
Studiometry Cloud Gets Running Timers

Studiometry Cloud is a service that syncs your data between Studiometry 12.x, Studiometry Touch, and our brand new web interface. The web interface lets you access a limited set of Studiometry’s features from anywhere, and automatically syncs back to your Studiometry app. This is great if you have freelancers that don’t want to install the app, or you don’t have access to your computer.

You can now manage Running Timers from any browser using Studiometry Cloud. Start, pause, and stop timers, select rates, add notes, and do almost everything you can do in Studiometry, but in your browser.

Sign up today for a free 30-day trial of Studiometry Cloud and start managing your business from anywhere. You can easily create a Studiometry Cloud account using previous data from any version of Studiometry. Learn about Studiometry Cloud.


Studiometry 12.5.5 Released

Hot off the compiler! There’s seriously nothing exciting in this release UNLESS you’re really into bug fixes and UX improvements. We’ve fixed several user-reported bugs and quirks. See the full change log here.

Studiometry 12.5.5 is a free update for Studiometry Cloud users and registered users of Studiometry 12.x, and is available now for download and purchase. New users as well as users of previous versions will get a free 30-day trial. Upgrades from Studiometry 11.x start at $59.95 USD per license, while upgrades from 10.x or older are $99.95 USD per license.



The Importance of Corporate and Mentoring Events for Team Building

Why corporate and mentoring events are increasingly important for team building within your organisation.

As a business owner, it is important to keep your team motivated. One way to do this is by hosting corporate events and team-building activities. This allows your employees to let loose and have fun while still being productive.

Corporate events can be anything from an office party to a company retreat. They are a great way to reward your employees for their hard work and to show them that you appreciate their efforts. Team-building activities help to foster a sense of camaraderie among your staff and can make them more likely to work together effectively.

Hosting corporate events and team-building activities can be a great way to improve morale and increase productivity in your business.

Types of Corporate Events and Team Building Activities to try:

1. Office Parties
2. Company Retreats
3. Team-Building Activities
4. Community Service Projects
5. Fun Runs or Walks
6. Escape Rooms
7. Paintball
8. Mentoring Events

Why Are Office Parties Good?

Office parties are a fantastic way to let your staff enjoy themselves and blow off some steam. It also helps them to bond with each other outside of work. This can lead to a more positive working environment and increased cooperation among employees.

What Is a Mentoring Event?

A mentoring event is when a more experienced employee teams up with a less experienced one to help them learn the ropes. This is a great way to build morale and increase productivity. It also helps to foster a sense of community within your organisation. If you want to learn more about how mentoring can be used in your organisation, book a free demonstration with PushFar, the world’s leading mentoring and career progression platform. Learn how to make the best corporate event in New Orleans.

What Are the Benefits of a Mentoring Event?

There are many benefits to hosting a mentoring event. Some of these benefits include:

1. It helps to build trust and cooperation among employees.
2. It can improve communication within your organisation.
3. It can help new employees learn the ropes and feel more comfortable in their position.
4. It can increase productivity by teaching employees new skills.
5. It can foster a sense of community within your organisation.

What Is an Escape Room?

An escape room is a physical adventure game in which players are locked in a room and must use elements of the room to solve a series of puzzles and escape within a set time limit.

What Are the Benefits of an Escape Room?

Escape rooms are a great way to get your employees working together to solve problems. They can also help to improve communication and teamwork skills. Additionally, escape rooms are a lot of fun and can be a great bonding experience for your staff.

What Are the Benefits of Team Building Activities?

Team building activities are beneficial because they help to improve communication and cooperation among employees. They also promote a sense of camaraderie and can make your staff more likely to work together effectively.

Can Remote Workers Do Team Building Activities?

Yes, there are many ways to do team-building activities remotely. You can use online tools such as Zoom or Google Hangouts to conduct virtual meetings, or you can assign group projects that employees can work on together.

Other Ways to Boost Team Morale

There are several ways to boost team morale, and hosting corporate events and team-building activities is just one of them. You can also try offering employees perks and benefits, such as flexible work hours or extra vacation days. Whatever you do, make sure that your employees know that you appreciate their hard work and are willing to invest in their happiness.

How Often Should I Do Team Building Activities?

It is important to do team-building activities on a regular basis to maintain a positive working environment. However, you don’t need to do them every day or even every week. Once a month or so should be sufficient. If you find that your employees are losing interest in the activities, then you can try doing them more often.

When Is the Best Time to Do Team Building Activities?

The best time to do team-building activities is when your employees are already in a good mood. For example, you can try doing them after a big project has been completed or after a holiday break. Doing them too often can lead to burnout, so make sure to mix them up with other activities.


New Training Video: To Do, Gantt Chart, Project Stage Linking

Studiometry has some very powerful project planning capabilities. This new video explains how to link them all together to make tracking project progress easier and more efficient.


New Training Video: Summaries

Summaries are one of the most powerful features in Studiometry. This video goes over custom summaries, built-in summaries, and on-the-fly summaries.