use default timers has been enabled
  • Will now immediately refresh To Do names in Stage Required Items when To Dos are edited from the planning section
  • Will now select the current employee when selecting the Timers group and logged in as an employee
  • New Embedded Variable Has Content (Text Area) display option for text areas on invoices
  • Added ItemQuantityExact variable that will show all decimal places for an items quantity
  • Data Management > Clean To Dos will now no longer give an incorrect error when trying to run it on a networked server machine
  • Client’s Projects list will now correctly include sub projects in project total amounts
  • Fixed issue with To Dos within To Do groups not properly sorting by priority or date when a non-english localization is selected
  • Will no longer put a blank space in the Category Notes when editing
  • Starting a new timer will have it immediately appear in the floating running timers window
  • Will now properly sync time data from tasks synced to Studiometry from Reminders app

Version 11.1.1 (2/4/2014)

  • Added Ability to export Project Actual vs Quoted report to delimited text
  • Added DebtCategoryTax and DebtCategoryTotalWithTax variables
  • Add and delete buttons for Client’s Projects view
  • Will hide invoices with a balance of zero from the Apply To Invoices list when creating a new payment
  • Exporting the view timesheet window to text file will now correctly use the split dates instead of the main item’s created dates
  • Fixed issue with advanced billing setting Create Projects as Non-Live not working properly
  • Fixed display issue in Debt/Credit window ran times section for items that have times but no dates
  • Fixed issue with error appearing when typing in a non-matching name for a project into the weekly timesheet window
  • Fixed issue with saving last window position for invoice template editor
  • Will now properly save the last selection for Starting new timers for manually created work items

Version 11.1 (1/7/2014)

  • Sub projects: Create and manage sub projects
  • Resource management: can manage lists of resources, assign resources to events and to dos, and manage scheduling of resources
  • Drag and drop: much improved drag and drop throughout the program, making many tasks easier and more intuitive
  • Sub projects: Parent projects will now incorporate sub project amounts into estimated and actual totals throughout the program
  • Sub projects: Sub projects will automatically use their parent project’s estimate and billing modes
  • Sub projects: Will show sub projects lists in many locations, such as project section popups
  • Sub projects: Project overview will show Work, To Dos, Logs, Reports, Invoices, and Payments for all sub projects within overview sections
  • Sub projects: Work list will now show grouped work for all sub projects
  • Sub projects: To do list will show grouped to dos for all sub projects
  • Sub projects: Logs list will show grouped logs for all sub projects
  • Sub projects: Reports list will show reports for all sub projects
  • Sub projects: Invoices list will show grouped invoices for all sub projects
  • Sub projects: Payments list will show payments for all sub projects
  • Sub projects: Invoices on parent projects will automatically grab work items from sub projects, regardless of multi-project setting
  • Sub projects: New sub projects view for projects (same as client’s projects view)
  • Sub projects: New project window has option for parent project selection
  • Sub projects: New sub project button in project overview will automatically select current project as parent project in new project window
  • Sub projects: Will now restrict project’s live/non live setting based on sub project/parent live statuses
  • Sub projects: Gantt chart will show all items for sub projects
  • Sub projects: Deleting a project will account for parent/sub project changes
  • Can now show project notes and text logs, and client notes within the overviews
  • Invoices now shown in cleaner, updated listbox type
  • Reports now shown in cleaner, updated listbox type
  • Can now show project Estimated Hours and Amounts in custom summaries
  • Will now show Project Category in the clients projects list
  • Drag and drop improvements
  • Drag and drop: can now change the association of projects, payments, contacts, to dos, and work items by dragging them to another item in the clients/projects list
  • Drag and drop: can now copy/duplicate many different items using the option/control key when dragging to the clients/projects list
  • Drag and drop: can now drag items from the overviews screen
  • Resource management features added
  • Resource management: Added the ability to manage a list of available resources such as rooms, equipment etc

  • Resource management: Added the ability to categorize/group resources using customizable types 

  • Resource management: Added the ability to assign and reserve resources on the calendar

  • Resource management: Added the ability to filter the calendar by specific resources and resource types
  • Resource management: Will alert you if you try to double-book resources for a certain time with multiple events
  • Resource management: Can create and delete resources using the various controls and contextual menus in the main window
  • Resource management: To dos and events with resources will indicate so with a new icon
  • Resource management: Right-clicking an item in the calendar will list out its reserved resources
  • Can create invoices and estimates directly from the client overview’s plus (+) menu
  • Fixed issue with To Do links in overviews not working properly
  • Custom summaries will have the window title match the summary name
  • New option to have Manually Enter Total Hours checked by default for new work items
  • Rearranged optional buttons in project list to more closely match the order of the optional counts shown in projects list
  • Clicking on a project or client button that is shown as a filter in the location bar will take you to that project or client
  • Clicking on a row that is already selected in custom listboxes will no longer deselect other rows
  • Fixed issue with ampersands displaying incorrectly in some locations
  • Having an employee or resource selected as a calendar filter will cause a new todo window to automatically populate with that item selected
  • Added SubtotalOfDebts and SubtotalOfCredits variables for invoice and report templates
  • Changing a project’s associated client will now bring with all payment information that was attached to that project
  • Added code to attempt to keep connections active on platforms that are encountering intermittent disconnects
  • Projects and sub projects in the overview will sort based on your view settings
  • Will indicate focus/lack of focus for columns in main window by dimming selection backgrounds appropriately
  • Will now show assigned employees in contextual menu for To Dos/events in calendar
  • Invoices being automatically set as paid will now trigger the auto-update project statuses
  • Fixed issue where option to Lock items on paid invoices would not save between launches
  • Fixed issue with date selector’s Today button not properly working on Windows machines
  • Fixed issue with calendar’s contextual menu not always being related to the correct item in week and day views
  • Fixed issue with calendar sometimes not properly having focus for keystrokes

Version 11.0.3 (11/25/2013)

  • Can now filter Invoiced and Paid items out of the Project work tab
  • Will now order sections in the Clients & Project popups based on the customized order set for the Overviews
  • Can now import nested Work/Expense items from iBiz
  • Added Update Projects Cached Estimated Amounts menu option to File Menu > Data Management
  • Will now list additional font family members in font lists on Cocoa
  • Fixed issue with Blueprint search field not appearing in Cocoa builds
  • Fixed issue where project timer rounding setting would not save/load properly in the project editing window
  • Pressing Enter in the Debt/Credit window’s Extra Info field will now save the window
  • Will automatically select full name of client or project in editing windows
  • Can now add contact first, last, and full name as a variable in the default invoice or report email text
  • Typing a successful match into the timesheet’s combobox will not longer immediately move the focus to the hours
  • The client/project attach window will now sort items by ID by default
  • Several other updates to iBiz importing including the ability to import nested projects, nested work items, and more

Version 11.0.2 (11/13/2013)

  • Can now send outgoing email messages through Microsoft Outlook for Mac
  • New Invoice template option for Debt/Credit images to display Debt Image OR Debt Category Image depending upon what is available
  • Can now hold Option or Alt key when pressing View Summary to keep the summary editing window open
  • Added new setting to change the manner in which font names are matched for PDF exporting
  • Can now make center column wider on larger screens
  • Several updates to improve iBiz importing 

  • iBiz Importing: Import is compatible with newer versions of iBiz 

  • iBiz Importing: Can import Custom Job Events as categories 

  • iBiz Importing: Can mark completed projects as non-live projects during import 

  • iBiz Importing: Can now import Invoices 

  • iBiz Importing: Can now import Payments
  • Removed non-functioning Edit This Menu options from client/project category/status popups
  • Fixed issue with all invoices date selector flipping due and issued dates when searching
  • Fixed issue on client machines where sections of the program might needlessly refresh periodically
  • Creating a new custom summary, editing the summary options, closing the viewing window, and then clicking View Summary will no longer cause an error

Version 11.0.1 (11/7/2013)

  • Contextual menu option within contacts to copy Mailing & Phone label
  • If the view setting to show formatted Project Name and ID in the Projects list is selected, this will also be used in the overview
  • Can now adjust row height for clients/projects list in the view settings window
  • Can now remember notification window size/position
  • Will now remember the last selected category from within the Search
  • Will now remember the last entered search string within the Search
  • New keyboard shortcut and menu item for editing the selected Client/Project
  • Can now remove a contact from a project via the contextual menu in the overview
  • Fixed minor display issue in overview for clients and projects without IDs
  • Vertically compressed summary output slightly by reducing space below tier footers
  • Can now use the Page Setup options before printing custom summaries
  • To Dos in the overviews will appear in chronological order (oldest on top) instead of reverse chronological order
  • Minor tweaks to the category boxes in the Preferences window make it easier to edit and reorder the items
  • Will no longer ask for two confirmations to delete a contact in the contacts list
  • Fixed issue with sorting invoices by date on custom summaries
  • Fixed issue on Windows where client machines wouldn't properly open notifications window
  • Fixed issue where idle lock screen would require password twice
  • Fixed issue where filter text would be removed from the filtering box even though it was still being used
  • Will now limit notifications displayed to the 50 most recent
  • Notification clear button will now immediately clear the notifications list instead of bringing up several clearing options

Version 11.0 (10/29/2013)

  • Completely redone UI
  • Studiometry's main window has been overhauled with a much cleaner, more intuitive three-column interface
  • Project and Client Overviews give you an instant, customizable look at all areas and all items associated with your projects and clients
  • New, smarter location bar makes it much easier navigate between areas and helps by visualizing your current location in Studiometry
  • Movements throughout the program are now visualized via animations within the location bar, helping to better understand the hierarchy of Studiometry's views
  • Moved the less frequently changed Client and Project fields out of the main window to separate Edit Project and Edit Client windows
  • Incorporated many of the secondary windows into Studiometry's main window
  • Search window has been completely redone and is now easily accessible via an always-present search field in the main window
  • Running Timers are now shown within the main window's Groups list, including a helpful count of active timers
  • Watch List is now shown within the main window's Groups list and will show a count of included items
  • Notifications have been moved to an easily accessibly popover window
  • Studiometry on Mac is now a native Cocoa application
  • Cocoa: Can now make Studiometry Full Screen natively on OS X 10.7 or newer
  • Cocoa: Can now enable system Spellcheck
  • Cocoa: Can now resize many sheet-based windows
  • Cocoa: Can now use services in many areas
  • Cocoa: Studiometry no longer needs to become the frontmost application before it will initiate the loading process on launch
  • Cocoa: Many other small interface, behavior, and related improvements due to the transition to Cocoa
  • Brand new, faster, cleaner, better Custom Summaries section lets you create tiered reports that are filtered, sorted, and displayed by countless customizable settings
  • Summaries were rewritten from the ground up to focus on speed and stability, loading times cut from what could have been several minutes in extreme cases to literally seconds for almost all setups
  • New ability to create On The Fly summaries based on your preset summary settings that show information for a selected Client or Project. This will temporarily change the Preset's filtering options to only show that Client or Project, but the rest of the summary options will stay intact. This can be accessed from the Client and Project Overview sections.
  • Can now control what fields are shown for each individual summary tier
  • Can now sort tiers in ascending or descending order
  • Summaries will print cleaner and smarter, and resize information to fit
  • Summaries pre-load and cache all data, so resizing the window will no longer cause a slowdown due to reloading
  • Much cleaner summary editing interface makes it easier to create custom summaries
  • Old custom summaries will be imported and converted to the new summary format automatically
  • Project Estimating calculating options and general estimating functions improved
  • New Project Billing settings give you the option to create invoices based on Estimated items (ignoring tracked time and billing for exactly what was estimated)
  • New Bill for Estimated Items capability lets you easily duplicate and convert Estimated items to Billable items on your Projects
  • Projects using the Estimated Billing mode will now default to creating new Work and Expense items as Non-Billable
  • Projects now separately track their Billable Hours and Worked Hours and will return a value based on the project's Billing setting
  • Project Summary tab can now show charts as either Worked totals or Billable totals
  • Project Estimate window is now much clearer and explains all of the different options in detail
  • Can now easily create Estimated Work and Expense Items from within the Project Estimate Window as well as see a list and totals of estimated items
  • Can now easily create an Estimate from directly within the Project Estimate Window
  • Can now group Project's Work section by mode (Billable, Non-Billable, Estimated, PO)
  • Can now specify a default Project Estimate mode in the Preferences Window > Billing section that will be used for newly create Projects
  • Improved the organization and interface of many of the client and project tabs
  • A new bottom bar unifies and organizes many of the controls and buttons as well as the search field
  • Client's Projects view will now show graphical indications of estimated compared to actual hours and amounts, as well as other additional information
  • Rewrote and redesigned all total bars under list boxes to be much more legible and easy on the eyes
  • Work section now shows running times and paused/running indicator icons for active timers
  • Can now start/pause/stop running timers in the Work list via contextual menu
  • Much cleaner Running Timers list with more information and options, built into the main window
  • Running Timers list now includes easy access to all Stopped Timers
  • Running Timers list can now be filtered by Employee
  • Running Timers list can be filtered by a search string
  • Stop/Pause/Start Controls are now shown within each timer to reduce the number of click necessary to make an action
  • Cleaned up the calendars view and made it much less ugly
  • Will now show calendar item colors in a stripe next to the item, and will show the item's status (completed, paid, etc) via text color
  • Removed calendar themes, will now only display the clean white theme
  • Will no longer change months when clicking on dates outside of the current calendar month
  • Creating a new item within the calendar while it is being filtered by a client or project will now automatically attach the new to do to that item
  • Dragging an item in the calendar to paste the calendar's edge will create a Drag item allowing the item to be added to Watch List and other various drag-capable features
  • Can add custom images for Projects which will appear in the Project Overview
  • Can display the custom Project Image in Invoices and Reports using new template Picture option
  • Can now add a default address and phone information for a Client that will be used when creating invoices and reports for Contacts without address information
  • Can add custom images for Clients which will appear in the Client Overview
  • Can display the custom Client Image in Invoices and Reports using new template Picture option
  • Can now create multi-project Invoices and Reports that show debts grouped by their Projects with customizable Project headers and footers
  • These can be setup using the new Projects > Debts Data Row option, which is similar to the Combo Data Rows functionality
  • New multi-Project Invoice/Report template variables for Projects > Debts data rows: ProjectTotalForInvoice, ProjectTotalForInvoiceNoCur
  • Can now assign Employee to Work/Expense items via contextual menu in the Work tab
  • Can now manually force recurring Expense items to recur early or on a specific date
  • Can now put Hour, Minute, and Second values into ID formats
  • Creating a stage template with a To Do with no employees assigned will ensure that all employees are unassigned regardless of the default To Do employee settings
  • New running timers will automatically be assigned a currency immediately
  • Spaces are now formatted correctly when getting Google maps directions
  • Watch list will display much cleaner and more organized
  • Watch list names and attached names will use selected colors for the items
  • Watch list will show category and status tags in their selected colors
  • Watch list can now be filtered with a search string
  • Estimated hours for a project will no longer include hours from items that are not hourly work types
  • Spec editing window allows for multi-line specs
  • Can now edit Extra Info within Time Sheet entry window
  • View Time Sheet Window's export can now have customizable columns and column order
  • Searching for Projects or Clients will now search through their specs as well
  • Selecting a large number of items in custom listboxes will perform much faster
  • Can drag and drop images from files into Image selector fields in many parts of the program
  • To Dos with multi-line extra info will display more cleanly
  • Will now show a recurring icon in the Mode column for Recurring items in the work list, and will gray out their text slightly
  • Recurring items no longer show their date in the work tab
  • Accounted Syncing updates: can now export Invoices as Accounts Receivable transactions that will update when marked as paid in Studiometry
  • Added contextual menu item to delete Client/Project from main list
  • Cleaned up many contextual menus throughout the main window to make them less confusing
  • Combine quantities setting will now save and function for Project Template Blueprints
  • Fixed crash issue when using Manage Blueprints button from blueprint window when modifying a project template
  • Data Overview is now part of the Status window
  • New Data Management > Clean To Dos function to mass-remove To Dos, based on if they are attached to missing items, older than certain dates, or other criteria
  • New option in System Syncing preferences to by default enable Sync Company Name for new contacts
  • Fixed many issues with flickering on Windows
  • Adjusted column widths for client statement to fit information more efficiently
  • Filtering the clients/projects list with a string will no longer also filter a selected item's Logs
  • Will now check for Auto-Updating of project statuses much more regularly
  • Can now view Client's contacts list in condensed view
  • Fixed several display quirks in Invoice/Report template editor
  • Using a filter within a To Do group will no longer cause any employee selections to be cleared
  • Can now insert Project text logs at the beginning or end of text to keep them in chronological or reverse chronological order
  • Built-in categories will now have preassigned colors
  • Client's Projects list sorted with newest projects on top by default
  • More visual cues to easily see the difference between completed and incomplete To Dos
  • Having a Client selected and using the New Running Timer option will automatically select the client in the New Timer window
  • Removed the previous Client/Project tab setup due to the new Project and Client Overviews
  • Page Up/Down and Home/End keys now work in Custom Summaries
  • When marking a recurring To Do as completed, the list will automatically resort with the new Due date
  • Invoices with entered amounts will now correctly show Taxable and Non-Taxable subtotals based on entered tax amounts
  • Fixed issue with To Dos not properly sorting by date or priority if you have a certain localization setting set
  • Will now show a notification notice in the bottom bar of the main window when you have unread notifications
  • Printing the Work tab from an Employee that does not have permissions to view rates will no longer show rate information
  • Fixed potential errors when saving New Work items when databases do not have currencies or types entered
  • Recurring debts will correctly grab their parent item's currency
  • Resetting the network's deleted items list will also clear the deleted descriptions list
  • Will no longer allow you to select a recurring Debt/Credit type as the recur type for recurring Debts
  • Reworked threading throughout the program to be more stable and reliable, as well as faster
  • Fixed issue where setting the custom Studiometry Address Book group will not successfully create and save contacts into the group
  • Improved the All Invoices threading to immediately show all items and then asynchronously load totals
  • Client's Projects list will now loaded in a separate thread and asynchronously load totals

Version 10.1 (5/28/2013)

  • New Billing Settings option to lock editing on work and expense items associated with paid invoices
  • Can now show all Project or Client spec information on invoices and reports
  • New Data Row area for Project Specs, Project Specs with Value, Client Specs, and Client Specs with value
  • New Calculate button for markup in Timesheets window that will let you enter Cost and desired Total and have markup amounts calculated
  • Can show Project Stage information in custom summaries
  • Changed behavior of smart groups with both Client and Project rules. These groups will now show Projects nested within their associated Clients. Clients must match all client rules and projects must match all project rules and be attached to a matching client
  • Can now choose to combine multiple blueprint quantities into one created item
  • Contextual menu items will process for all To Dos when there are multiple items selected
  • Contextual clicks on custom listboxes with multiple selected items will no longer occasionally clear the current selection
  • New option to by default create Projects as Non-Public
  • New option in the New Project window to make the project Public or Non-Public
  • Can now Copy Address and Copy Mailing Label Address via contextual menus for contacts
  • New multi-line variables for invoice/report templates: ClientFullAddress, ClientMailingLabel
  • Can now put into the purchase order ID format to add the vendor's ID number to a purchase order ID number
  • Added ability to duplicate reports
  • Can now reorder specs and spec suites
  • Can now delete multiple specs/suites simultaneously
  • New ClientContactNotes variable
  • New Report Template variables: ItemRecurAmount, ItemRecurPeriod, ItemNextRecurDate
  • When editing To Do Suites, you can now leave the Days column blank to create a to do without a due date
  • When adding To Dos through a Project Template, you can now specify items to not have Due Dates
  • Lists of projects throughout the program will now use the selected sort order for the main window
  • Lists of projects throughout program will now use selected project display formatting from the main window
  • Will now show total hours per day in Weekly timesheet
  • Will now give an option when emailing out a purchase order to choose between Vendor and Client email addresses
  • Can now shift-click to select multiple rows when editing the Auto-Complete descriptions list
  • Changed "Edit Project Spec Suites" to "Edit Spec Suites" in the File Menu > Suites section
  • New options to to automatically use Report Template defaults, Use Current Info, or Ask when changing report templates
  • Will now choose more recent date range for payment tracker
  • Can now remove images that were assigned to work items
  • Contact Import window from Address Book issues fixed
  • Will now show Company Name in Address Book importing window
  • Will now show X on all machines for completed To Dos and Items Having tax variables instead of glyphs
  • Optimized code for storing and loading arrays in the database
  • Unit price and various other fields will now only show two decimal places unless there are more available in value
  • Fixed an issue where line subtotals would not appear in timesheet entry window for some users
  • Will no longer incorrectly show an associated client when editing a new project's estimate time sheet window
  • Fixed issue where dragging items on a template with PDF background could cause display issues
  • Fixed issue where employees who had permissions to create vendors but not clients could not create new vendors
  • Fixed some display issues when showing the individual line item totals in the enter time sheet window
  • Fixed issue with VendorAddress2 not working

Version 10.0.2 (12/18/2012)

  • Will now show subtotals for individual lines in the Timesheet Entry window
  • New display setting for template items to only show if they have a non zero value
  • New Project smart group field for Assigned Contacts
  • Can now quickly assign Contacts to Projects via contextual menu in the Project People section
  • Fixed an issue where the initial setup screen could appear on launch after a crash during saving
  • Fixed an issue where some line breaks would not correctly display in logs
  • Fixed issue with printing the work tab in 10.0 and newer
  • Fixed issue where View Timesheet window would show incorrect totals when Split Items into Days is selected and parts of an item are filtered out of the view
  • Added all/none checkbox to the Manage Groups window
  • Fixed issue with mouse clicks missing on weekly calendar when the window is exceptionally large
  • Fixed issue with ItemSequentialNumber on some templates
  • The Create Default To Do button in the Gantt item editing window will now take weekends into account
  • Subsequent stages in Project Templates will calculate the work week into their start dates
  • Employees with their contact info deleted can now be linked to newly created contacts
  • Fixed display issue with multi-day events sometimes not properly placing in January 2013

Version 10.0.1 (10/17/2012)

  • Can now select separate calendars for Event and To Do syncing from Studiometry to iCal/Calendar and Reminders
  • Can now show Associated Invoices information for Payments in Custom Summaries
  • Timesheet window will now show associated client for a row when mousing over
  • New calendar option to hide completed To Dos
  • Project Template To Do items will no longer assign all employees if no employee is selected for the item
  • Will now sync setting to Capture New Descriptions between machines on a network
  • New option in Advanced Billing settings to change default live status for new projects
  • New option in Advanced Billing settings to disable Project ID generation by default
  • Fixed issue with deleting Logs from the Contact's logs window
  • Fixed issue where default markup amounts would not be automatically entered in the Work editing window for debt/credit types that did not have a default unit price
  • Fixed issue with Apple Mail integration not working on Mountain Lion
  • Fixed an issue with remote connections on Mountain Lion sometimes not being able to properly log in
  • Fixed an issue with canceling out of the server login using the Admin password
  • Fixed an issue where default rates might not be automatically assigned to new items in the Weekly timesheet window
  • Fixed an issue with some invoice schedules not properly firing
  • Added improved syncing functions for Studiometry Touch 1.8

Version 10.0 (9/5/2012)

  • Can now export invoices to Quickbooks IIF Files
  • Can now use Mountain Lion OS X 10.8 Notification Center
  • Completely redone Timesheet entry window
  • All New: Week Time Sheet feature lets you quickly enter the hours worked for each day of the week, based on project and work type
  • Can now quickly see the previously worked hours for any project and work type for a specific week and employee
  • New Auto-Populate feature for Week Time Sheet lets you quickly access Active projects
  • Can now Auto-Populate Week Time Sheets from a specific group or smart group
  • View Timesheet window now has option to view individual timer sessions split up into their corresponding days
  • Several interface improvements in the View Timesheet window
  • Can now merge items on invoices. Merged items will appear on an invoice as one item, but will display combined totals from all associated items. These items will still exist as separate items within your Studiometry database.
  • Completely redone Project Work section
  • Can now filter the Project Work section by item mode
  • Can now Group items within the Project Work section by Work Type
  • Can now Group items within the Project Work section by Employee
  • Project Work section will now show subtotals for Type or Employee when grouping
  • Filtering and grouping settings of Project Work section are saved for each employee and remembered between launches
  • Updated totals bar for Project Work section to be much cleaner
  • Several new Employee permissions related to using Week Time Sheets
  • Consolidated and improved the Project Info, Settings, and People tabs
  • Consolidated and improved the Client Info and Notes tabs
  • New Logs tab for Clients shows all associated Logs
  • New Logs tab for Projects shows all associated Logs
  • Can now track and edit customizable Client Specs
  • Can access Client specs on invoices and reports using the Spec and SpecName variables
  • Can now create Combo Data Row areas that will show information from one or more data row types, dynamically adjusting and repositioning based on the content of the invoice
  • Can now create Custom data row types, which can be used within Combo Data Rows to design customizable headers or footers for your data rows
  • Can select specific Debt Types to show or hide when showing individual work and expense items in a template's Data Rows and Data Columns
  • New Project Assigned Employees data row type will show information about all employees that have been assigned to the associated project
  • Can now show To Dos in Invoices and Reports
  • New Project To Dos data row type
  • New Project Incomplete To Dos data row type
  • New Project Completed To Dos data row type
  • New Client To Dos data row type
  • New Client Incomplete To Dos data row type
  • New Client Complete To Dos data row type
  • New variables for use in To Do Data rows: ToDoDescription, ToDoPriority, ToDoCompleted, ToDoCompletedYesNo, ToDoCompletedCheck, ToDoDueDate, ToDoDueTime, ToDoEndDate, ToDoEndTime, ToDoType, ToDoExtraInfo, ToDoNextStep, ToDoAssignedEmployees, ToDoAttachedTo
  • New Invoiced Work Types summary available in Summaries menu
  • Can view Cost in Custom Summaries
  • Can assign Employee Roles within Projects
  • Can track and modify a list of default assignable roles that will sync across your Studiometry network
  • Can view new Employee Roles in the Employees Assigned Projects summary
  • Project Templates can now have default Employees that will be automatically assigned to created projects
  • Project Templates can now have default Employee Roles
  • New EmployeeProjectRole template variable
  • Can now maintain a library of images within your Studiometry database that will be synced across the network
  • New Image Library menu option in the File Menu > Suites Menu
  • Can now assign images to Debt/Credit Categories
  • Can now assign images to your Work and Expense items
  • Can assign images to Blueprints, which will be automatically assigned to created Work and Expense items
  • Invoice and Report templates can now have dynamic images or use referenced images from your Image Library
  • Can now include Debt Images in Debt/Credit data rows
  • Can now include Category images in Debt/Credit data rows
  • Can now include Category images in Category data rows
  • New variables DebtCategoryPopulatedNotes that will show the Project's category notes, or the default category notes if there aren't any entered for the project
  • Can now reference images by tags to include in Invoice and Report templates
  • New option to draw pictures proportionally within item's layout boundaries
  • Can now sync Visual Invoice and Report templates over a Studiometry network
  • Will now have the exact same list of visual report and invoice templates on all Studiometry machines on a network
  • Deleting a visual template on one machine will delete it across the entire network
  • Can now create Contact groups for manually organizing your contacts
  • Can now create Contact Smart Groups that will automatically group clients based on customizable sets of rules
  • Can now toggle between detailed and condensed views for the Contact lists
  • Calendar will now show weekends in a separate color
  • Updated calendar themes to be more readable and less cluttered
  • Changed the default calendar theme to White
  • Can now select "Current Employee" as an option for Blueprints, which will assign the employee that creates the work item using a blueprint
  • Can now assign default taxes to Blueprints
  • New option to enable Calculate Total for expense items by default in Preferences Window > Billing Settings > Advanced
  • Can now enter more than two decimal places when editing a Debt category's default amount
  • Date selector now has a Today button
  • New options in Preferences Window to leave To Do due date and due times blank by default when creating new items
  • Contact custom fields are now considered when searching
  • Can now press the Delete or Backspace keys to delete invoice and report templates
  • New contextual menu to create a To Do from a Log
  • New contextual menu to create an Event from a Log
  • New contextual menu to create a Work Item from a Log
  • Items created via the Log contextual menus will now be automatically linked back to the logs
  • Items created via the Log contextual menus will automatically assign associated employees if possible
  • Will now use the native Mac OS dock badge count in situations where it is possible
  • New DebtCategoryDefaultAmountOrRate variable
  • File Menu > Data Management > Show Data Folder in Finder gives you quick access to your data folder
  • Added ItemHasTax variable to show if a work item has any tax value associated with it
  • New contextual menu item to export invoices to Quickbooks IIF files in Invoice lists
  • Will now immediately reselect the current item when returning to the main template editor from a data row editor
  • Will now immediately show all Inspector fields when creating a new item in visual templates
  • Will now ask for confirmation when Deleting code-based invoices
  • New Time Sheet entry window will now only require you to choose the Item Mode once for the entire time sheet
  • Will now support additional currencies
  • Fixed an issue where online currencies would not properly download in some situations
  • Added framework to more easily add currencies in future versions
  • Will now always immediately update hour and total amounts at the bottom of the New Time Sheet window
  • Can now tab through all fields in the New Time sheet window
  • Can now resize and reposition the New Time sheet window
  • Will show subtotals for hours and amounts of selected items in work tab
  • New Menu Item within the Time Sheet window to create a New Line Item
  • New Menu Item within the Employees menu to access the default Employee Roles
  • Merged the list boxes and controls for the Project Employees and Project Contacts sections
  • Available Work and Expense Items in the invoice editing window that aren't associated with the invoice will now appear in gray
  • Can now view and modify category and status colors in the Preferences window even when they aren't the selected Color By type for Clients or Projects
  • Can now export Templates directly from the Templates section of the Preferences Window using new Export buttons
  • Will remember most recent selection for expanded/condensed viewing of contact lists
  • Will no longer present a delete confirmation in the View Timesheet window if there is no current selection
  • Will now include non-live employees in the list of employees in the View Timesheet window
  • Changed the default selected dates in the View Timesheet window to allow for quicker initial loading
  • Changed the default setting for Safe Sync to enabled on new machines
  • Fixed some issues with printing the View Timesheet window
  • Changed wording of Enter Time Sheet toolbar button to match other areas of the program
  • Can now hold the Option or Alt key when printing a visual template to prevent Studiometry automatically assigning the saved printer setup
  • Removed the Studiometry button from the Location bar in the main window
  • The disconnected from server dialog will now have a Reconnect option
  • Will now sync the setting for per-item exchange rates automatically across the network
  • Now shows a better representation of the select image in the Template Editor Image Properties section
  • Imported items from iCal will now use the Studiometry setting for assigned employees from the Preferences Window > To Dos and Gantt section
  • Will no longer show a gray box if an image isn't available when generating invoices and reports with visual templates
  • Will now correctly assign the address book syncing properties to new contacts imported while within the contact editing window
  • Improved display of image holder within Template Editor
  • Can change item type of multiple work items simultaneously using the Mass Edit function in the search window
  • Mass edit window will now perform more consistently when you have multiple statuses or categories with exactly the same name
  • Search window will now properly display color text for selected rows
  • Can now email a contact directly from the Project People list via contextual menu
  • Taxable value subtotal shown in Debt/Credit Based Tax Report Exports
  • Non-Taxable value subtotal shown in Debt/Credit Based Tax Report Exports
  • Total Sales value subtotal shown in Debt/Credit Based Tax Report Exports
  • Will now by default not have the Open Data Warning enabled on new machines
  • Will now ensure that recurring debt/credits cannot create items that are also recurring debt/credit types
  • Will now order invoices on Client Statements by invoiced date instead of due date
  • Will now always properly use the selected currency when generating Reports that are not in the Default Currency
  • Will now remember the most recent sort selection and direction for the Work list
  • Will now properly truncate group names in main window based on available width
  • Will now immediately focus the search field in the add Blueprint window
  • Will remember position of template editor window
  • Will now check for and remove quotes from file names when exporting to a PDF
  • Will no longer show Employee selection in view time sheet window if multiple employees is disabled
  • Will now show the version number in the check for update dialog
  • Will now respect client sort order selection when showing Smart Groups
  • Will now properly sort projects by ID number in smart groups when there are projects with much larger ID numbers than the rest
  • Will now use only the online ID tag when exporting the currency code to invoice and reports via text
  • Will no longer ask if you would like to delete a specific item when using the Delete key to remove group
  • Will now immediately force a refresh of Logs view on Windows when creating new items
  • Fixed an issue where importing from a vCard could cause some fields to duplicate during import
  • Fixed an issue with the built-in summaries not functioning properly if their saved fields list contained an invalid field name
  • Fixed an issue with Control-Clicking on Windows in several custom listboxes
  • Improved selection logic in several custom listboxes
  • Can now use Command-N (or Control-N on Windows) to create a new line item in time sheet windows
  • Deleting multiple clients or projects in the search window will now only prompt for confirmation once
  • Notifications of new Studiometry versions will now appear in Mountain Lion notification center, or Growl depending on user settings

Version 9.2.3 (8/16/2012)

  • Fixed an issue where currencies and online currency data would not properly load

Version 9.2.2 (7/17/2012)

  • Support for Mountain Lion
  • Can now duplicate contacts
  • Can now create new Projects attached to non-live Clients
  • Newly created Projects will inherit their associated Client's Live status
  • Will now show Project's Cost in Project Summary view
  • Will now calculate Project's Profit per hour in Project Summary view
  • Items with Purchase Order mode will now show their cost amounts rather than the marked up amount in the Work tab
  • Selecting a non-live Project will now temporarily show the associated Client in the main window's list as well
  • Fixed an issue with currency codes exporting to invoice and report templates including their symbol
  • Fixed an issue with creating new fields in the contact editing window
  • Code-Signed for OS 10.8 Mountain Lion

Version 9.2.1 (5/15/2012)

  • Fixed an issue with automatically opening the .sut file type
  • Fixed an issue where items could temporarily appear twice on the calendar when iCal syncing is enabled
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a debt/credit with the contextual menu would not stick
  • Fixed an issue with double-clicking on projects in the Client's Projects tab to select them in the main window
  • Fixed issue where recurring items were being added to automated invoicing schedules
  • Fixed an issue where the Project Combined Name and ID format could cause issues when exporting Invoices to PDF
  • Fixed issue with rearranging items in the To Do Suite window
  • Fixed an issue where you may need to resize the Invoice or Report editing windows to cause the scroll bar sizes to update
  • Will now take further steps to hide the typing cursor on the Lock screen when it is not the active window on Windows setups
  • Fixed an issue showing invoices in their default currency in some locations
  • Will no longer jump from the Project selection to hour selection in the Enter Timesheet window

Version 9.2 (5/1/2012)

  • Can now customize the display format for project name and ID throughout the program
  • Can now assign default markup rates and amounts for Expense types
  • Can now enter markup values in the Enter Timesheet window
  • Can now assign a default Project Category to Project Templates
  • Can now assign default Project Notes to Project Templates
  • Can now choose to disable Project ID assignment when creating a new Project
  • Can now right-click on the Project Name or ID field to generate a new ID for the project
  • Project Summary has new Employee comparison chart, showing estimated compared to actual work for each employee
  • Redone and improved interface in ID Numbering preferences section
  • Expanded the date columns in log and to do views to fit longer date formats
  • Will now show longer Log Type names in the logs list
  • Fixed an issue with the OK and Cancel buttons in the Contact editing window sometimes not registering
  • Will now save exchange rates for invoices and reports to ensure that invoices in the non-default currency will always match up with work items in a separate non-default currency
  • Can now create work items from the To Do contextual menus
  • New contextual menu in the Calendar allows the creation of timers or work items
  • Will now use the selected outgoing email client when clicking on Email links throughout the program
  • Project Summary tab will now only show Debt/Credit categories that have estimated or actual values not equaling zero
  • Added variables for InvoiceTotalQuantity, ReportTotalQuantity and DebtCategoryTotalQuantity
  • Added DebtCategoryQuantityOrHours variable
  • Added variable for ProjectNameAndID that will use the new customizable name and ID format
  • Can now right-click on the project name or ID field to copy the formatted Name and ID string
  • Can now sort invoices by ID number in custom summaries
  • New option in View Settings to display formatted Project Name and ID in Projects list
  • Creating new Debt/Credits will now default to the associated Project's currency
  • Added new Folder Structure Summary for displaying a report of a specific directory and its contents
  • Can now include Project ID numbers in name display in many areas of the program
  • Can now use Command-N to create a new timer while in the timers window
  • Double-clicking a client or project in most views will now activate the default Info tab
  • Selecting a type in the Enter Timesheet window will now immediately give focus to the hours/quantity field
  • Will no longer immediately show a cursor in the Lock window when it isn't the active window
  • Will now immediately update contact list in all situations when creating a new contact
  • Will now show project color in Employee Assigned Projects report
  • Will respect the employee permission to Edit Timers when creating a new work item manually
  • Will now sync default categories across the network
  • Will now immediately sync spec and to do suites across the network when connecting to a server
  • Can now only set default categories on the server machine
  • Employees must now have the ability to view rates and view other employees' work items to see the Project Estimated amount and hours
  • Other improvements to visual layout of employee assigned projects report
  • Fixed an issue with iCal syncing causing duplicates
  • Fixed an issue with selecting an expense item in the Time Sheet window not immediately updating the Quantity field
  • Fixed a potential issue with syncing ID formats over the network
  • Fixed an issue displaying a certain event duration on the calendar
  • Fixed issue with displaying number of files when using File serving
  • Fixed an issue syncing with Studiometry Touch where contacts would not appear during some syncs
  • Fixed an issue with the Go To Webpage button on some machines
  • Fixed an issue with buttons in Edit Contact window

Version 9.1 (3/27/2012)

  • New Summary: Employees' Assigned Projects, shows all employees and a filterable list of their assigned projects
  • Can now choose Sparrow as the default outgoing email client
  • Can now choose to import an entire calendar from iCal
  • Can now include To Dos and events when inserting a project delay or changing project start date in the Gantt chart
  • New option to show a New Log button next to the timer and to do buttons in the main window's projects list
  • Selecting multiple logs and clicking the minus button below log list will correctly delete all selected logs
  • Will now show the currently selected syncing Calendar and Reminders list in the calendar selection window
  • Fixed an syncing issue with Lion iCal and creating items on a separate calendar and them moving them to the Studiometry synced calendar
  • Will now show correct label for "Show" in Data Row editor when an item is selected
  • Having line item in an Invoice that is too large to fit will no longer occasionally cause certain items to not appear
  • Will now refresh the Custom Summaries list more often
  • Fixed an issue where Lion iCal would send Studiometry update notifications before updated information was available
  • Fixed an issue selecting a Log's type when opening the edit log window
  • "All Day" items synced from iCal on Lion should now display properly display on all calendar modes
  • Will now always properly show special characters in Currency drop down lists
  • Will now properly show all ampersands in more Popup menus
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse-up event on the button in the edit contacts window will no longer cause meaningless warning to fire
  • Can now Maximize the View Gantt Chart window
  • When there is no IP address for the connected server, the client machine will warn that it has probably been disconnected
  • More strict about not checking for updates from iCal when syncing has been disabled completely

Version 9.0.5 (2/13/2012)

  • Will no longer show clients without active projects in the Enter Timesheet window
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes break links to original emails in imported Logs
  • Fixed an issue with coloring of the first line in the All Invoices view
  • Fixed an issue where syncing to Address Book could cause certain types of contacts to have duplicate phone numbers or email addresses
  • Fixed issue where adding multiple new addresses to a contact before syncing to Address Book could cause an address to not sync initially
  • Payments applied to multiple projects will now show the appropriate received amount in certain project related fields
  • Will now correctly assign the default Address Book syncing mode to new Contacts immediately
  • Will now assign the saved page setup properties when printing a visual Invoice or Report on each launch regardless of if the Page Setup dialog has been opened

Version 9.0.4 (1/31/2012)

  • Fixed an issue where Studiometry 9.0.3 would occasionally crash while in the background on certain setups
  • Can now export the Vendored Items list
  • Alphabetized the list of associated contacts in the Project's People tab
  • Will now properly use project sort order and format in the All and Clients groups in the main window

Version 9.0.3 (1/9/2012)

  • Studiometry is no longer a Universal Binary application on Mac. See more information about this here:
  • Command-N will now create a new item based on the current tab in the main window
  • Changed New Client keystroke to accommodate the current tab New Item keystroke
  • Updated French localization
  • Can now export the Inventory list in the accounting window to a text file
  • Can now properly tab between Specs in a project
  • Can now copy and paste Specs between projects
  • Can now select and cut, copy, paste, and delete multiple spec simultaneously
  • Added contextual menu item to create a new log for a contact in the contacts list
  • Will now properly populate the email default body and subject when sending code-based reports
  • Enabled localization abilities for several labels and fields the program that did not previously have the capability
  • Will now make additional checks to ensure a currency is assigned when creating a new project
  • Fixed an issue where summaries would get stuck while processing when selecting certain Summary Of options
  • Will now use the new Gantt planner chart when using the View Project Planning contextual menu items in the main window
  • Fixed issue where client and project information would not correctly display when mousing over items in the View All Gantt chart window
  • Adding an invoice adjustment to an invoice without any items will now properly update
  • Fixed display issue when editing invoices with no associated items
  • Fixed issue with incorrect titles appearing when printing the Invoices lists with certain filters applied
  • Fixed an issue with exporting invoices to PDF with backgrounds
  • If Studiometry cannot find an exchange rate for a specific currency, it will now default to an exchange rate of 1.00
  • Areas of the program that ask for a password but have none set will now indicate this and let the user continue
  • Will now account for currencies when calculating the total at the bottom of the Invoices tab
  • Fixed issue with deleting Log types
  • Making a change to Log types will now immediately update any open Log editing windows

Version 9.0.2 (10/17/2011)

  • Drastically improved performance when selecting items in databases that have hundreds of thousands of To Dos
  • Duplicate ID checking has been moved to a thread and will no longer temporarily "lock" the program for users with large databases
  • Adding payments directly in the Invoice editing window will now immediately update the Paid status and date
  • Fixed issue where deleting project templates would sometimes not register over a network
  • Fixed a crash when automatically emailing receipts from setups that use the built in SMTP email setting
  • Updated the default pixel amount for the A4 sizing templates
  • Added option to disable the notification that not all items are shown on an invoice/report
  • Fixed issue where location bar would not correctly update when selecting items on Windows
  • Fixed issue with displaying the correct version number when checking serial numbers when registering
  • Fixed issue with expense category sometimes not appearing correctly when using a template with data columns

Version 9.0.1 (9/21/2011)

  • Can now filter custom summaries based on Groups
  • Can now set customizable Contact name formatting using built in and custom contact fields
  • Added ClientContactFormattedName variable
  • When filtering logs by client, logs linked to contacts or projects attached to the filtered client will now appear
  • Moved and added several items to new Advanced billing settings window to clear up space in the Preferences Window Billing section
  • Can now create custom summaries that include only Billable and Non-Billable debt credits
  • Added option to use Project Specific default hourly timer as the default type when manually creating a work item
  • Added TaxableSubtotal and NonTaxableSubtotal variables
  • Can specify a port for outgoing SMTP email connections
  • Optimized client statement loading to prevent frequent bottlenecks for clients with a large number of projects
  • Fixed an issue where data columns could sometimes repeat a specific item once when showing data on multiple pages
  • Fixed an issue with Combo-Boxes not working correctly in the template item properties section
  • Fixed an issue calculating time when using certain am/pm formats
  • Will now correctly close a calendar picker window when the associated field has been closed
  • Will no longer include taxes in the Project Quoted vs. Actual Reports
  • Fixed a crashed caused by issues encoding certain characters in imported logs on Macs

Version 9.0 (9/6/2011)

  • Studiometry now has improved CRM capabilities
  • Completely redesigned Logs features let you track and link emails, conversations, letters, and more
  • Integration capabilities with several popular email clients, including Apple Mail, Microsoft Entourage & Outlook
  • Added support for Growl notifications on Mac
  • New Contacts group in main window lets you easily see all contact information within Studiometry
  • Will now show recent logs for contacts directly in the contacts list, making it much easier to track correspondences with contacts
  • Will now show associated clients for each contact in the contacts list
  • Can view groups for recent contacts, unattached contacts, contacts associated with multiple clients, and more
  • New Logs group in main window gives you access to all logs
  • Greatly improved the speed of most of the application by better optimizing many internal functions
  • Invoice lists will load roughly 3 times faster
  • Debt lists in large databases will load much faster
  • Completely redone To Dos section now looks better, shows more information, and performs much faster
  • Can now create Client Statements that include running balances and invoice, payment, and retainer information
  • New built-in summary shows all Projects with their Estimated compared to Actual numbers
  • Can now have emails automatically imported from integrated mail clients as contact logs
  • Can automatically link specific projects, clients, and contacts with imported emails
  • Can capture outgoing emails, invoices, reports, and automatically create contact logs with relevant links
  • Can drag and drop messages from Apple Mail to create contact logs with links back to the original mail message
  • Can drag and drop messages from Postbox for Mac to create contact logs with links back to the original mail message
  • Can drag and drop URLs, email addresses, and other links to store them with contact logs
  • Full PDF export capabilities for invoice and report templates
  • Can now create invoice templates that use PDF files as backdrops
  • Employee cost-rate tracking for hourly items
  • Can now assign specific cost rates to employees that will be applied to any hourly items they enter
  • Can assign default cost rates to hourly Debt/Credit types
  • Can summarize profitability throughout the program using the new cost-rate features as well as the existing unit price and markup features
  • Can show Profit for items on custom summaries
  • Can create summaries of uninvoiced billable items
  • New Project and Client profitability reports available via the Summaries menu
  • Can create Multi-Project reports with customizable templates that grab work and expense items for all projects for a specific client
  • Contact lists will now show much more information
  • Can now click on emails and addresses directly in the contacts list to initiate an email or view a map
  • Completely reworked email backend of program to account for new email features and better organize outgoing emails
  • Can now set default CC and BCC email addresses for all outgoing emails
  • Can now customize the default subject and content for invoices and reports sent through email from Studiometry
  • Can now specify a compatible email client, or to send emails internally using SMTP for all outgoing mail, for all outgoing email
  • Sending receipts, mass emails, invoices, and reports will now all follow the same outgoing email settings
  • Can now sync with iCloud and MobileMe calendars in iCal
  • Completely redesigned contact entry window
  • Full customizable contact fields give you the ability to track any information related to contacts
  • Can now add an unlimited number of text, date, and URL fields to a contact
  • Can now associate contacts with multiple clients
  • Can now have freestanding contacts that are not attached to any client
  • Can now email invoices and reports through Postbox using the email button on Mac
  • Will now save the sorted column and direction of many listboxes between launches
  • Can now sort contacts by last log date
  • Will now create a Tray Item when running on Windows operating systems
  • Can now specify which categories appear in Data Rows and Data Columns in Invoice and Report templates
  • Can now attach high-resolution images to templates that will produce high-resolution output when exporting to PDF
  • Can now create Multi-Page invoice templates with an unlimited number of customizable pages
  • Will now email or export PDFs by default when using appropriate toolbar buttons while viewing an invoice or report
  • Can now add customizable Link Areas to invoice and report templates that are clickable when producing PDF output. Can be used with Paypal payment link formats.
  • New option for template items to show or hide based on Invoice paid, due, overdue status
  • New option for template items to show or hide based on client retainer status
  • New option for template variable to show a percentage of its amount, commonly used for "50% due on receipt" amounts, etc
  • New custom template variable format "Contact-(field name)" for new custom fields. For example "Contact-URL" will insert the URL custom field a generated invoice
  • Added new template variables: ClientRetainerBalanceBeforeInvoice, ClientAmountDueBeforeThisInvoice
  • Added new template variable: ItemRanTimeDateSpan (first date in ran times
  • last date in ran times)
  • Added new template variables: ContactFirstInitial, ContactLastInitial
  • Can now prepend "CPI-" to custom invoice-related template variables to show information about the client's most recent previous invoice
  • Can now prepend "PPI-" to custom invoice-related template variables to show information about the project's most recent previous invoice
  • Can now create a customizable ID format for Reports
  • Can now create a customizable ID format for Purchase Orders
  • Will now show totals in Project's Invoices tab
  • New filter for Overdue Invoices in main window's Invoices group
  • Can use Project completion date as a filter for smart groups
  • Can now assign a default currency to clients
  • Can now merge contacts
  • Improved compatibility with SSL SMTP email connections
  • New option to show an icon next to variable items in invoice template editor to distinguish them from static text
  • More drastic and periodic disconnected from server warnings
  • Can now manually kick connected clients from the server in the Status window
  • Will better deal with server connections when going into and out of sleep mode
  • Users must now have permissions to edit payments as well as view rates in order to gain access to Contact billing information
  • Will now automatically clean up the Connected User list periodically to better account for disconnected users
  • Can now choose to sort clients in ascending or descending order in the main window based on name or ID
  • Can now choose to sort projects in ascending or descending order in the main window based on name or ID
  • Employee password entry is now entered via enter and repeat password fields
  • Will now remember debt/credit list position and selection when reloading the list of items
  • Will now correctly show the default page size for new templates when first loading the template info window
  • Can now create contact logs for contacts linked to employees
  • Can now correctly set Invoice ID start number when using per-client ID format
  • Can now edit last invoice numbers for clients when the system is set to Per-Client invoice ID formats
  • Can now cancel out of the Edit Last Invoice Numbers window without saving
  • Maps and directions links within the program will now default to Google Maps
  • Have moved all main window buttons to be left aligned to match standards
  • Will now no longer show the drag bar when the notifications list and watch list area is hidden
  • Can now color invoices and to dos in the calendar based on their associated client/project color
  • Can now manually reorder employees in the Project People tab
  • Can now print Gantt charts
  • Can now create nested/dependent Gantt items in Stage Templates
  • View All Gantt charts window will remember its position
  • Will now show associated project names in View All Gantt charts window
  • Can click on a project name in View All Gantt charts window access the associated project
  • More prominent date display in Gantt chart
  • Gantt charts will now by default scroll to the current date when possible
  • Can now shrink the leftmost lists in the main window farther
  • New Notifications toolbar button lets you toggle the notifications and watch list
  • Added new Edit Menu Filter option to more easily access the Main Window search box using Command-F (or Control-F on Windows)
  • Changed the keystroke to open the search window to Command-Shift-F (Control-Shift-F on Windows)
  • Can see and manually control the grabbing of mail related to Mail Integration directly in the Status Window
  • Can reorder Summary presets
  • Will now also incorporate due time when checking for overdue To Dos
  • Will now ask for confirmation when deleting a contact via contextual menu in the client's contacts list
  • Will now warn when generating an invoice that somehow has a non billable item attached to it
  • Fixed an issue where the Groups list would appear "scrolled" even though there weren't enough rows to require it to scroll
  • In situations that require the Global password to be entered, Studiometry will now accept any entry as valid if the global password has not been set
  • Added Go To Today button for calendar
  • Fixed an issue where item sequential number would not correctly work for some invoice templates
  • Fixed an issue where unattached To Dos would sometimes appear as non-live in the search window
  • Fixed an issue with deleting some payments from the Payment tracker window
  • Fixed an issue where the invoice total text at the bottom of the All Invoices section would sometime not appear
  • The View Webpage button will now prepend http in necessary situations when entered URLs are not compatible
  • Will now correctly prevent changing of selection when clicking on buttons in the client and project list
  • Cleaned up the text of some notifications
  • Duplicating Projects will now correctly link gantt and to do items for gantt dependencies
  • Duplicating Projects will now also create duplicate stages for the new project
  • Will now present the To Do editing window at the correct width instead of resizing it when it becomes active
  • Will no longer show the Gantt linking box in the To Do editing window if there are no available Gantt items
  • Address Book picker will now show a contact's company name when it is the only field available
  • Address Book picker interface and behavior improvements
  • Will now show tab counts by default
  • Will no longer show vendors by default. Can be enabled by selecting Window Menu > View Options
  • Will show a more descriptive message when a serial number is in use on multiple machines simultaneously on a network
  • Will no longer include non-live projects in the View All Gantt charts window
  • Will now correctly show content on the initial launch if a specific group type was selected
  • Scrolling the Gantt charts using arrows or keys will correctly update all areas of the chart
  • Made many areas of the program more keyboard-friendly
  • Updated tooltips for several buttons throughout the program
  • Double-clicking an item in the All or Clients group in the main window will no longer change groups
  • Double-clicking an item from the Client's Projects list when viewing a smart group will correctly select the project
  • New option in Status window to disable threading in certain areas of the program
  • Video links within the program will now direct to our support site video pages
  • Fixed an issue with the saving and loading of contact pictures
  • Can now create sample invoices using the Generate Sample Data window
  • Errors encountered will now show additional stack information
  • No longer compatible with Studiometry Touch 1.5 and older. Please download the free compatibility update from the App Store

Version 8.2 (3/30/2011)

  • Can now manually order items for Reports with custom item sets
  • Can now filter the Add Blueprint window with a search string
  • Will now show a category breakdown of estimated compared to actual hours and amounts in the summary screen for projects with itemized estimates
  • Can specify items as events in To Do suites
  • Improved interface in To Do suite editing window
  • Can now tab past the Extra Info field in the enter timesheet window
  • Can now filter by item mode in view timesheet window
  • Auto updating project statuses will now account for multi-project invoices that are associated with the project
  • Selecting Manually Enter Hours will now prevent a new timer from starting when changing the timer type in the Debt/Credit editing window
  • Will now better format the ID numbers for invoices when producing code based templates
  • Will now cache the number of incomplete to dos for projects to allow for better performance on setups that have very large numbers of To Dos
  • Now allows shorter time formats for custom times such as 1P or 1PM
  • New Billing Settings option to enable or disable the surplus payment notifications and automatic addition to new invoices
  • Will now ask for confirmation before adding surplus payments to a newly created invoice
  • Will now ask for confirmation when attempting to delete payments in the payment tracker window and the invoices payments list
  • Fixed order of priority in To Do suite priority list
  • Checking a To Do as complete when it isn't selected will no longer scroll to the top of the list
  • Will now correctly update the iCal syncing bar when the sync is complete
  • Fixed display issue with extra box appearing in custom summary window
  • Fixed typo in Debt/Credit category editing window's Notes tab
  • Improved efficiency when saving or modifying watch lists
  • Fixed an issue where hourly blueprints would not immediately calculate their total amount when created with a customized amount of hours
  • Updated links throughout the program to direct to our new Knowledge Base
  • Will now alert when the iCal calendar cannot be accessed when an attempt is made to sync with iCal
  • Fixed an issue where flat-rate invoice adjustments would calculate as percentages
  • Will now correctly put default rates into the Create Estimate wizard window when selecting hourly types
  • Pasting in an hourly rate while editing a work item will now correctly calculate the total amount when saving or moving away from the field
  • New To Do toolbar icon and menu option now takes selected item into account
  • Fixed an issue with using special characters in Report template fields
  • Fixed an issue where a default currency might not be selected when creating a new report
  • Will no longer show time amounts for debts that have been changed from hourly to non-hourly types
  • Larger Add blueprints window
  • Will now immediately commit changes made to the database when archiving projects
  • Added Accounted 3.x as a compatible syncing version in the System Syncing section
  • Can now print the calendar view directly from the main window

Version 8.2.1 (8/16/2012)

  • Fixed an issue where currencies and online currency data would not properly load

Version 8.1 (2/8/2011)

  • New compatibility with cloud syncing services such as DropBox or for single-users
  • New compatibility with cloud syncing services for multi-user setups that do not simultaneously run Studiometry
  • New compatibility with cloud syncing services for individual users on multi-user networks to access non-live data from remote machines
  • More cloud syncing details available here:
  • Can now specify the Data folder location, giving the ability to store and load Studiometry from a shared hard drive or other special locations
  • For cloud syncing purposes, Studiometry will now alert you if the local database/settings files are in use by another copy of Studiometry
  • Can now hold Option/Alt key to select the desired data folder location when launching Studiometry
  • New Day view in calendar
  • Can now sync items created in iCal's Studiometry calendar back into Studiometry as new events or to dos
  • Can now delete To Dos and Events in iCal and they will be deleted in Studiometry as well (Studiometry must be running when the item is deleted or the deletion of the item is synced to iCal)
  • Will now sync priorities for To Dos from iCal to Studiometry
  • Will now automatically ask to apply old payments to new invoices if they haven't been used
  • New options in Invoice adjustment window to add percentage based adjustments on subtotal, total, or amount due
  • Can now mark To Dos as complete or incomplete directly in the Project Stage Requirements area of the Project planning tab
  • Setting to use only business days for To Do suites will now use business days set in To Dos & Gantt section of preferences window
  • Will now assign due dates for To Dos from suites based on days from the date added for each item in the suite, and not days from the item before it in the suite
  • Can now change the associated client for a project that is attached to a missing or deleted client
  • Project stages will no longer add items for non-week days in the Gantt charts
  • Fixed an issue displaying the calendar when there were a large number of items on the same day
  • Fixed issue with recurring items that have recurred multiple times since the last time Studiometry had been opened
  • Will now show due, total, and received at the bottom of the invoices list
  • Fixed minor display issue when printing main window invoice list
  • Fixed an issue with extra boxes drawing multi-day calendar items on the weekly view when the item completes on a visible day before the visible hours of the calendar
  • New option in setup wizard to select a data folder to load
  • Will now correctly sync end times from iCal to Studiometry
  • Will now show data-load location in loading window if it has been set to anything other than the default
  • Will now properly summarize what will be synced when using the Sync Now button in the status window
  • Fixed an issue with the online currency downloads and exchange rate updates
  • Can now view data-load location in the Preferences Window > General section
  • Can now display a larger number visual invoice and report templates without running into issues

Version 8.0.3 (12/13/2010)

  • Can now create groups and smart groups that include To Dos
  • Can now filter Calendar view by Client or Project
  • Can now modify Debt/Credit and Payment exchange rates in the Search window via Mass Edit
  • Can now select specific employees for Project filters in smart groups
  • Can now select Public/Non-Public for Project filters in smart groups
  • New option to include unpaid invoices in Tax Reports
  • Can now specify contact related fields when importing delimited clients to also import contact information for the default contact
  • Will correctly show zero in Project Files tab counts when on a client machine connected to a server that has file sharing enabled
  • Fixed an issue with the Check All box in the Address Book importing window
  • Fixed an issue with the subject of emails when mailing visual reports
  • Fixed an issue generating report and invoice template previews on certain databases
  • Fixed an issue calculating total number of days for certain Gantt items when the user has set no valid weekdays
  • Fixed an issue with hour display not properly calculating at the bottom of the Enter Timesheet window
  • Changed wording of Date Filter for invoices section to include the word "Date"
  • Will immediately update dependent Gantt items when using the plan editing window to change the date of an item
  • Can now use the Group Edit button in the search window even if there is only one selected item
  • Plan editing window will show correct end date based on your custom week days
  • Will now automatically select an item when any group or type is selected in the main window
  • Will now respect the Sync Contact Company Name setting when syncing to Address Book on Mac OS 10.5 or newer
  • Will now save any text in the editing field when pressing OK in the Smart Group editing window
  • Will now show incremental build version numbers in loading and about windows
  • Will now remember multiple selections when reloading data in the To Dos list
  • Will now immediately update standard group counts when items are deleted
  • Can now correctly drag multiple To Dos simultaneously from To Do lists
  • Fixed issue with special characters being stored in default report template fields

Version 8.0.1 (9/28/2010)

  • Can now filter To Dos list by employee and completion status simultaneously
  • Will now longer show rates and amounts in the Search window for employees that do not have permissions
  • Can now clear date selection for filters in To Do and Invoice lists in the main window
  • Can now delete items from the weekly calendar view
  • Fixed an issue where the order of items in the Gantt chart would be incorrect when using Project Stages
  • Fixed an issue with the Windows date selector sometimes having the third week in reverse order
  • Fixed an issue with the attach information of To Dos not correctly appearing in the main window list
  • Fixed an issue with the main window opening prematurely when syncing

Version 8.0.2 (10/13/2010)

  • Adjustable visible hours for the weekly calendar view
  • Will now remember the last selected calendar view mode between launches
  • Several other tweaks and enhancements in the calendar
  • Added Plain White calendar theme
  • Added extra button for deleting project templates
  • Added Select All button in Address Book import window
  • Can now use SSL SMTP sockets when sending certain emails from Studiometry
  • Fixed issue with display of some items in certain localizations in To Do editing window
  • Fixed minor display issue in loading window
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent modifying individual ran times from updating a timers total hours
  • Removed some threading from the Calendar view to prevent a specific crash

Version 8.0 (9/7/2010)

  • Can now archive non-live Projects including their Debts, Invoices, and Reports
  • Invoice Tracker is now integrated into the main window via a new Invoices group
  • To Do Tracker is now integrated into the main window via a new To Dos group
  • Calendars are now integrated into the main window via a new Calendars group
  • New Payment Receipts feature lets you print or email a receipt to send to your clients
  • New Billing Setting gives you the option to automatically email receipts to your clients when you create a new payment
  • Can now view and edit GANTT Milestones in the main calendar view
  • Added Microsoft Entourage support for sending Invoices and Reports on Mac
  • Added Microsoft Outlook support for sending Invoices and Reports on Windows
  • New controls for entering time amounts give you the option to enter times in HH:MM:SS format or in decimal format
  • New To Do options in Preferences window allow you to set default due dates for new To Dos
  • New To Do options in Preferences window allow you to set default employees related to signed in employee for new To Dos
  • New To Do option allows you to set default Due Time for new To Dos
  • Will now produce all pages when printing or exporting a visual invoice or report template with multiple pages
  • New Debt/Credit Blueprints let you easily add common items to your projects and invoices
  • Blueprints can be added to your Project Templates to automatically populate new projects with common work and expense items
  • New To Dos & Gantt Section in Preferences window
  • Can right-click on a Debt/Credit to create a new Blueprint from the item
  • Several advancements have been made to the GANTT chart area
  • Dependencies between GANTT items are now shown on the GANTT chart
  • Can now set which days will be considered for the work week in the GANTT chart
  • GANTT Items will now automatically consider work days and appropriately adjust their visible length
  • GANTT Item names will now appear continuously even when scrolling far to the right in the GANTT area
  • Changing the due date of GANTT items will now affect linked GANTT items
  • Will now show an icon next to all GANTT items that are required for the current project stage
  • Will now show an icon next to all GANTT items that are linked to To Dos
  • New GANTT options to enable visual dependencies, auto-dependency updating, and several other options
  • Revamped Group list and main project/client list interface
  • Will now remember the last selection in the Groups list between launches of Studiometry
  • Calendars will now dim out completed or paid items
  • Can now select and delete multiple items simultaneously on the calendar
  • New view options for calendar allow you to set week and day settings as well as themes
  • Can now show time information for Events or To Dos in the monthly calendar view
  • Items are now ordered on the monthly calendar based on their due time
  • Can now specify an employee column when importing Debt/Credits from delimited text
  • Can now enter a search string to search through invoices in the main window
  • Can now pre-assign employees to To Do items in your project stage templates
  • Can now add entire Project Templates to existing Projects using the Edit Project Stages window in the Project's Planning tab
  • Made several interface enhancements in the Edit Project Stages window
  • Project Stages are now alphabetized in most areas
  • Can now maintain proportion when resizing items in the template editor by holding the shift key
  • InvoiceOldestItemDate and InvoiceNewestItemDate variables added
  • New cleaner, prettier, and easier to use Date Selector window
  • Create New Timer toolbar button added
  • New view options to show Vendors, Invoices, Calendars, and To Dos groups in the main window groups
  • New Add Item from Blueprint button below Debt/Credit list, new toolbar button, and new project menu option
  • Can now view and export plain text from the Summaries window
  • Can now export directly to Excel from plain text custom summaries
  • Can now create custom summaries of Invoiced and Uninvoiced items
  • Added new "Open Projects" summary preset
  • Several interface enhancements to the Custom Summaries window
  • Will now show Project ID numbers in the invoice editing window for Multi-Project invoices if your main window is set to show Project ID numbers
  • Can now resize the columns in the Invoice Editing window's debt list
  • Will now confirm deletion of tax types and currencies in preferences window
  • When generating an invoice or report, specs with the initial ellipses will be considered blank
  • New totals bar under Vendored Items list for vendors
  • More consistent naming of Invoice and Report viewing windows for printing purposes
  • Selecting an employee from the Employees menu will now automatically select that employee in the employee login window
  • Clicking on the rules list while editing text in a smart group rule will now first save the text before changing focus
  • Can no longer drag item types into groups that will not actually be part of the group
  • Payment tracker is no longer the default parent window of payment editing windows
  • Fixed a crash in the Invoice Tracker caused by reloading the list before it was finished loading
  • Fixed a crash in the Calendar window caused by reloading the list before it was finished loading
  • Will now show Project ID in project summary tab
  • Will now include total when printing Invoice Tracker
  • Will no longer go to the next page when printing the Invoice Tracker and the amount of invoices exactly fits onto the current page
  • Changed Invoice Tracker window to Invoice Management window for remaining sections
  • When creating a new project and specifying a start date, will now use the date when creating a To Do suite with the project
  • Preferences window enlarged to show more information simultaneously
  • Hours and Rate fields will now automatically select all when gaining focus to allow for quicker editing
  • Fixed an issue in the enter timesheet window that wouldn't allow you to edit the hours for certain entries that previously had custom start and stop times
  • Fixed an issue with converting times ending in a repeating decimal to HH:MM:SS format
  • Fixed an issue with the calendar that wouldn't allow you to select any dates in the bottom row of months with 6 rows
  • Fixed an issue with sorting projects by ID numbers with certain formats
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some servers to only accept 20 simultaneous connections
  • Fixed an issue on launch that could cause some of the items in the accounting window to load as if they were attached to a client
  • Replaced icons in the search window to make category types more obvious
  • Reworded "Ignore Saved Time Intervals" checkbox to "Manually Enter Total Hours" to make it less confusing
  • Will now automatically select the Total hours field after checking the Manually Enter Total Hours checkbox
  • When sorting columns by dates, Studiometry will now show items without dates last
  • Will now show version, database version, and networking version numbers in the initial loading window
  • Can now hold the control key on launch to prevent syncing with Address Book and iCal
  • Can sync with Studiometry Touch 1.1 to incorporate several of the new features
  • Added several new icons and visual cues throughout the program
  • New and improved icons for almost every part of the program
  • New program icon

Version 7.1.4 (10/6/2010)

  • Fixed an issue with Studiometry Touch 1.1 Compatibility

Version 7.1.5 (8/16/2012)

  • Fixed an issue where currencies and online currency data would not properly load

Version 7.1.3 (7/6/2010)

  • Added a new Catalan localization
  • Can now show Client ID numbers in the main window's client list
  • Can now sort Clients by their ID numbers in the main window's client list
  • Fixed an issue with Project and Client statuses and categories not being selectable as a filter in the Custom Summary window
  • Fixed an issue with crashes caused in the invoice tracker
  • Fixed an issue with some invoices showing up with incorrect amounts due in the invoice tracker due to multiple currencies being used

Version 7.1.2 (5/26/2010)

  • Added a new option to have Studiometry automatically fix duplicate IDs for clients and projects
  • Can now choose a specific project to associate with each Payment
  • Can now delete Debt/Credit categories directly within the Preferences window
  • Made several changes to the interface of the Debt/Credit category window
  • Marking a Gantt item as completed in the plan editing window can now correctly advance project stages
  • Fixed an issue with DebtCategoryNotes tag not working properly
  • Fixed an issue preventing some categories from being reordered
  • When creating an event in the calendar, the End Date will default to the selected date instead of the current date

Version 7.1.1 (4/21/2010)

  • Added ReportTotalHours and ReportTotalHoursFormatted variables
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash on the server when syncing from a machine while the server is at the initial login screen
  • Fixed an issue with the DefaultCurrency not correctly loading on some machines
  • Fixed an issue with the Debt/Credit creation window not working correctly if there is no assigned default currency
  • Fixed a display issue with debt specific taxes not correctly showing when they're applied to an item in the debt editing window
  • Fixed some issues with seemingly random crashes introduced for some users with 7.1

Version 7.1 (4/12/2010)

  • Can now have multiple addresses, emails, and phone numbers for contacts
  • Employees, categories, taxes, and currencies will now be saved to the Database instead of the preferences file
  • Filter in the main window now also searches ID numbers
  • Will no longer show estimated, non-billable, or purchase order items in the Project Summary debt types charts
  • Changes made to employees, categories, taxes, and currencies are now saved instantly
  • Better display of contacts in main window contacts list
  • Will now save the last selected tab in the Invoice Tracker
  • Text in the View Notification and Send Notification window will now properly wrap
  • Greatly improved speed and performance of many aspects of the server code
  • Fixed an issue with timers syncing incorrectly over a network
  • Fixed an issue converting between two currencies that are not the set Default currency
  • Fixed an issue with time sheet entries with start/stop times not immediately calculating total amounts
  • Fixed an output issue with certain ran time variables
  • Greatly improved speed when changing clients and reloading data in the main window for users with in excess of 20,000 debts

Version 7.0.5 (1/13/2010)

  • Several performance updates related to accessing the database
  • Will no longer include tax amounts for non-billable items in the Project Summary totals
  • Can now show Invoice subtotals and tax amount in custom summaries
  • Can now sort Projects in custom summaries by deadline, start date, and completed date
  • Can now show Project's deadline, start date, and completed date as fields in custom summaries
  • Can now create a custom summary of Non-Billable debt/credits
  • Fixed an issue with Canadian date formats not being recognized
  • Fixed an issue where you could not change the custom Address Book group name
  • New specname variable allows you to put spec names into templates using custom variables
  • Will now notify the user of the new Notifications feature when attempting to access the old Alerts window
  • Can now tab to the Completed checkbox in the To Do editing window
  • Can now tab to the Extra Info field in the work editing window
  • Pressing the Generate button while editing new invoices and reports will no longer bring up the save confirmation window

Version 7.0.4 (12/1/2009)

  • Will now show Client and Project IDs in the Running Timer window and To Do tracker and several other locations
  • Will now include the Date column when exporting from the View Timesheet window
  • Will now show the invoice's paid date for the Date information in a Payment Data Row's retainer payment line
  • Can now enter carriage returns into Invoice notes field
  • Changed the title of invoice and report viewing windows to produce better output when printing
  • Can now have multi-line descriptions in the custom retainer adjustment window
  • Should no longer crash on Mac OS 10.3 when resizing the client and project list vertically
  • Will now automatically disable the Report Field content box if no field is selected
  • Will now show the correct project file count in the Files tab if file serving is turned on
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent items from being deleted in the View Timesheet window
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a To Do or Spec Suite could potentially cause the New Project button to not work correctly
  • Fixed a display issue where visual report template preview would not load if you had no visual invoice templates in your system
  • Updated German localization

Version 7.0.3 (10/14/2009)

  • Will now show retainer payment activity for invoices in the Payments data row area
  • You must now click and checkbox to confirm that you want to delete a client or Project
  • Will now show the client/project deletion window when deleting items from the search window
  • Improved several common functions to ensure they do not cause issues with specific data files
  • Changing the name of a visual template will now update the name of the template throughout the program immediately
  • Changed the title of invoice and report viewing windows to produce better output when printing
  • Can now print project specs directly from the Project Spec tab
  • Fixed a problem syncing Payments to Accounted
  • Fixed a couple of print issues with the Project Info section when there are no project specs available
  • Fixed an issue with date selectors not correctly selecting items on Windows machines
  • Fixed a display issue with the Corner Arc box of rounded rectangles in the template editor
  • Fixed an issue where project templates might not immediately update over the network
  • Fixed an issue with modifying project templates and groups on a server machine

Version 7.0.2 (9/21/2009)

  • New server feature lets administrators force the entire database from the server to client machines
  • New Hourly and Non-Hourly Data Rows allow you to sort items by type on a visual invoice and report template
  • New template tags: HourlyTotal, NonHourlyTotal, HourlyTotalNoCur, NonHourlyTotalNoCur
  • The New Running Timer window has been reworked and improved
  • Will now show Project ID when printing the Project Info tab
  • To Dos are now included in the printed output of the Project Info tab
  • Will now correctly put the file extensions onto files generated from code-based report templates
  • Will automatically insert the Debt/Credit's date into a New Ran Time window
  • Will now automatically update the total when editing a Ran Time
  • Can now use Delete key to remove items in more locations
  • Will now remove the Debt/Credit item over the network as well when converting a Debt/Credit to a Payment
  • Fixed an issue with selecting code-based report templates from the Visual Template preview selector
  • Fixed small display issues in the notifications list

Version 7.0.1 (9/9/2009)

  • Can now change what Client a Contact is associated with when editing the contact
  • Can now delete Ran Times from the list of times when manually entering a new item with multiple ran times
  • Fixed an issues for some Windows machines where the Main Window might not appear
  • Fixed an issue with the trial expiring prematurely if you quit from the setup window
  • Will now correctly load the main window when canceling a connection in the Server Connect window for the first time
  • Several other small tweaks and updates

Version 7.0 (9/1/2009)

  • New Project Stages feature lets you set stages of a Project from start to finish
  • Project Templates now incorporate Stage Information, To Do information, and Spec Information and can be edited in the Preferences Window
  • Stage Templates, which can be added as a stage to any Project or Project Template, allow you to setup several nested To Dos and GANTT chart items that will be automatically added to the Project when adding the Stage Template
  • Project Stages can be automatically updated based on completed To Dos and completed GANTT chart items
  • GANTT chart items can now have their completion status automatically calculated based on linked To Dos
  • New GANTT chart feature allows you to extend all items (or delay) on or after a specific date when an item is not completed on time
  • New Groups feature allows you to better organize your Clients and Projects in the Main Window
  • Employees can view, share, and edit Groups over your Studiometry network
  • Smart groups, like Smart Playlists in iTunes, give you the ability to create criteria for automatically updating groups of Clients and Projects
  • Moderators can manage, edit, and delete all groups
  • Moderators can Assign groups to other Employees
  • Can now apply payments to multiple Invoices
  • New Notifications system will alert each employee when important events occur
  • Notifications setting window allows each employee to specify which types of notifications they want
  • Messages can be sent to employees or groups of employees using the new notifications system
  • Reply button allows you to easily respond to an employee regarding a notification
  • New Watch List feature lets you to drag and drop any item to easily access the item and track certain aspects of it
  • Each employee can track and manage their own watch list
  • Watch Lists Notifications allows employees to be notified when any item is updated or deleted
  • View settings allow you to specify which fields are shown for each item type in your watch list
  • New Group Edit Function in Search Window lets you mass edit items of the same class simultaneously
  • New Employee Permission for Group Editing capabilities
  • Studiometry networks are now capable of handing machines with multiple date/time/number formats
  • New setup wizard will help setup basic information on the first launch of Studiometry
  • New Safe Sync option for Studiometry servers will make a more comprehensive (but slow) sync when initially connecting to ensure all data is exactly synced between the items
  • New Quick Sync option for Studiometry servers will make the very first sync from a client machine much faster by copying the database file instead of sending over individual items
  • Server machine will now perform much quicker when receiving large amounts of data when a client machine connects
  • Major improvements to template editor
  • Merged the template editor and item properties window into one window
  • New data row type for Payments lets you list out specific payment information for an Invoice
  • New miniature previews of invoice and report templates in several areas help you pick out specific templates visually
  • Can now edit more attributes simultaneously when multiple similar items are selected in the Template Editor
  • Template editor will now respond much quicker when dragging items
  • Template editor will now save transparency information for PNG images when saving and loading the image
  • Template editor will now save all embedded images to higher-quality PNG format
  • Will now save Invoice and Report output as high quality PNG files
  • Will now use high quality PNG files for visual template Mail button on Mac
  • Will better name file that are attached to emails using the visual templates on Mac
  • Template editor will now more consistently recognize key presses
  • File Save in the Template Editor will now save the current template instead of all Studiometry Data
  • Several new default templates added (can be added to existing data in the Templates section of the preferences window)
  • Will now link to related training movies from within Studiometry
  • Can now preview Invoices with visual templates directly within the Invoice Editing window
  • Can now preview Reports with visual templates directly within the Report Editing window
  • Can now double click to view and edit Debt/Credits directly in the Invoice Editing window
  • Can now double click to view and edit Debt/Credits directly in the Report Editing window
  • New global option for Invoice overdue alerts replaces individual settings for alerts and removes unneeded clicks when creating Invoices
  • New global option for To Do overdue alerts replaces individual settings for alerts and removes unneeded clicks when creating To Dos
  • Will now show the selected Client and or Project in an area near the top of the main window
  • New interface for navigating between different sections of Client/Project information in the main window
  • Split the Output tab into two separate sections to make navigating easier
  • Main window search box is now much more intuitive
  • Will now show INV in the work tab for items that have been added to an invoice but not yet paid
  • Will now show item attached information in Debt/Credit, Invoice, Report, Planning, Contact Log, and Contact editing windows
  • Updated method for showing attached information in To Do editing window will show more detailed information
  • Revamped Main Window interface
  • New totals bar and shortcuts bar at bottom of Client and Project info tabs
  • New Create Invoice For Client window can be accessed from client shortcut bar
  • New Create Estimate Wizard can be accessed from client or project shortcut bar
  • Revamped the Preferences Window interface
  • Revamped the New Project window interface
  • Revamped the New Running Timer window interface
  • Revamped the Enter Time Sheet window interface
  • Revamped the New Debt/Credit Type window interface
  • Revamped Login Window interfaces
  • Revamped To Do, Invoice, Payment, and Contact Log Tracker interfaces
  • Revamped View Time Sheet window
  • Revamped Search Window Interface
  • Revamped Invoice Adjustment Window Interface
  • Revamped Automated Invoice Schedule editing interface
  • Revamped Debt/Credit Editing window
  • Revamped Invoice Editing Window interface
  • Revamped Report Editing Window interface
  • Revamped To Do Editing window interface
  • Revamped Payment Editing window interface
  • Can now add more than one flexible space to the main window toolbar (Mac OS X only)
  • No longer requires multiple licenses to use the multiple-company features:
  • Duplicate ID warning information will now all appear in one window that does not prevent background processes from being performed
  • New Main Window View Options window give you control over many settings
  • Will now hide Total column in Work tab from employees that do not have View Rates permission enabled
  • Easily view group totals in the group list
  • Can now enter a new IP address to connect to directly in the Server Connection window
  • Server Connection window will now automatically detect Studiometry servers on the local network
  • Can now manually resize the width of the Client/Project list
  • New Overview section in Search Window shows you how many items are in the database regardless of employee permissions
  • Removed the old Alerts feature and merged the functionality with the new Notification features
  • Can now manually sync individual items over your Studiometry network using the search window
  • New server function to wipe all current notifications
  • New setting in Preferences Window > Display section allows you to specify either Notification count or Timer count to be shown in the Dock
  • New Text Size option in Display Settings Window lets you choose a font size for many of the controls in Studiometry
  • Network syncing will now be more comprehensive when initially logging in to help prevent sync issues
  • New Employee permission to edit their own as well as other employee notification settings
  • New Employee permission to for option to receive Global Notifications
  • New Employee permission to edit other Employee's notification settings
  • New Employee permissions to send custom and company wide notifications
  • New Employee permissions to assign groups to other Employees and delete other Employees' groups
  • Can now enter authentication information for SMTP servers that require authentication
  • Will now give more descriptive error messages when there is a problem sending emails through Studiometry
  • Will now include retainer payments in project balance calculations
  • Will now give a message when there are no GANTT items in a Projects GANTT chart explaining how to use the GANTT chart
  • Will now show Server IP address in server connect window
  • New column for Client in Uninvoiced Items section of Invoice Tracker
  • Can resize columns in Invoice Tracker ID and Uninvoiced Items sections as well as the View Timesheet window
  • Can now easily import Clients from Address Book using the File Menu > Import option
  • Can now enter a rate directly into the New Running Timer window
  • Will no longer consider the currently selected Project or Client updated when modifying categories in the Preferences window
  • Will now ensure recurring debts create the items for intended recur dates even when Studiometry has not been opened for days after the item should have recurred
  • Will now always have a selection in the Client field of the New Project window
  • Checks for recurred, scheduled, and overdue items will now only occur on the server machine to improve performance and reduce the possibility of duplicates
  • Fixed a display issue in the Custom Summary window that would show the incorrect title for Project Summaries
  • Fixed an update issue where reloading the Client/Project list would not update the scrollbar
  • New ProjectStage tag for Invoice and Report templates
  • New ItemHourRateIfHourly and ItemHourRateIfHourlyNoCur tag for Invoice and Report templates
  • New ProjectBalance and ProjectBalanceNoCur tags for Invoice and Report templates
  • Can now use command key to select additional items in template editor
  • Can now use Delete key to remove items from Client/Projects list
  • New ItemProjectForPONumber tag for Invoice and Report templates
  • New Payment tags for Invoice and Report templates: PaymentAmountForThisInvoice, PaymentTotalAmount, PaymentDescription, PaymentDate, PaymentMethod
  • Added PaymentOtherField1 to PaymentOtherField5 as available fields for Payment data rows
  • Added several variables for putting ran-time info into debt/credit data rows: ItemRanTimeInfo, ItemRanTimeInfoExtended, ItemRanTimeInfoNoDates, ItemRanTimeInfoStartDate
  • The ID format section of the Preferences window will now recognize longer tags for the ID numbers (PPPP will be recognized for P) and not show a warning for the format
  • Invoice Paid date field is now disabled in the editing window until the Paid checkbox has been checked
  • Will now show recurring debt/credits at the top of the list when first loaded
  • Will now show recurring amounts in gray in the Debt/Credits list to distinguish them from normal debt/credits
  • New File Menu > Suites section allows you to directly edit To Do and Spec suites
  • New option in Tax Report export to include Invoice or Debt/Credit totals as well as their tax amounts
  • Status Item mode will now default to Projects if nothing is selected
  • Using only arrow keys to move items in template editor will cause it to ask for a save on close
  • Will now automatically set a default report template on new machines
  • The window that asks for recur amounts will now automatically format all numbers with two decimal places
  • Will no longer show end date/time in search window for To Dos that are not events
  • Will now correctly import the amount quoted field in the Project Delimited text import
  • Since toolbars on Windows do not support spaces, flexible spaces will now be replaced with a simple separator on Windows
  • Will show warnings in several windows if Studiometry cannot write an export file to a specified locaiton

Version 6.1.92 (9/2/2009)

  • Fixed some issues with Snow Leopard compatibility for Mac OS X 10.6 users.

Version 6.1.91 (7/20/2009)

  • New option for tax calculation rounding calculation settings in the Preferences Window Taxes section will allow users to set the rounding modes
  • Fixes an issue with the Client/Project list not initially loading without a refresh on client machines connecting to servers with specific setups
  • Fixed a spelling mistake with the ItemInfoQuantityOrHours tag

Version 6.1.9 (6/30/2009)

  • Can now filter To Do tracker by specific Employees
  • Can now filter To Do tracker by dates
  • Filtering by a Client or Project in the To Do tracker will now automatically select that item when creating a new To Do from the To Do tracker
  • Will now ensure recurring debts create the items for intended recur dates even when Studiometry has not been opened for days after the item should have recurred
  • Changed the handling of tax numbers to prevent issues with certain International Formats
  • Will now by default always select an hourly timer type when using the Status Item and selecting New Running Timer for a Project
  • Will no longer give a permissions warning when you try to quit Studiometry via the dock when Studiometry is not the active application and an employee without permissions to edit projects is logged in and has a project selected
  • Will no longer keep specific windows open when switching between employees on the same machine by quitting Studiometry and relaunching and logging in as the other employee
  • Will no longer by default show the Client's default contact to for Invoices and Reports that have saved a selected Contact To
  • Can no longer delete Debt/Credits from the main window if you do not have permission to Edit Debt/Credits
  • Fixed an issue with rounding not working correctly for some specific numbers

Version 6.1.8 (6/1/2009)

  • Will now show more detailed codes when you attempt to perform an action that the current employee does not have permissions for
  • Will now remember the last setting for starting the timer when creating new Debt/Credits via the Debt/Credit editing window
  • Pressing cancel on the Duplicate ID warning window will stop the entire checking process
  • Will no longer allow you to press OK in the Duplicate ID warning window if both items show Identical IDs
  • Will now show a warning in the Preferences window if you enter an ID format that could create duplicate IDs
  • Fixed an issue where some individual users with specific settings could not get the Ask For Password on Launch checkbox to work correctly
  • Fixed an issue where an Invoice couldn't be made for a client that only had one work item in certain situations

Version 6.1.7 (5/20/2009)

  • Reworked the behavior of a server machine when opening to prevent flickering of the main window on launch if a password is required
  • Will now display the number of successfully imported items when using the Delimited Text import functions
  • Large speed increase when moving between Projects on data files with a large number of Invoices
  • Optimized code in un-invoiced items list to load faster for users with large amounts of invoices
  • Optimized code for creating automated Invoices for Projects when a large amount of Invoices are present
  • Optimized code for creating new invoices and editing existing invoices to load the list of items much quicker
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error when attempting to import Debt/Credits with the Delimited Text import
  • Fixed a minor display issue that could show two different projects for the same item in the Enter Time Sheet window under specific circumstances
  • Will now force you to select a category for Invoice Adjustments
  • Will now warn when no template is selected when attempting to generate Reports and Invoices in their respective editing windows
  • Made a few changes to the registration process to prevent issues with specific names

Version 6.1.6 (5/12/2009)

  • Can now use the contextual menu to paste debt/credits in the main window when no debt/credits are selected
  • Changed the behavior when initially launching to make for more consistent window opening and fix a display issue

Version 6.1.5 (5/7/2009)

  • Can now access System Syncing options in preferences window on Windows machines to change Accounted syncing settings
  • Can now specify what each item will be attached to when importing delimited text
  • Can now check or uncheck individual rows to import when using the Delimited Text import window
  • Can now imported attached items to multiple parents via the Delimited Text import window
  • Now gives the choice to delete the original To Do when converting To Dos to Debt/Credits
  • Will now correctly log in as Default employee when selected on machines that have deleted the original default employee
  • Fixed an issue with the TaxName tag in data rows in visual report templates

Version 6.1.4 (4/15/2009)

  • New option in Preferences Window > Billing Section allows you to turn of the default selection of Create Payment box when marking an invoice as paid
  • New MarkupTotalAmount and MarkupTotalAmountNoCur tags show the total amount of all markups on an invoice or report
  • New ItemMarkupTotal and ItemMarkupTotalNoCur shows the total markup amount for a specific item
  • Will now check the Project Purchase Order Number field when searching in the searching window
  • Will now make the Recur Amount field in the Debt/Credit editing window negative if the recur creation type is a discount type
  • Interface tweaks in Invoice Adjustment window
  • Fixed an issue with TaxAmount and TaxAmountNoCur tags not correctly processing on Visual Invoice Templates
  • Made minor changes to the serial number checking functions
  • Can now be automatically restarted daily with Studiometry Server Monitor 1.0.1

Version 6.1.3 (4/6/2009)

  • Will now use smarter date parsing in many parts of the program to prevent years from appearing as 0009, for example
  • Will now correctly load items that have incorrectly formatted dates in them
  • Can now sync with Accounted 2.0
  • iCal syncing is now threaded and will no longer freeze the app temporarily for users with large amounts of synced data
  • Will now copy Next Step information into the Extra Info field when converting a Project's To Do to a Debt/Credit
  • Will now copy employee information to a Debt/Credit when converting from a To Do if there is only one employee applied to the To Do
  • New option to hide XML error alerts
  • New option in the Preferences Window System Syncing section to select which version of Accounted you'd like to sync with
  • Will no longer sync to iCal on a 10.5 machine when a periodic save occurs, this will result in better performance
  • Status window is now resizable
  • Status window now displays System Syncing information
  • New button in Status window allows you to manually sync all information into iCal
  • Changed the behavior of several settings in the Preferences window to prevent unintended updating of items over the network
  • Will now show Project ID number in Summary filter windows
  • Will now show Client ID number in Summary filter windows
  • Will now immediately show updates made over the network to the selected client in the main window
  • Will now immediately show updates made over the network to Live/Non-Live status of Projects
  • Will now immediately show updates made over the network to Color, Statuses, Categories, and Currencies of Projects
  • Will now log any XML exceptions and Unhandled Exceptions into the Status window
  • Will now show warning in main window when the current logged in employee doesn't have permissions to change vendor settings
  • Made the warning in the Client/Project delete confirmation window larger and more obnoxious
  • Fixed an issue where TaxAmount and TaxAmountNoCur tags wouldn't correctly process on Code Based Report templates
  • Can now more easily delete Debt/Credit categories that may have become corrupt
  • Changed the built in XML template to have matching capitalization in the TaxAmount tags

Version 6.1.2 (3/4/2009)

  • New option in Preferences Window Billing section to Include Taxes by default when creating new Reports
  • Will now highlight the built in (cannot be deleted) Debt/Credit types in the Categories list
  • Can now enter negative amounts for markups in the Debt/Credit Calculate Total section
  • Will show Debt/Credit names on Tax Report exports if individual Debt/Credits are shown
  • Can now select the output currency in the Tax Report section of the Accounting window
  • New Template variable ItemTaxTotal and ItemTaxTotalNoCur will show the total of all taxes for the specific item
  • New ItemCategoryNotes and ItemCategoryProjectNotes used for getting category notes when not using the DebtCategories tags
  • Added "E" tag to ID formats, will insert the last digit of the current year
  • Will now save the settings for Page Setup for Visual Invoices and Reports between launches
  • Can now create Payments with negative amounts
  • Fixed an issue with DebtCategoryHoursDetailed not showing the correct amount of decimal places
  • Fixed an issue causing the Project's default Status and Categories to not be applied when creating a new Project
  • The Page Setup settings will now stick if you edit it multiple times in the same Invoice Preview window
  • Greatly improved speed of To Do Tracker for users that enter large descriptions into the To Do's extra info field
  • Changed the built in XML template to have matching capitalization in the TaxName tags

Version 6.1.1 (2/17/2009)

  • Can now create Percentage or Fixed amount Discounts and Fees for Invoices
  • Will now show Multi-Project Invoices in the Invoice section of all associated Projects
  • Can now export the information in the Search Window
  • Can now use the ItemSequentialNumber variable within Data Rows
  • Can now enter up to 6 decimal spaces into the Fixed Per Unit Markup field in the Debt/Credit window
  • Can now modify the font and text size in custom summary window
  • Can now manually reorder the Debt/Credits in the Invoice Editing window
  • New options in the Accounting window allow you to create Tax Reports based on Debt/Credits in addition to Invoices
  • Can now have negative (discount) recurring items
  • New ItemInfoUnitPriceOrRate tag will show unit price if calculated, rate if hourly, or be blank if neither
  • New iItemInfoQuantityOrHours tag will show quantity if calculated, hours if hourly, or be blank if neither
  • New ItemHoursDetailed, DebtCategoryHoursDetailed tag will show item hours to four decimal spaces
  • New option to filter or leave in potentially problematic characters in Delimited Text imports
  • Project Total Hour calculations will no longer include Estimated Mode Debt/Credits
  • Will now properly display the correct month calculations when first loading the Accounting window
  • Several behavior tweaks with the Debt/Credit Calculate total interface
  • Fixed an issue causing the Vendor Unit Price to sometimes appear with too many decimal spaces
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent custom delimiters to be entered into the Delimited Text Import window
  • Fixed an issue with text qualifiers in the Delimited Text Import window
  • Can now turn off the error warnings. This can be modified in the Status Window or by pressing the Don't Show Again button when a warning appears
  • Changed several default settings for new users
  • Changed layout of Duplicate ID warning window to allow longer Project and Client names
  • Filtered out more characters that cause issues with XML data syncing over the network
  • Will now give more detailed information when XML data does not correctly load from the preferences file or over the network
  • Will now show "Finalizing" when finishing a network sync with the server, instead of showing "Receiving 101/100" for example
  • Several other updates and tweaks
  • New Icelandic Localization

Version 6.1 (1/26/2009)

  • Huge speed increase when loading very large lists of sorted items in several areas of the application
  • New Retainer Capabilities for Clients
  • Invoices can be Paid from Retainers now in addition to Payments
  • Payments can be applied to a Client's Retainer
  • New ability to add Custom Retainer Adjustments
  • New Vendor Capabilities
  • Can convert old Clients to Vendors
  • Added new Employee permissions for Creating, Editing, and Viewing Vendors as well as permissions to assign items to Vendors
  • Added many new Vendor related tags for Report Templates
  • New Per-Employee view options for main window allow you to view Vendors in the main list along with Clients and Projects
  • Can now enter Start and Stop times instead of just hourly totals in the New Timesheet Window
  • Can now view Client and Project ID numbers in the New Timesheet Window
  • Can now choose to have Studiometry automatically generate a new Project ID number based on your settings when duplicating projects
  • Can now generate large amounts of sample data for testing purposes. Use the File Menu > Data Management > Generate Sample Data menu option
  • Can now duplicate Debt/Credits in the Work tab via the contextual menu
  • Can now copy, paste, and delete multiple Debt/Credits simultaneously in the Work tab
  • Can now select the Debt/Credit modes that will appear on Custom Summaries
  • Can now display Debt/Credit extra info field in custom summaries
  • Can now display the Mode of Debt/Credits in custom summaries
  • Can now change the mode of multiple Debt/Credits simultaneously using the contextual menu in the Work tab
  • Invoice Tracker is now threaded and will respond much quicker when loading the Invoice list
  • Greatly improved speed of Items Awaiting Invoice section for users with large amounts of Debt/Credits that are already associated with invoices
  • Can now enter separate Total and Tax Total amounts when creating an invoice totaled by a specified amount
  • Search window will now include the Contact Notes field in searches
  • New section in Search window for Vendors
  • Newly redesign item calculation gives you more control over Markup, Vendor information, and quantity
  • New Retainer Tags: ClientRetainerBalance, ClientRetainerDesiredMax, ClientRetainerBalanceMaxDifference, ClientRetainerBalanceMaxDifferenceInverted
  • New Item Vendor Information Tags: ItemVendor, ItemVendorID tags
  • New ItemVendorUnitPrice, ItemVendorUnitPriceNoCur, ItemVendorTotal, ItemVendorTotalNoCur tags give additional capabilities for creating purchase orders and tracking costs
  • New ItemHoursIfHourly tag will show the hours for the item if it is an hourly type or it will be blank if the item is not hourly (ItemHours will show 0.00 if the item is not hourly)
  • New ItemAmountWithTax and ItemAmountWithTaxNoCur variables
  • New ClientBalanceWithRetainer tag will now also include Retainer balance in calculation
  • InvoiceTotalDue tag and InvoiceAmountReceived tag will now take into account any amounts taken from the Client's Retainer
  • New InvoiceAmountPaidFromRetainer, InvoiceAmountPaidFromRetainerNoCur, InvoiceReceivedFromPayments, InvoiceReceivedFromPaymentsNoCur tags
  • Can now Markup items on a Fixed Per Unit amount as well
  • Can now Markup items on a Fixed On Total amount as well
  • New Markup Related Tags ItemMarkupFPU, ItemMarkupFOT
  • Will now instantly refresh the Category lists in the Preferences window if it is open when updated over the network
  • Will now show a Taxes column for tax totals for individual items when editing Reports
  • New option to disable the warning when manually changing Debt/Credit types
  • Will more frequently check for Paid Invoices based on the Mark Invoice as Paid when Total Equals Zero option
  • Will now create items quicker when pressing the OK button in the Time Sheet window
  • Will no longer recreate the Address Book group when closing the Preferences Window
  • Visual Invoice Template Windows will now use the Leopard toolbars
  • Main window will no longer flicker once or twice when first loading the toolbars
  • Can now print the Calendar window, To Do tracker, Invoice Tracker, and View Timesheet window on Windows
  • Will have more consistent window opening behavior when first launching Studiometry
  • Will now correctly update invoices across the network that have been automatically marked as paid
  • Fixed an issue where code based templates may not print all pages when printing from within the program
  • Using the Subtotal tag on a report will now show the Report's Subtotal without taxes instead of the Projects Subtotal
  • Changing the naming conventions for code based invoices
  • Removed the Save PDF and Save Image buttons from the Code Based Invoice preview. These can now be done via the options in the Print Window
  • Will now automatically sync inventories on every connect to ensure the most up to date information is on all machines
  • Will now automatically update the main window Project list when moving a Project to another Client
  • Will now explain where the amount for Recurring items is entered in the Basic Info section of the New Debt/Credit Window
  • Properly labels Taxes with Value data row in the top when editing
  • Fixed an issue with Report category totals showing or not showing up at incorrect times in Data Rows
  • When formatting numbers in fields that are allowed to go past two decimal places, Studiometry will make sure the number shows at least two zero decimal places
  • Will now automatically update all Debt/Credit categories over the networking when reordering the items
  • Made a few back end changes to reduce the chances that you'll have duplicate template files deleted in rare situations
  • Will now correctly encode all strings when syncing over a network
  • Will correctly disable the amount field when the Mark-Up checkbox is checked in the edit Debt/Credit window
  • Will now beep and bring any sheet windows to the front if you attempt to quit with a window open
  • Will no longer reset the selection or reset a search term when activating the main window when there is no selection
  • Will now show "Restricted" text when areas are invisible in the Debt/Credit window due to Employee permissions
  • Will now center Client and Project Info section controls when resizing the main window
  • Will now check for invalid XML characters when syncing certain items over the network to prevent rare errors related to characters in code based templates
  • Will now more correctly display certain characters in the in Program Preview when editing code based templates
  • Will now show amount due in addition to Grand Total of Invoices in the Project's Invoice list
  • Will now immediately update the Project Specs list when someone is editing the Specs over the network
  • Will now immediately update the Project Taxes list when someone is editing the tax settings over the network
  • Will now immediately update the amount due in the Invoice window when deleting payments associated with the current Invoice
  • Will now immediately sync category colors over the network when changed
  • Will now immediately save Code Based templates to file when saved to the server machine over the network
  • Will no longer update a Project across the network when Auto-Update status is turned on but the status update check did not change the Project's Status
  • Will now automatically check "Require Password" for the employees section if you set a machine to be the server and the require password for networking selection is checked
  • Will now automatically clear the Project Spec's default text when editing it for the first time
  • Can no longer sort the boxes in the Project People tab (they will always load in alphabetical order)
  • Fixed an issue with re-ordering Project Specs not immediately saving
  • Fixed an issue with opening certain windows on launch that could cause the main window to draw incorrectly
  • Fixed a button behavior issue when trying to cancel connecting to a server
  • Fixed an issue with certain contextual menus not working correctly in some Localizations
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain characters to appear incorrectly until relaunching Studiometry when importing from delimited text
  • Fixed an issue with timers not correctly saving their paused status if their total time and amount hasn't changed since the last time the timer was paused
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the user from changing the local setting for a Project's Served Files folder
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Quit button from correctly working in the Employee Select window
  • Fixed an issue that could cause quick multiple changes made to Project tax settings to not immediately sync over the network
  • Fixed an issue with the GANTT chart controls appearing in the main window when the chart is not visible
  • Fixed a potential crash caused by opening the calendar select window in a sheet window and then closing the sheet window before selecting a date from the calendar
  • New database version control capabilities will warn you when the database will be updated or when you are attempting to load a database that may be incompatible with your current version
  • Updated several links to the help documentation website
  • Added new built in Purchase Order visual Report template
  • Updated several of the built in Templates. To update your template simply select Insert Default from the Invoices/Reports section of the Preferences window and select the template you'd like to update
  • Toolbars will no longer flicker when updating
  • Many other updates, tweaks, changes, and fixes

Version 6.0.6 (10/30/2008)

  • Speed improvements loading main Window Output section
  • Speed improvements loading main Window Work section
  • Speed improvements loading main Window Planning section
  • Fixed an issue where some Employees were not able to create new Debt/Credits using the work tab

Version 6.0.5 (10/29/2008)

  • Completely redone permissions section of Employee editing window
  • Can now copy Employee permissions between employees to make for easier editing
  • Added new modifiable permissions for Viewing and Editing Other Employee's Debt/Credits
  • Added new modifiable permission for Viewing the Project Summary Tab (will no longer be calculated based on other permissions)
  • Added specific permission setting for viewing other Employees' Projects
  • Added specific permission setting for viewing other Employees' Running Timers
  • Added specific permission setting for viewing other Employees' To Dos
  • Added specific permission setting for creating To Dos
  • Added specific permission to edit the Employee section of the Preferences Window
  • Will now hide the Amount and Rate fields in a situation where an employee has permissions to edit Debt/Credits but does not have access to rates
  • Will now ask if you'd like to apply category specifics such as tax and rate settings when manually changing the type in the Debt/Credit editing window
  • If an Employee cannot view rates, they now cannot edit the estimated time and amount for a Project
  • The total field is no longer editable in a situation where an hourly item is selected but a quantity used to be applied to the Debt/Credit
  • Changed the automatic day selection in the Accounting window Tax Report Export to no long include one day from the next time increment
  • Accounting Window Tax Report Export will no long include Invoices that have not yet been marked as paid
  • Accounting Window Tax Report Export will now immediately update when selecting a different date type for the Invoices
  • Fixed an issue where Windows would randomly decide to close random windows when closing the Alerts window, which could cause a crash during the login process
  • Default timer view options for a new employee have been updated and improved
  • Will no longer reset an Employee's Project List mode and main window Tab Mode when editing the Employee
  • Fixed an issue where changing the rate or total hours manually could save to a Debt/Credit temporarily without pressing the OK button in the Debt/Credit editing window
  • Fixed an issue where some backup files would not be created correctly on certain machines
  • Fixed an issue where the Status Item sometimes would be locked when it should not have been
  • Tweaked the number processor for number formats using the comma as the decimal point

Version 6.0.4 (10/22/2008)

  • Added new ClientInvoicedBalance tag for Invoices/Reports
  • Will now show a total in the Items Awaiting Invoice section of the Invoice Tracker
  • Will now correctly color Debt/Credits by their Project Colors in the Search window if the option is enabled
  • Can now view and delete Orphaned Debt/Credits and Projects in the Search window
  • Can now select and delete multiple Business Expense Debt/Credits in the Accounting window simultaneously
  • Fixed a display issue where non-live Clients could show up in a report with the live only filter turned on if the setting to show tiers totaling zero was enabled
  • Fixed an issue where the selected currency may not be saved when editing a Report
  • Fixed a syncing issue where Projects wouldn't appear correctly on initial sync when creating the Project on a Client machine when color is set to by category or by status
  • Fixed a minor display issue with wording in the ID numbering section of the preferences window
  • Fixed an issue where certain ID formats would not update immediately over a network
  • Fixed an issue with report totals showing up incorrectly on systems with certain numbering formats
  • Fixed a potential issue with the trial extension codes
  • Additional information is now shown when using the Check for Orphaned Debt/Credits menu item
  • Additional error checking in the Server broadcasting methods

Version 6.0.3 (10/10/2008)

  • Fixed an issue where the check for invalid characters in an XML file wouldn't run correctly on data files that had encryption turned off
  • Fixed an issue with a crash caused by using specific template variables
  • Fixed an issue introduce in 6.0.2 with specific templates not keeping CSS formatting
  • Fixed an issue where spaces could be removed when reading the encoding for delimited text in the import window
  • Will now always show a tax total of zero for Reports that have "Include Taxes" unchecked

Version 6.0.2 (10/9/2008)

  • Will now preview the ID number that a Project will be created with in the New Project window
  • Added Client Related Invoice/Report tags: ClientNumberOfProjects, ClientNumberOfLiveProjects, ClientHoursTotal, ClientEstimatedTotal, ClientTotalAmount, ClientBalance
  • Speed improvements when loading the Client's Project tab
  • Will now by default show the total time for a timer in the Status Item as opposed to the current interval
  • Will update the times for running times in the Status Item menu much more frequently
  • Fixed a display issue where a visual template editor would scroll down about 40 pixels when clicking on the editor for the first time
  • Fixed an issue where recurring Debt/Credits could recur when launching Studiometry when they shouldn't have
  • Fixed an issue that wouldn't allow you to modify Debt/Credits entered into the Accounting window
  • Fixed an issue where manually changing the color of a client or project may not immediately update on the network
  • Fixed an issue where the display would be off center if you quit Studiometry with the Client/Project list horizontally expanded
  • Fixed an issue with tax totals on Reports
  • Added several hidden functional report tags to the list of available variables
  • Will now enter sample information for your company contact info when first launching Studiometry

Version 6.0.1 (9/10/2008)

  • Can now Invoice and Report to specific Contacts that are assigned to other Clients but associated with the Project via the People tab
  • Optimized Items Awaiting Invoice section of Invoice Tracker window. Should now refresh in about one quarter of the time it took before
  • Will load one to two seconds faster on setups with very little data
  • Will now automatically fill in Quantity and Unit Price amounts when initially checking the appropriate checkboxes in the Debt/Credit window
  • Made several changes to the Loading Status window when opening
  • Fixed an issue where templates based on Data Rows displaying no items on the first page would not generate pages past the second page
  • Fixed a display issue that would occur in a few places where negative numbers would not correctly have a minus sign in front of them
  • Fixed an issue with Site Licenses registering incorrectly on some setups
  • Fixed a few minor display issues with the main window

Version 6.0 (9/8/2008)

  • Completely Overhauled interface
  • New SQL Database save format for Clients, Contact, Projects, Debt/Credits, Reports, Invoices, To Do's, and Payments
  • Drastically improved load times once data files have been converted to the new SQL format (can decrease load times from several minutes to a few seconds)
  • Instant Saving of modifications to items stored in SQL database (Clients, Projects, Debts, etc). It is no longer possible to lose changes made to these items between saves
  • Overall Save time (from File Menu > Save or regular save interval) reduced to nearly zero due to new SQL Database format
  • Overall program performance increase due to the lack of background saving to old XML file format
  • GANTT chart improvements allow you to view multiple Project simultaneously
  • New File Menu > View All GANTT Charts function to view all GANTT data within Studiometry
  • Can now manually reorder Debt/Credit and Rate types
  • Will now show more descriptive information in the Debt/Credit types list in the Preferences window
  • Completely overhaul Project Output section shows invoice previews in-line, colors items by paid status, and has several other layout enhancements
  • Can now 1-click generate an Invoice or Report by clicking on the preview in the Invoice or Reports list
  • Can now select and delete multiple items via the Search Window
  • New Visual Template editor item: Data Rows allow incredible power over the display and flexibility of your items on Invoice and Report templates
  • New Report features allow individual selection of specific work items to create customized reports based on your criteria
  • Reports can now be based on work item sets such as Paid, Unpaid, Estimated, Un-Invoiced, Invoiced, Non-Billable, Billable, Purchase Order, and Independent
  • Can now create an unlimited amount of Report fields for Report templates and Reports
  • Debt/Credit Items have additional modes, now including unpaid, paid, estimated, non-billable, and purchase order
  • Itemized Estimates are now possible with the new reporting features giving you the flexibility to create and display Estimated Work items
  • Itemized Purchase Orders are now possible with the new reporting features giving you the flexibility to create and display Purchase Order items
  • Project Estimated Amounts can now be calculated based on entered Estimated Work items
  • Greatly enhanced Time Sheet entry window
  • Can now use the Time Sheet entry to quickly enter multiple items for Estimated, Purchase Order, or Non Billable work items
  • Can select and modify multiple items simultaneously in the Time Sheet entry window
  • Can now view totals for entered items in a Time Sheet entry window
  • New buttons in Project Output tab allow you to create Invoices and Reports with specific templates from directly within the main window
  • Can set background colors for Non-Billable, Purchase Order, and Estimated Items in Debt/Credit lists
  • Several total variables will now access report specific data instead of project total data when generating reports with selected items
  • Added DebtCategoryDefaultRate, DebtCategoryDefaultRateNoCur variables
  • Added ItemMode, ItemModeFormatted variables
  • Now uses the standard Leopard toolbar integrated with the top of the window
  • New Data Management section of File Menu allows you to easily check for Orphaned Projects and Debt/Credits
  • New Overlay will darken the data entry section of the main window when there is no Client or Project selected (Mac Only)
  • Several New Built-In templates available to take advantage of new features
  • Can now manually insert Built-In Code Based templates
  • Logging in from the methods available will be much cleaner and "flash" less on the screen
  • Will now calculate and display the end date when editing an item in the GANTT chart
  • Can now create GANTT chart items for specific projects when viewing a multi-project GANTT chart
  • Will now display more information when syncing with a server over a network
  • Will now ask if you'd like to replace your report template field content with the default field content for a template when selecting a new template
  • Will now show the company name in the Main Window's title bar
  • Will now only show quantity values in summaries for items with a quantity or markup
  • Will now show a quantity of one by default in summaries for items with empty quantity values
  • Will now hide Project Quoted and Estimated amounts in main window from employees who do not have access to rate information
  • Will now allow the main window to be stretched more than before on large monitors
  • Can now search filter through the Contact select window
  • Can now filter Accounting Window Business history section by billable, non-billable, estimated, and purchase order
  • Backup functions will now backup and restore multiple files simultaneously when running on the new data format
  • Restore Backup window will give more information as well as automatically find matching restore files
  • Contact log search field will now search through Log types and Contact log date strings
  • Can now enter tabs into the Debt/Credit editing window's Extra Info section
  • Search window is now threaded and can be used while loading items
  • Search window will now search Debt/Credit category, Debt/Credit employee, Debt's Project name when searching through Debt/Credits
  • Search window will now search Project category, Project status when searching through Projects
  • Search window will now search Client category when searching through Clients
  • Can now change Debt/Credit modes via contextual menu in the main window
  • Can now see Employee column in Debt/Credit section of search window
  • Can no longer set the Default Employee to non-live
  • Can now delete Invoice, Reports, Contacts, Debt/Credits from their lists using the Delete key
  • Can now drag reorder Milestone items in the GANTT chart
  • Can now right-click on a Client in the main window to view all of their Project's GANTT information on the same chart
  • Will automatically remove projects that have blank back end ID numbers that cause issues in other areas of the application
  • Will now ask for confirmation when deleting Debt/Credits, Reports, Invoices, Contacts etc using the minus button underneath lists
  • Will now create default templates with standardized ID numbers to make initial syncing over networks more consistent and produce less duplicate templates
  • Can now scroll horizontally in the Visual Template editor using a mouse scroll wheel
  • Project file listbox will now remember the selected item when reloading the list
  • Will now immediately update a Project over the network when using the Change Start Date function of the GANTT chart
  • Will now automatically select the correct default timer type when loading the New Time Sheet window initially
  • Will now ask for confirmation before deleting items from the Debt/Credit list via the delete key
  • Will now ask to set the default invoice save location if the previously set location can not be found
  • Will now immediately update items imported from Delimited text across the network
  • Will no longer flash the main window when loading the program initially when you have Studiometry setup to go to the employee login list
  • Will no longer show Tips Window on startup by default
  • Will no longer consider it a change to an item when you simply tab out of a date field in the main window
  • Fixed an issue with displaying extremely long words in data columns with center or right text alignment
  • Fixed display issue with Client's Payment list when no payments were in the list
  • Fixed display issue where using the contextual menu to stop a paused timer in the running timers window wouldn't update immediately
  • Fixed an issue with combo-boxes not correctly accepting focus after opening the menu and not selecting an item
  • Fixed an issue where Markup Percent may not show up correctly on some summaries
  • Fixed an issue where some items would not get deleted correctly when deleting Clients or Projects with many attached items
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes a Project would not be selected when first creating it
  • Fixed some issues with the Sample Data created when first opening the application
  • Several other behavior tweaks
  • Several other interface tweaks

Version 5.1.5 (8/25/2008)

  • Will now sync the Project's ID behavior over the network
  • Modified the calculation of items in data columns for more consistent results when using smaller fonts
  • Fixed an issue with deprecated variables not allowing invoices and reports to generate correctly

Version 5.1.4 (7/8/2008)

  • Will now reformat the currency exchange rates downloaded for automatic updating to better match local system formats
  • Fixed an issue where some code based templates would not generate correctly because of file type issues
  • Fixed an issue where a data column could display a blank line for the first line in certain situations
  • Fixed an issue where the Billing Section's Idle Timers feature would not work correctly in some multi-user environments
  • Fixed an issue on Windows that could cause a crash when generating a visual template if you have certain files in your Templates folder
  • Fixed an issue on Windows that could cause visual templates to not appear correctly if you have certain files in your Templates folder
  • Fixed an issue on Windows where the Client/Project tooltip could throw an error when certain files are not found
  • Will no longer allow users to delete other employees' timers via the View Timesheet window if they are not allowed to edit other employees' timers

Version 5.1.3 (6/17/2008)

  • Fixed an issue where some changes in Address Book would not be immediately reflected in Studiometry
  • Fixed an issue where generating a Visual template after generating an HTML template could cause line breaks to be encoded as HTML
  • Fixed a nil object exception caused by checking for currency exchange rates when the program is locked out
  • Fixed an issue with tabbing through the Project Specs fields not working correctly
  • Fixed a display issue with the totals at the bottom of the list in the Client's Projects tab in the main window
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when creating a new project if your Project IDs are Client based and a duplicate ID is created
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash on launch on Windows when setting up the initial data files
  • Will no longer check for duplicate project or client IDs if the Preferences setting in the ID section is set to Always Ignore
  • Will now warn when attempting to import delimited contacts without first selecting a client
  • Can now check for Orphaned Debt/Credits by pressing a specific key string while in the Status window (DC)

Version 5.1.2 (5/19/2008)

  • Fixed an issue with the syncing of Debt/Credit categories over some networks
  • Will now ask to set the default invoice save location if the previously set location can not be found
  • Added ItemMyCost and ItemMyCostNoCur tags to display the pre-markup amount for items on invoices and reports
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when resizing some elements on visual templates to extremely small sizes
  • Fixed an issue with the TaxAmount tag on code based invoice templates
  • Fixed wording on the Generate Report button in the Report Editing window
  • Can now delete debt/credit types that do not have full ID numbers

Version 5.1.1 (4/16/2008)

  • Can now save detailed descriptions of Debt/Credit categories for use on Invoices/Reports (via Preferences Window)
  • Added DebtCategoryNotes tag to put Debt/Credit category descriptions into Invoice and Report templates
  • Can now save Project Specific notes for work done on each Debt/Credit category for use on Invoices/Reports (via Project Notes tab)
  • Added DebtCategoryProjectNotes tag to put Project related Debt/Credit category descriptions into Invoice and Report templates
  • Can now manually reset the Network's Deleted Items list (will improve performance on many setups)
  • Can now manually set the Auto Save interval via the Status Window (can improve performance on some setups)
  • Can now have multiple-page layouts for Tax, Employee, and DebtCategory data columns in visual templates
  • Can now view Estimated and Total amounts in the Client's Projects tab
  • Will now automatically select the current Project when creating a new contact log via the Project's People tab
  • Re-enabled the Right-click variables menu in the Add Report window
  • Fixed an issue where the selected report template would not be saved when editing a report on some machines
  • New Running Timer window will no longer reload items on activation
  • Fixed the tab order of items in the New Running Timer window
  • Fixed an issue with the contact log tracker automatically selecting a contact if the contact has recently been deleted
  • Fixed a potential error message that could appear when refreshing the main window at a certain point when an item is deleted over the network

Version 5.1 (3/31/2008)

  • New two-way iCal syncing for systems running Mac OS X 10.5 and newer
  • iCal syncing will now fully function on Mac OS X 10.5
  • AddressBook syncing will now fully sync Address information on Mac OS X 10.5
  • New Invoice ID Management tab in the Invoice Tracker gives you greater control over redundant Invoice ID's
  • Time zone support for networks with computers in multiple time zones
  • Added new TaxesWithValue tag for use in code based Invoice templates. This tag will loop through all taxes with a value for the specified invoice and leave out taxes totaling zero
  • Added several new TaxesWithValue tags for use in Visual Invoice Template data columns to only show taxes with a value above zero for the specified Invoice
  • Added ItemTimeInMinutes tag, will display 120 minutes instead of 2.0 hours, for example
  • Added new rounding options for timers including twelfth of an hour (5 minutes) and twentieth of an hour (3 minutes)
  • Added new option for Project ID numbering to be Client Based instead of Program-Wide
  • Can now duplicate Visual and Code based Invoice/Report templates from within the Preferences Window
  • Can now view Invoice Total Due and Invoice Total paid amounts in Summaries
  • Can now show Project Statuses and Categories in Summaries
  • Can now show Client Categories in Summaries
  • Can now use the Page Setup dialog options within the Summaries window
  • Can now copy and paste To Do's in the main window's Client To Do list
  • Can now delete Invoices via the Invoice Tracker window
  • Can now enable and disable automatic checking for orphaned Projects in the General section of the Preferences window
  • Added the option to include Non-Live Clients in the Mass Email window
  • Improved support with systems multiple monitors
  • Improved support when loading Studiometry on a machine that had windows positioned on a recently disconnected monitor
  • Worked around an issue on Mac OS X 10.5.2 where mouse clicks wouldn't be recognized in a sheet window with a floating window open
  • The comparison of Quoted to Actual work amounts in the Project Summary tab for Projects with non-calculated estimates will no longer include taxes
  • Will now instantly update clients and projects over the network when creating invoices to ensure correct invoice ID numbers when creating invoices on multiple computers simultaneously
  • Will now not allow new invoice ID's to be created with identical ID numbers as existing invoices
  • Summary values with right alignment will now have a white background improving readability when overlapping with other data
  • Fixed an issue with the "Disconnect" button in the Status window not always working as intended
  • Fixed an issue with certain visual templates where an item could be displayed at the end of a page and then again at the beginning of the next page
  • Fixed an issue where certain number fields may not be formatted correctly with decimal places and negative signs
  • Fixed an issue where Project Specs may not be editable if there is only one spec attached to a Project
  • Fixed a flickering issue on Windows when choosing File Menu > Quit with the running timers or alerts window open
  • Fixed a flickering issue on Windows when closing Studiometry via closing the main window with the alerts window open
  • Fixed a flickering issue on Windows in the search window when the mouse enters the bottom scrollbar of the results area
  • Fixed an issue with some contextual menus not working correctly on Window
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when opening the Enter Time sheet window with no Projects entered into the database
  • Fixed an issue where the work tab total would show up as positive in situations where it should show up as negative
  • Fixed an issue with Edit Menu > Copy not working correctly when the focus was on certain list boxes
  • Fixed an issue where windows would sometimes not correctly appear when de-maximizing on Windows
  • Fixed issue causing multiple calendars to appear on iCal sync
  • Improved the performance of the sync from Address Book when editing items in Address Book with Studiometry open
  • Invoice Tracker will now maintain selection when refreshing the list of shown invoices
  • Non-Billable items will no longer be attached to Invoices creating using the Scheduled Invoices features
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the Summaries window when accessing Client Category names
  • Fixed an issue causing the Show In Finder button to not work correctly when selecting Invoice/Report templates in the Preferences window
  • Fixed an issue where systems with Client based Invoice numbering setups wouldn't correctly save the most recent invoice number sometimes
  • Will now warn you when the print window opens if you are on a machine that could crash when choosing the PDF > Save to PDF option. This is a temporary workaround while we resolve the issue
  • Will now alert you that a file has successfully been restored when using the File Menu > Restore From Backup option
  • Will now immediately update project and client last-added ID numbers over the network when modify specific items via the Preferences window
  • Will now save automatically generated PDF's into the Default Invoice Save location when sending PDF attachments via the invoice/report preview window
  • Will now show longer ID's in the Summary when displaying invoices
  • Will now automatically select the Default report template when saving a report where the templates are saved on a Read-Only disk
  • Will now immediately broadcast changes made to Contacts via editing in Address Book with Studiometry open to the network
  • Will now immediately broadcast updates made to To Do's using contextual menus in the same window to the network
  • Several other small bug fixes
  • Numerous interface tweaks

Version 5.0.7 (1/14/2008)

  • Fixed an issue that could cause importing contacts within the contact editing window to not work correctly
  • Fixed networking issue where some changes in the main window would not be immediately synced
  • Fixed an issue causing flickering when quitting the application with the running timers window open on Windows machines
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when duplicating Projects
  • Added Norwegian Localization
  • Added Portuguese (European) Localization
  • Updated Dutch Localization

Version 5.0.6 (12/11/2007)

  • Fixed an issue where the email sending window would not close on certain machines after sending an email of a code-based invoice
  • Fixed issue with certain information in the main window not updating correctly on networked machines
  • Fixed an issue with certain date formats showing a 4 digit year of 0007 instead of 2007, for example
  • Fixed an issue where Project Spec info would not be immediately editable on certain setups without first tabbing to the field
  • Fixed an issue where equation calculation could cause issues on Windows machines
  • Fixed a rare issue with deleting categories over a networking causing an exception dialog on launch

Version 5.0.5 (11/27/2007)

  • Re-enabled the Mac OS X Status item (can be turned on in the preferences window)
  • Changed the behavior of the Project Spec list when clicking and dragging to prevent issues when dragging rows in the middle of an edit
  • Improved Leopard compatibility on certain machines that were having issues
  • Fixed an issue where reports would show up for multiple projects in certain situations (mainly the Export Lists)
  • Fixed display issues with special characters (umlauts for example) in variables inside of Text objects in visual templates
  • Fixed an issue with saving special characters (umlauts for example) directly into Text objects in visual templates
  • The "New Contact Log" contextual menu item will now work in the Project people section for non-English localizations
  • Will no longer attempt to access the address section of contacts when syncing from Address Book on setups in which it was causing crashes (many Leopard setups)
  • New Timesheet window will now correctly select the current Project when first accessing the window if a project is selected in the main window
  • New Timesheet window will now use all of the appropriate timers settings similar to pushing the New Default Timer button (Forced Employee > Project > Client > Employee)
  • Fixed an error that could occur in the Payment editing window on Windows machines

Version 5.0.4 (10/30/2007)

  • Leopard Compatibility
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the multiple companies feature to not work correctly on certain setups
  • Will now always load associated clients and projects when initially opening the new timesheet window when a client is selected
  • Changed the behavior of certain buttons in the preferences window relating to bindings between listboxes and the buttons
  • Multiple Employee login window has been extended to show more employees
  • Several other minor interface changes

Version 5.0.3 (10/16/2007)

  • Can now add a description to a timer directly in the New Timer window
  • Fixed an issue in the enter Timesheet window that could cause the project to change when re-selecting an item
  • Changed keyboard shortcut for Project > New To Do to avoid a conflict with the Show/Hide toolbar shortcut
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when loading an employee list at the exact moment an employee is deleted on another machine on the network
  • Fixed an issue that could occur in the New Debt/Credit window when changing to a category at the exact moment that category is delete on another machine on the network
  • Slightly reworked some of the drawing of summaries, allowing for wider description fields when there are less fields selected. More advancements and flexibility in this area will be available in Studiometry 5.1.
  • Added several new Invoice/Report Template variables: InvoiceTotalDueNoCur, InvoiceAmountReceivedNoCur, SubtotalNoCur, TaxAmountNoCur, TotalNoCur

Version 5.0.2 (9/24/2007)

  • Fixed an issue where multi-page templates would sometimes not calculate the correct number of pages
  • Can now add To Do suites starting on a future or past date
  • Fixed issue with "Calculate Equations" option causing problems on machines with commas as the decimal point
  • Fixed an issue where the main window wouldn't come up on launch if you had a password lock on
  • Will now correctly show non-live projects that match the search string when there is a search entered in the search window
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the search window when typing in a search string
  • Updated Dutch Localization

Version 5.0.1 (9/12/2007)

  • Fixed an issue where Version 4.x Visual Invoice templates would not correctly load into the Edit Invoice window
  • Fixed an issue with calculating equations in fields with number formats with comma as the decimal point
  • Fixed an issue where Taxes, Debt/Credit Categories, and Employees in Data columns in visual templates could appear on the same line
  • Will now correctly print multiple pages when a Project's estimate goes over one page
  • Will now list non-live projects underneath live projects in the Payment editing window

Version 5.0 (9/10/2007)

  • New Summaries feature allow you to easily view and print customizable reports based on any and all Studiometry data
  • Can now filter the main window Client/Project list with search strings
  • Can now expand the Main Window Client/Project list horizontally to quickly view additional Project information
  • Easily view the number of running timers, incomplete To-Do's, and unpaid Invoice associated with each Project in the main list. Clicking on a total will bring up the associated list of items for viewing and editing.
  • New Project Budgeting, Estimating, and Quoting features
  • Easily assign specific hours and amounts to each Project's Budget
  • View comparisons of estimated compared to actual work for each work type on a Project
  • Easily print Estimates and Quotes based on this information
  • Can now easily manage multiple separate company data files
  • New Auto-Fill combo-boxes allow you to Type or Click to select Clients and Projects in many areas of Studiometry
  • Can now create Visual Report Templates, utilizing Studiometry's built-in WYSIWYG template editor
  • New Multi-Page output capabilities for the Visual Invoice/Report template engine
  • Many new features have been added to the Visual Template editor
  • Can now batch edit certain values (width, height, x, y, page) for multiple items simultaneously in the Visual Template editor
  • Multi-Page Printing for Code Based Invoice and Report templates (code-based template printing is still only available on Mac)
  • New option to save exchange rate information on a per-item basis for Debt/Credits and Payments, allowing for more accurate data preservation
  • Studiometry will now regulate date entry, formatting all entered dates with the system's "short date"
  • Noticeably smaller save formats (on average 15 percent smaller) make for faster saving/loading times as well as faster network syncing times
  • Studiometry will now attempt to guess partially entered dates
  • Number and time edit fields can now automatically calculate equations (will replace 1+2*3 with 7, for example)
  • Pressing Equal or Num-Pad Enter will now calculate the value of number and time edit fields
  • New "Reconnect" button in the Status Window allows users to easily attempt to reconnect to a server when disconnected
  • Can now import Abbreviations into the Program Memory section
  • Can now export Abbreviations to text files
  • Can now press the Escape key to close the Edit Abbreviation window
  • Project Specs info will now print multiple lines if multiple lines are available
  • Studiometry will format previously entered dates to match the new regulated date formats
  • Added Show Status Window menu item to Networking menu
  • Turning on Multiple Employees will automatically turn on the Employees column in the Main Window Work section
  • New Summaries menu added for accessing and editing the new Summaries features
  • Will now show extra information and examples for specific tax types in the tax editing window
  • A4 Paper Size is now a selectable Default value in the Visual Template Properties window
  • Will now order Debt/Credit items on a report based on the item's date rather than the date the item was entered
  • Several new options related to new edit field number calculation features
  • Will now correctly label "Canadian" tax type in Project taxes section
  • Fixed control order when tabbing through the Tax editing window
  • The Status Item icon is now properly masked, and will not show a box around the icon when the menu is clicked (Mac only)
  • Fixed other small issues with the Status Item (Mac only)
  • Updated Address Book person selector (Mac only)
  • Invoices and Reports will now show totals for all tax types. Previously, Studiometry would intentionally leave out taxes with a total of zero
  • Renamed old Summaries export features to Export Lists
  • Increased the Speed of numerous frequently used functions
  • Fixed issue where sometimes the Invoice/Project/Client ID's would not immediately sync when the Preferences window was open on another machine
  • Fixed an issue with the Default 1 Visual Invoice template being created with duplicates of some items
  • Fixed issues with several windows occasionally causing crashed when pressing the escape key
  • Fixed issue with certain windows temporarily showing up when initially launch Studiometry before they are hidden due to log in windows
  • Fixed issue where scroll bar would show up when printing Code Based previews
  • Fixed an issue where a deleted debt/credit category could result in Expense being assigned as a default timer type
  • Fixed issue related to large lists of debt/credits attached to specific Projects where the Project association wasn't being checked correctly
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Expense to be assigned as a default timer type for Projects with no selected Default timer type
  • Fixed the display in Business History chart where the minimum value would be slightly too high if the lowest value was below zero
  • Project summary tab scroll bar will now correctly reset when deselecting a Project
  • Fixed several behavior issues related to selecting items in the Visual Template Editor
  • The Visual template editor Item Properties window will now show values for matching fields when selecting multiple items
  • Visual Template editor window now save most recent window size
  • Fixed drawing issue causing one extra background line to be drawn at the bottom of a Data Column when there were too many lines to display
  • Fixed issue where the toolbar in the Visual Template edit/preview window would not respond to the first click after reactivating the window
  • Variable, Static Text, and Data Columns now have a minimum width of 10 in Visual Templates
  • Project spec names will now be correctly truncated if they are too long when printing
  • Several small interface changes and tweaks in the main window
  • New Template Related Variables: PageNumber, PagesTotal, PageNumberOfTotal
  • New Contact Related Variables: Contact Title
  • Changed several default preferences settings. This will only effect new Studiometry installations
  • About window will now also show the network compatibility code. Studiometry client machines can only connect to a server with the same compatibility code, which is only changed when there have been updates to networking features that could break syncing between versions.
  • Invoice Totals will be calculated on a Per-Item Per-Currency basis now. This should cause no change to the total of any invoices with less than three currencies involved
  • Will now always show two decimal places for chart totals in Project Summary tab
  • Will now give an employee permission warning BEFORE selecting a file when using the Import Visual Invoice Template menu command

Version 4.1.6 (9/4/2007)

  • Can now sync with Oranged Software's new accounting package: Accounted
  • Fixed a small issue with exporting the To Do tracker to text
  • Can now properly load Studiometry 5.x data files

Version 4.1.5 (6/18/2007)

  • Huge increase to network sync speeds for users with large amounts of data
  • Optimized Visual template editor code to dramatically reduce initial load time (most templates should load around 90 to 95% faster)
  • Fixed issue with rending Preview on Windows machines throwing up an unneeded exception
  • Fixed an issue that could occur on certain platforms if exchange rate info could not be downloaded due to firewalls

Version 4.1.4 (6/4/2007)

  • New tag added for Invoice/Report templates. ItemSequentialNumber counts up from one for each debt/credit item on an invoice
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent certain strings of text from working correctly in the search window
  • Fixed an issue on Windows not allowing some setups to edit Invoice/Report templates
  • Fixed potential crash in search window when re-checking the Include Non-Live Items checkbox
  • Fixed potential issue caused with the Auto-discovery classes that help find local Studiometry servers
  • Slight speed improvement for networked users. A substantial speed boost for users with large amounts of data will be available in an upcoming patch

Version 4.1.3 (5/8/2007)

  • New Portuguese Translation
  • Fixed a remaining date issue related to two digit years not loading correctly in newer versions of Studiometry
  • Fixed a possible crash related to a non-existant Default Invoice Save location
  • Fixed a possible crash related to editing certain To Do's
  • Fixed a potential crash caused on certain machines by canceling windows with the escape key
  • Fixed an issue where Studiometry sometimes wouldn't quit after using the Restore From Backup menu command

Version 4.1.2 (4/10/2007)

  • Many users will see noticeable speed improvements in launch times and other areas of the application
  • Fixed an issue related to the build process that was affecting dates with two digit years and causing other problems throughout the program
  • Fixed a display issue in the preferences related to Program's Invoice ID behavior
  • Fixed a potential issue with Invoice, Client, or Project ID's not syncing correctly over certain types of networks
  • File encryption is now turned off by default (this will only effect users opening Studiometry for the first time)
  • Modified default settings for Backups

Version 4.1.1 (2/20/2007)

  • Will now show Extra Info in the debt/credit work list if there is no description entered
  • New text wrap option for Data columns allows you to fit more data in Visual Invoice templates
  • Speed performance enhancements when viewing Visual Invoice templates
  • Mouse cursor will now change to show that Studiometry is loading a visual template
  • Will now automatically attempt to condense text in visual template data columns if the text is too long
  • Fixed an issue with the delimited text import
  • Fixed an issue with nested summaries still showing non-live items unintentionally
  • Fixed an issue with an error appearing while saving the user logo on some machines
  • Fixed issue that could occur on some machines with crashes in the calendar window
  • Fixed an issue with multiple line information pushing other lines down in Visual Invoice templates
  • Fixed an error that could occur when Studiometry saves the user logo on certain window machines

Version 4.1 (1/24/2007)

  • New Section of Preferences Window "Program Memory" tracks auto-complete and abbreviation settings to help you save time entering data
  • Studiometry can now use Abbreviations, allowing you to type short abbreviations and have Studiometry replace them automatically with a full description. For example, typing "stu" and pressing the space bar could become "Studiometry User"
  • Studiometry can now ask how to deal with your active timers when your computer has gone idle
  • New option to turn on/off Auto-Complete memorization of new descriptions
  • New option to turn on/off Description Auto-Complete
  • Can now filter totals in Work tab by Billable/Non-Billable/All items
  • Can now use the delete key to delete Projects and Clients in the main window list
  • Can now use the new Invoice/Report template variable ItemEmployeeShortName
  • Added new menu items for easier importing of Invoice and Report Templates
  • Will now remember the last type selected when creating a new Payment
  • Project Totals will no longer include non-billable items
  • Added contextual menu to Visual Template Editor
  • Expanded the maximum height of the Running Timers window
  • Improved performance of Auto-Complete function in Debt/Credit and To Do editing window
  • Will now capture new Auto-complete descriptions from the Time Sheet window as well
  • Fixed issue with program Default Timer showing up as standard expense items in rare situations
  • Fixed an issue with the "Include Non-Live Items" checkbox in the old summaries window
  • Fixed a crash that could occur by pressing the "Add Current Date/Time" button for a blank Project logs field
  • Fixed an issue with the Code Based template editing window losing focus in the middle of typing
  • Fixed an issue with multi-project Invoices not creating the correct payments when marked as paid
  • Fixed a viewing issue with text color for selected item in Running Timer window
  • Fixed a viewing issue with text color for selected item in Project's To Do section
  • Fixed a viewing issue with text color for selected item in Client's To Do section
  • Fixed a viewing issue with text color for selected item in To Do Tracker
  • Fixed an issue with the display of Default Employee permissions
  • Fixed a display issue with Employee Type description in preferences window and other areas
  • Fixed an issue with the Payment tracker losing the Client or Project filter selection
  • Fixed minor issues with the Client/Project extra info popup when mousing over main Client/Project list
  • Fixed an issue with the Help Menu: Studiometry Help item on Windows
  • Made changes to the Default toolbar (will only effect new users/employees)
  • Changed default display mode for custom tabs in main window (now defaults to Text Only, can be changed with right-click)
  • Can now press escape to exit the confirmation window when deleting a Client or Project

Version 4.0.3 (11/28/2006)

  • Fixed an issue with apostrophe's showing up with strange characters in HTML invoices
  • Fixed an issue with ID formatting and numbers not syncing correctly over certain network setups
  • Fixed an issue with the Universal Binary that could cause hang-ups on machines using localizations
  • Fixed issue with 4.0.2 hanging on certain Windows machines
  • Fixed several other small bugs

Version 4.0.2 (10/16/2006)

  • Universal Binary, now native on Intel Macs and PPC Macs
  • Fixed possible issue with backup size limitations
  • Fixed issue with alignment of rows in Invoice Template data columns when the first row is blank
  • Fixed issue that could sometimes occur by trying to view a project image in a separate window
  • Newly redone "Update Available" window

Version 4.0.1 (10/4/2006)

  • New Italian localization (partial)
  • Projects with unpaid non-billable debt/credits will no longer change the project status with auto-update statuses
  • Fixed issue with certain controls not correctly deactivating in the preferences window
  • Fixed issues for printing multiple Code Based invoices
  • Added ID information to Client's Project list
  • Font list is not alphabetical in Visual Invoice editor, now overriding system order
  • Fixed issue with incorrect sign for tax values on exported Expense reports
  • Fixed an issue that could potentially cause the next Invoice ID number to reset
  • Fixed issue with very large Invoice/Project/Client ID numbers being displayed incorrectly
  • Fixed Invoice totals issue that could be caused by different number formats
  • Can now clear all Studiometry alerts (for users with issues of old Recurring Debt/Credit alerts getting stuck)

Version 4.0 (9/12/2006)

  • Completely New Invoice System
  • What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get Invoice Template Editor
  • Large interface overhaul
  • Customizable toolbars saved on a per-employee basis
  • Can now archive Employees the same way Clients and Projects can be archived
  • Can now track Employees' logged in Studiometry time
  • Can review and print reports of Employee's logged Studiometry times
  • Completely redone Project Summary section
  • Main window interface optimized for both very large and very small monitors
  • Can now search through alerts window
  • Can now filter alerts window based on current employee's assignments
  • To Do lists now show extra information related to the To Do's
  • Fixed several issues that certain setups were having with networking
  • Studiometry will now alert a client machine when attempting to connect to a server machine if the time offset will effect syncing
  • Will now make repeated attempts to connect to a server automatically if not initially successful
  • Will now show how many attempts have been made to connect to a server and give up eventually if a connection has not been made
  • Several additions to functionality in GANTT charts
  • Can now drag-reorder items in GANTT charts
  • Can now set specific colors for GANTT items
  • Can now print GANTT charts
  • Can now print almost any list in the application
  • Can now print Client's Info tab
  • Can now print Client and Project payment lists
  • Can now print Client's Contact section
  • Can now print Client's Project section
  • Can now print Project Info tab, including Project Specs
  • Can now print Project's Debt/Credit list directly from main window
  • Can now print Project Notes/Logs
  • Can now print Invoices directly from main window by using File Menu: Print (new template format only)
  • Can now print Project's People section
  • Can now print Project Summary section
  • Employee lists are now sorted alphabetically
  • Huge speed improvement in Invoice Tracker when reloading data
  • Can now add an image for each Project specific to each computer
  • Can now preview HTML based templates on Windows machines
  • Studiometry now has a more consistent behavior regarding page setup and printing in different areas
  • New Invoice Tracker Printing features
  • Now converts amount Quoted for to default currency for Project work total comparison
  • Items awaiting invoice section now has a Status column
  • Other toolbar behavior enhancements
  • Added Contextual menu to Client's Project list
  • Added scroll bar to Debt/Credit extra info section
  • Fixed potential issue that could cause blank project lines in main window
  • Fixed issue with Clients not properly deselecting in main window
  • Fixed some potential issues with Studiometry asking for password when not actually idle
  • Fixed possible crash when canceling a vCard selection when importing a contact
  • Listboxes now properly hide their scrollbars when they aren't needed
  • Several listbox display issues have been fixed
  • Fixed issue that could cause employees to not get updated consistently in certain network setups
  • Fixed a few very small memory leaks
  • Fixed several anomalies with the sample data created on first open and in other application functions
  • Fixed possible crash when creating a Project
  • Fixed anomalies with the default settings
  • Fixed potential issue causing blank lines in main window when all client categories are deleted
  • Fixed potential issue causing blank lines in main window when all project categories are deleted
  • Additional error checking in many parts of the application
  • Removed 3-employee-per-license limit. Licenses are now only needed for each computer

Version 3.2.3 (3/16/2006)

  • Can now duplicate Projects via the Project menu
  • Can now set up custom repeat intervals for events
  • Can now remove served files from network list (from server only)
  • Fixed potential issue with calendar window on certain setups
  • Fixed issue with edit ran times window on Windows
  • Can now have unlimited accuracy when specifying a unit price
  • Can now reset trial and extend trial with supplied codes

Version 3.2.2 (2/27/2006)

  • Support for repeating To Do's / Events
  • Added DebtCategoryHours variable to access the total hours when summarizing debt types in an Invoice/Report
  • Can now remove items from Studiometry via the View Time Sheet window
  • Added Create New Timesheet button to View Time Sheet window
  • Search window maintain sorting when reactivating
  • Will now show Client name next to Project in Items Awaiting Invoice section of Invoice Tracker
  • Changing due dates for To Do's and Invoices will now automatically remove them from alerts window when applicable
  • Fixed display of currency character when using TotalInCurrency tag
  • Fixed math issue with Calendar window related to leap years
  • Fixed two issues in calendar window with long events over multiple months
  • Fixed minor issue with TimeReporter TEF import
  • Changed display of header arrow when sorting a listbox by date
  • Numerous minor interface enhancements
  • Trial period extended to 30 days

Version 3.2.1 (2/2/2006)

  • Greater control over Project related employee permissions, can now turn off specific tabs
  • Can limit employee's ability to view rates
  • Faster network syncing while editing items in the main window
  • Added totalincurrency tag for Invoices/Reports. See help docs for more info
  • Will now show taxes for Business expenses on expense report
  • Now correctly logs out current employee when quitting Studiometry
  • Now correctly syncs multi line addresses between Address Book and Studiometry
  • Fixed issue with iCal syncing on certain Mac OS 10.3 setups
  • Fixed issue that could limit the result shown in the View Timesheet window
  • Fixed issue that could cause messages to warn of permission errors to appear at incorrect times
  • Fixed issue that would cause starting a timer from a To Do to not save current employee's name on certain setups
  • Fixed issue with popup calendar not working correctly with Edit Ran Times window
  • Fixed issue with popup calendar when the current day is a number larger than the next month's total days
  • Can hold Control key while opening an employee window to modify Default Employee's permissions

Version 3.2 (1/25/2006)

  • Can now have Studiometry sync To Do's, Invoice Due Dates, and Project Deadlines to iCal
  • Can now export directly to QuickBooks (.iif)
  • Now shows totals compared to estimates for hours and value in work tab
  • Now shows column totals underneath client's project listings
  • Now shows totals for client and project payment lists
  • Can now filter View Timesheet window by Client
  • Can now assign employees to specific items in the GANTT chart and enter their hours for each item
  • Can now easily change the start date for Project's GANTT chart, changing the dates for all associated items
  • New Tool tip in GANTT chart show dependencies, employees, and hours
  • Served project files folder can be changed to a specified location
  • Quicker response from Auto-Fill in debt/credit editing window
  • Can now filter Calendar window by employee
  • Can now manually edit rates/unit prices for items entered via Time Sheet window
  • Can now use tab to navigate through project specs
  • New Dutch Localization (thanks to
  • Now remembers most recently selected contact for each client when creating new invoices and reports
  • Contact log tracker and payment tracker maintain sorting when reactivating the window
  • Can now select specific dates to filter payment tracker by
  • Can now cancel the Edit Contact window with the escape key
  • Fixed issue with main window To Do lists not updating immediately when creating a To Do
  • Fixed issue with contact selection window
  • Fixed rare issue with search window
  • Fixed other minor issues

Version 3.1.2 (11/30/2005)

  • Can now choose to include non-live items in the Summaries window export
  • Numerous speed enhancements on certain areas of Studiometry
  • Fixed issue with NonHourly tag for Invoice/Report export
  • Fixed issue with date selector in Invoice Tracker not immediately showing items with no due dates
  • Fixed issue that could cause Studiometry to create PDF's in the folder it is in
  • Fixed issue with calendar popup window in Edit Ran Times window
  • Fixed issue causing some setups to not correctly export business expenses
  • Other minor fixes

Version 3.1.1 (11/18/2005)

  • Can turn on/off Client/Project tooltip information window
  • Fixed launch issue some people were having on older operating systems
  • Fixed issue with non-live filtering in search window
  • Fixed issues with Project categories and statuses not working correctly
  • Fixed issue with cut/copy/pasting debt/credits and to do's
  • Fixed minor issue with non-hourly tags
  • Reworked code for Items Awaiting Invoice section
  • Fixed other minor bugs

Version 3.1 (11/14/2005)

  • Can now serve and share Project Files over your Studiometry network
  • Huge overall performance increase (more than 100 times faster) for users with medium to large amounts of data
  • New Business History section of Accounting window lets you easily see total income and work of previous years or months
  • New Automated Invoicing section in Invoice tracker, set up Studiometry to create Invoices at scheduled intervals
  • New Items Awaiting Invoice section in Invoice tracker, easily finds work and expenses that still need to be invoiced
  • Can now hover the mouse over Clients and Projects in the main list to view extra info
  • Can filter Invoice Tracker by Client or Project and specified dates
  • Can filter To Do tracker by current employee
  • Can filter Alerts window by type, other improvements
  • Can now use extra characters in ID formats to include leading zeros, such as as 001 (see help docs for more info)
  • Reports now use Invoice settings for ID formats and numbers
  • Tax report exports now show each tax type's subtotal for invoice and grand total
  • Can use the equal sign (=) when editing Project Spec suites to give a spec a default value (see help docs for more info)
  • Project specs with line breaks will now be formatted correctly for invoice/report export
  • No longer displays blank row if a Client has no Projects when viewing in Clients > Projects mode
  • Added extra notes field to Employee info window
  • Immediately updates Project People tab after editing a contact
  • Improved performance in many windows
  • Added Calendar button next to date fields in Time Interval Editing window
  • Now encodes line breaks into Payment Terms in HTML exports
  • Fixed issue with permissions related to viewing project due dates in calendar
  • Fixed refresh issue cause by repeatedly activating the To Do Tracker
  • Fixed issue with editing Payments attached to non-live Projects/Clients
  • Fixed display issue with exported apostrophes in Internet Explorer
  • Fixed display issues with item coloring in certain windows
  • Gives error message when disconnected from your Studiometry server
  • Additional contextual menus in many areas
  • Additional error checking in many places
  • Now have the option of keeping the application open after errors
  • Many other minor updates and enhancements

Version 3.0.8 (10/5/2005)

  • Can once again drag vCards into Client list to create Client and Contact from a single vCard/Address Book entry
  • Can import/export To Do suites
  • Can import/export Spec suites
  • Increased performance in certain functions
  • Fixed rounding issue with some tax calculations
  • Fixed minor display issue with Invoice editing window
  • Fixed issue with creating a new timer from a To Do attached to a Client
  • Fixed issue with dragging Address Book contacts to contact list not correctly selecting sync mode
  • Fixed issue that could cause importing Address Book contacts to create duplicate contacts
  • Fixed possible crash from running timers window
  • Correctly calculates hours to 4 decimal places
  • Updated iWork/iBiz import to work correctly with new format

Version 3.0.7 (9/26/2005)

  • Added filter in Running timer window to view all timers, current employee's timers, or unassigned timers
  • Running timers window can now show total time or current interval's time
  • Running timers window can now show rates
  • Running timers window can now show running total price
  • Running timers window can now show associated Client name
  • Improved behavior of Date Selector on Mac
  • Added contextual menu to search window
  • Project summary tab now shows taxes included in Project total
  • Can set so adding To Do Suites to Projects will only count Business days until Due Dates
  • Fixed issue where date selector wouldn't work when accessing window via alerts window
  • Fixed issue where Saturday was not selectable in the Calendar
  • Unit price variable for invoice templates now shows marked up unit price if applicable
  • Fixed issue with importing contacts via the Import button in the contact editing window
  • Fixed issue with status item Timer submenus not modifying the correct timer
  • Fixed issue people were encountering while trying to save login name but not password for server connect window
  • Fixed possible crash while trying to log out from a deleted employee

Version 3.0.6 (9/6/2005)

  • New Time Sheet menu for easier access to certain Timer and Time Sheet functions
  • Can now filter payments tracker by Client and Project
  • Fixed issue where some setups would not correctly display debt/credit items in Invoice window
  • Fixed issue with invoice variables not displaying correctly on Windows
  • Added option to select Invoice/Report template line break formats
  • Will now display message on the client machine when attempting to connect to an incompatible version Studiometry server
  • Interface changes in template editing window
  • Additional Menu Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Several small interface enhancements
  • Option to ignore updates is now in update window (has always been in preferences window)
  • Fixed issue where users with non-US number formats would have issues with last added invoice numbers syncing incorrectly
  • Total tag now works correctly on report templates
  • Saves Project specs immediately when drag-reordering items
  • TaxAmountNoCur work correctly for report templates
  • Subtotal now shows project total without taxes in report templates
  • Fixed rare issue with certain project tax tag not showing correct tax amount in report when taxes are selected by project
  • Total now shows project total with taxes in report templates
  • Fixed some localization related issues

Version 3.0.5 (8/25/2005)

  • Several performance enhancements
  • Can filter clients in main window by client category
  • Added checkbox to show/hide Non-Live items in the search window
  • Apple iWork files can now have File Actions
  • Fixed issue with Client color checkbox not sticking
  • Redone Template Editing window
  • Fixed crash related to a specific invoice ID setup while creating new invoices
  • Fixed spelling issue with ProjectPurchaseOrderNumber tag
  • Changed occurrences of "Amount" to "Quantity" for inventory related items
  • Maintains selection in Search window when re-activating the window
  • Fixed issue with changing line breaks on Windows not exporting as break character
  • Fixed two potential crashes within the search window
  • Fixed an issue that would allow deletion of main debt/credit categories
  • Immediately updates debt/credit list when creating a new timer
  • Several interface enhancements
  • Now allows unregistered users 2 minutes of access per launch with expired trial

Version 3.0.4 (8/15/2005)

  • Fixed an issue related to creating contacts
  • Fixed other issues related to creating and modifying contacts
  • Fixed issue where certain Windows setups would not convert line breaks for HTML exports
  • Now creates HTML line breaks for other fields (billing other fields, debt/credit extra invoice, invoices notes, more)
  • Fixed issue with Project Archives window
  • Fixed potential crash with Invoice Editing window
  • More detailed information when copying a crash report to the clipboard for a support submission

Version 3.0.3 (8/8/2005)

  • Fixed long standing memory leak related to saving. Greatly improves performance and reliability
  • Can now also set Clients to Live and Non-Live to show and hide them from active lists
  • Huge increase to networking speed (after initial connection with this version) for users with large amounts of data
  • Will now show progress on initial sync when connecting to server
  • Optimized parts of networking code
  • Improved "Sync Now" menu items on both clients and servers to force a sync of all data
  • Now syncs Tax ID, Payment Terms, Default Rounding Type, and Round-All-Up options from server to Clients on a network
  • Now shows changes to Project info in main window immediately in a networked situation
  • Automatically rounds all hours when editing default preference in Preferences window
  • Fixed issue with timer rounding
  • Can now select to calculate tax reports by Invoice Issued or Invoice Paid dates
  • Can now set whether or not Studiometry will sync a Contact's company name into Address Book
  • Can double-click a Project in Client's Project list to select the Project
  • Added "Go To This Project's Client" to main project list contextual menu
  • Shows associated Client in search window Project list
  • Other improvements to main project list contextual menu
  • Added contextual menu to Running Timers window
  • Smaller save files
  • Will now automatically replace line breaks with HTML line breaks in HTML invoice/report exports
  • Changing view type of main list doesn't lose item selection
  • Creating clients/project doesn't change list view type
  • Selecting clients/projects from other windows doesn't change list view type
  • Auto-save time tweaked to save less frequently for larger files/slower computers and faster for the opposite case
  • Fixed issues with date formats where a computer set format of a 4 digit year could have issues with manually entered data with a 2 digit year
  • Fixed enabling issues with some plus buttons in the main window
  • Fixed issue where some un-archived projects wouldn't display correctly in main window
  • Fixed issue with exporting project specs
  • Fixed flickering issue for some canvases on Windows
  • Hides Description List button in Debt/Credit window on Windows because it is not completely functioning due to limitations in Windows
  • Interface improvements in project summaries section
  • Other interface improvements in main window
  • Now shows part of serial number in About Window
  • Extended demo to 21 days

Version 3.0.2 (7/29/2005)

  • Projects tab under client info lists all of Client's projects with balances/hours/totals
  • Fixed many issues users were having with networking of timers
  • Timers window is now immediately updated on all timer changes
  • Network stability greatly increased and memory usage decreased
  • Drastic computing speed enhancements for many commonly used networking functions
  • Fixed issue with editing taxes causing crash
  • Fixed issue with some status item menu items not functioning correctly
  • Fixed issue on Windows where moving the cursor over certain items would bring the window to the front
  • Added "Live" column to Project info in search window
  • Displays Client's color in main window Client list
  • More error checking & improved performance when creating invoices
  • Numerous small interface fixes/improvements

Version 3.0.1 (7/27/2005)

  • Fixed issue regarding invoices and upgrades from 2.x (
  • Fixed issue that would only allow 1 client machine to connect to a server on some setups
  • Fixed issue that caused a project's data not to immediately update between client computers on a network
  • Fixed crash caused by trying to delete a client/project twice
  • Fixed issues with preferences window related to Localizations
  • Fixed issue with crash in payments window
  • Fixed crash relating to different date formats in alerts window
  • Improved performance related to alerts
  • Fixed issue on Windows with multiple menu items having the same keyboard shortcuts
  • Now correctly saves custom map settings
  • Can restrict access to the Summary tab via the Accounting restriction options

Version 3.0 (7/25/2005)

  • Newly Redesigned Main Window
  • New Project Planning section for tasks, dependencies, and milestones
  • New Project Summary section recaps all information about a Project
  • New Project People section lets you assign specific employees and contacts to a Project for easy access to actions
  • Localizations now work on Windows
  • Project Templates for adding To Do's Suites and Spec Suites to a new Project
  • New Summaries features organizes and exports your data
  • Can now track Inventories in the Accounting Window for use with Debt/Credit quantities
  • Calendar window now support multi-day events, week/month view, searching sorting and filtering, and more
  • Can now toggle if a Project is "Live" or "Closed" and will show up in Project lists
  • New Tax Reports by Month, Quarter, Year, and customizable dates
  • New Editable Project Spec suites
  • New Editable To Do suites
  • New streamlined window for creating Running Timers
  • Newly Redesigned Preferences window
  • Completely redone To Do list print includes much more information and more organized
  • Many improvements and additions to Employee permissions
  • Can set employee permissions for using and viewing Inventories
  • Can set Studiometry to stop a File Action related timer when the File closes
  • New Actions menu and Action buttons in Main Window Client/Project list
  • Moved Project Specs into Main Window
  • Simplified Project Specs features
  • Alphabetized and updated Status Item menu
  • Improved Alerts window
  • Studiometry now saves Toolbar, Main List view, and Main window tab panel view settings by employee
  • Can set default timers by Client and Employees
  • Can now toggle employee's permission to edit Timers separately from Debt/Credit
  • Can now use for random letters and for random numbers in ID formats
  • Can now set Employee's permissions to edit other employees' timers
  • Can set Timer Rounding by Project
  • Can now Hide toggle Main Window Toolbar
  • Can now again select people from Address Book (Mac OS X) to import into Studiometry
  • Can now enter custom sites for Map data
  • Can select "Per Client" for the Invoice ID behavior
  • Can select and delete multiple items in Debt Descriptions window
  • Can now enter contact's First and Last names separately
  • Can assign Contact Logs to Projects attached to other Clients
  • Can now access Page Setup menu item while in Calendar, Invoice/Report Preview windows
  • Added Purchase Order # Field to Project Info
  • Added Estimated Hours field to Project Info
  • New TodayMonthName Invoice Template Variable
  • New ItemStartTime and ItemStopTime Invoice Template Variable
  • New version update notification allows user to ignore Studiometry updates, also lists out combined updates for all newer versions
  • New ID format for all data to increase search speed in program functions
  • Network status now shown in Main Window title bar
  • Client list in New Project Window is now alphabetized
  • Client and Project deletion window shows specific name
  • Rounding settings will now effect manually entered times
  • Unicode Date formats now work correctly with Studiometry
  • Recognizes more date formats entered into editfields
  • More Detailed Mouse Cursors throughout the application
  • Improvements with Editfield behavior
  • Now uses more System Settings when formatting large numbers
  • More frequently updated Status Item
  • Debt/Credit Description List window now available through Enter Time Sheet window
  • Improved speed for Auto-Fill function for Debt/Credit and To Do descriptions
  • Many other Speed improvements
  • Closing main window will correctly Quit the program on Windows
  • Fixed potential crash caused by switching employees from Employee menu
  • Fixed potential crash related to deleting payments
  • Fixed issue with WebKit that would cause it to become hidden
  • Fixed issue with Projects with same name in alphabetical lists
  • Fixed issue that would cause many stopped Timers to become Paused
  • Fixed issue with Enter Timesheet Window
  • Fixed display issue with Program Icon on Windows
  • Fixed issue with changing quantity in Debt/Credit window not updating the total amount
  • Fixed issues with TodayMonthNumber, TodayYearNumber, and TodayDayNumber Invoice Variables
  • Fixed issue with export feature in To Do tracker
  • Fixed minor display issue when opening Accounting Window
  • Fixed potential crash related to printing invoices
  • Fixed issue with moving calendar events to the last day of a month that had more days than the current month
  • Fixed issues with AddressBook syncing and AddressBook group
  • Fixed possible crash with Edit Tax window
  • Fixed bug that could cause orphaned contacts